I was wandering what people were considered “idols” 100 years ago.


    This interested me so much I went and looked it up.
    But it’s a bit hard to categorize. I found the top 40 songs of 1917. World wide? America? idk https://playback.fm/charts/top-100-songs/1917/

    But if we’re talking Korea, then they were under Japanese occupation then and information on musicians then is proving a little more difficult to find hahaha.


      they didnt have to be musicians… who were on the same admired position as idols? Perhaps certain doctors? or if we go merely by looks not profession, then what kind of looks were “idolised”? were there people who were admired only for their good looks and became sort of idols? I would like to see their faces… I was also going through theatric encyclopedia yesterday that had local actors from the 1910s – 1930s and a couple of the entries mentioned the actor got the most roles because they were popular but never much critical acclaim. Just that the people loved them.


        True, true. Hmmm don’t have time to night but I’m curious about this haha, so I will do some hunting tomorrow if I remember!

        It’s a tough one cos 1917 was not a nice time for a lot of people… Since Europe was in the throes of WWI.
        I’m sure there were some scientists of the era who were looked up to. Ballet composers and dancers too. Marie Curie won two Nobel Prizes in 1910 and 1911…

        Oooh good find.
