Ep15 Synopsis: Heechan gives the Principal significant information on X that places Taewoon in crisis; Daehwi plucks up courage and tells Namjoo his feelings. In order to save Eunho, Taewoon considers sacrificing himself, while Eunho also makes a decision in order to protect Taewoon.

Teaser: https://www.facebook.com/KBSdrama/videos/1821754934509080/

What is this noble idiotic mess I didn’t ask for, show?! (ノД`) Desperately hoping it won’t be as bad as I’m picturing. I really want to love this show to the end.


    i didn’t sign up for this, show! 💔😭😭😭


    Thank you for sharing 🙂
    Now my reaction : wae wae waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeee ? argh only 2eps before the end and ep15 will be filled with noble idiocy, 😒 , dear School 2017 staff who read DB : only a kiss will ease my anger 😜


    Fans,especially Beanies, would be up in arms if Ep 15 is just full of noble idiocy. So Swoon staff that lurks in DB,better shape up and just mislead us again by the preview but surprise us IN A GOOD WAY for the actual epsiode. Got it?
