Picked up Mask! So unexpectedly addictive! I’d forgotten how much I love Su Ae. Heard not so good things about the finale but for now I’ll just enjoy.


    Oh, Mask!
    I watched the first three episodes on the edge of my seat and with my mouth perpetually open in wonder.
    Right now it’s on hold though, since there was a storm coming and I couldn’t handle it.
    I am planning to finish it sometimes soon, at the very least because of the main couple’s cute chemistry.


      Ahhh yes! I loved how intense the beginning episodes were, though once they’re married the tension winds down a little, if that helps 😊. The lead couple /is/ the main reason I’m watching right now, bc their relationship is so well-written and totally worth the watch 😊 I’m on episode 13 now which is very full of cute, it’s almost too sappy haha, but hoping you can catch up at least to there!


        I think that is where I left off. You know that feeling of calm before the storm? That was what I felt. And well, the idea of what was probably about to happen was killing me.
        Right now I am in need of light rom-coms with minimum to no angst, but when I feel again up to the angst of a melo, I’ll be sure to run back to Mask. 🙂


          Oh okay! Haha I’m feeling the same way actually. I plan to watch only until ep 16 and then hold off for a while. I need to see them get to a point where he knows who she really is and tells her he loves her anyway, and then after that, I might stop for a while, only because I don’t want to see the inevitable angst afterwards


            That’s the moment I am scared of!
            Honestly, they are so cute and their relationship is so frail as it is, I don’t know how he’ll take it. So, yeah. Not speaking of the additional angst with other people (his family) finding out.
            Good luck watching. 🙂


    Yes, towards the finale it does lose its steam a little bit, but it is somewhat of an addictive ride!

    Oh and the villain(s) is/are sooooo much fun to watch!!

    Have fun watching Mask!
