Nobody could ever have played Earnest Bot, aka Eun Shi Kyung, with the nuances, subtlety and earnestness that JJS has played with. Eun Shi Kyung played by JJS is by far the best kdrama character!!


    I have watched my share of kdramas over the past seven years, and I think ESK is the best character ever written and played. Needless to say that any other actor other than JJS could never have given the character the depth and the level that JJS has. My absolute favroites, JJS and ESK!! I love them!! Every scene that JJS/ESK was in stole the show!!

    JJS, please come back to dramaland and give me more!


    And my heart still breaks every time. Drama killed this amazing character. Still can’t get over that.


      I feel like a chunk of my heart has been cut out forever, ESK shaped. That hole will never be filled, ever. I couldn’t watch after episode 18 for a very long time, I still can’t. My heart aches for ESK, the best character ever written. I can’t thank JJS enough for bringing the character to life and giving him the layers that he did. What a class actor!!! JJS is my absolute favorite!
