These Goblin’s OSTs had reached the 1️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣,0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣➕ cumulative download milestone in the Gaon Chart. 😄🍻😄
Hoping for more OSTs reaching this milestone. 🎉Chukahae🎉


    Goblin OST is the best in all dramas
    I’ve ever watched 💕


      Agree. 😄

      Hoping I Miss You and Who Are You will reach the 1 million milestone too as they’re quite close to pass that mark. 💪💪


        Goblin OST fighting! ❤ I believe Ailee’s is number 1, right? I saw in one article months ago. I still listen to that song with all the feels 😍


          Ailee’s song is ❤️. … reaching for Kleenex whenever I remember the song … Currently there is a flood of comebacks by trendy singers like G-Dragon and Bolbbalgan4 so it’s difficult for that song to stay no. 1.

          Perhaps the article you had read is about the Gaon Chart 2017’s first quarter review where I Will Go To You Like The First Snow nabbed the first place.

          With more comebacks next week, Goblin OSTs probably will have a hard time to survive in the chart. 😢

          On a more positive note, current cumulative download for Ailee’s song is 1.6+ million. Last year No. 1 song in Gaon Download Chart got 1.9+ million. So if the song keeps going strong until the end of 2017, there is a chance for you may guess what.😇🍻😇
