I’m coming, Lee Gun!
8 hours from Changi to Narita, 1 hour transit, 2 hours to Sapporo.
*Steels self* I can do this! I can do this for Oppa! Anything for Oppa!
Why are these words so familiar?


    Take care and have a safe trip, sweetie! Enjoy the lavender fields and don’t let the bees sting, it’s no joke, speaking from experience here!

    But which Oppa are you talking about, your Lee Gun Oppa or my Oppa? You’re getting confusing, you have so many Oppas!

    You do sound familiar, anyone I might know? *looks away whistling*


    Have a fun and safe trip! Make lots of incredible memories but get back safe ans sound!
    Maybe you’ll be able to catch a nice Oppa on the way lol…
