Quick question: can a doctor reveal the medical history of a patient so easily to just anyone?
That doctor in FOS had no qualms about informing YJ of SM’s condition. Or was she acting as his guardian?


    The same thought crossed my mind..! I also felt that the doctor’s acting was a tad awkward, so I kinda wondered if it was there just to have Yeo-jin learn of Shi-mok’s condition, to further cement how their relationship is one of trust and deep understanding of each other, or something like that. Like, even if it was okay to reveal the medical history of a patient in times like this i.e. sort of like an emergency, I wondered if there was a need to go to the extent of showing her the brain scans… 😅

    Perhaps Yeo-jin asked though, about the reason for his fainting. Supposing that doctors would have their patients’ well-being in mind, and when you have a relatively unknown patient there being treated in the emergency section, with only one person who shows up as the point of contact… maybe the doctor felt that it was better to have someone know of his condition given that he had had serious surgery before. Though really, they should have called his parents first or something.

    I’d say the scene is largely being used as a plot device 😑 And maybe as a wish fulfillment to the audience since everyone wants Shi-mok to have true friends who’d know him and care for him. 😐


      I was glad that YJ found out about him…. but you’re probably right in saying that it was largely just a plot device. Fortunately, this show is damn near perfection, so I find I can forgive such minor missteps.

      And I really do want Shi-mok to have someone who truly knows him. In this episode, I really just wanted someone to give him a hug and tell him that what happened wasn’t his fault, bc I think he was sort of blaming himself. >.<


        I agree with you.. >.< I feel like his gruffness with Eun-soo had partly been because he wanted to shield her from the investigation, because she does sometimes investigate too openly and aggressively in a way which endangers herself. And having this happen to her before he could clear matters up, possibly as a threat to him since he'd ignored the first warning (though of course we later find out the real reason), must have been such a terrible shock…

        Likewise, I'd secretly wished Yeo-jin could have stayed longer by his side at the hospital, and held his hand or something just to reassure him.

        We all need a Yeo-jin in our lives. Someone who truly knows us, accepts us, gently nudges us when we're over certain lines of human decency, but stays by our side to the end.
