With all the dramas piling on, at least I now know for sure what my preferred mode of drama-watching is, altho with a few exceptions. It’s decidedly not live-watching 😝😝
Live-watching as I have learned, only results in comparing the airing dramas and naturally gravitating towards the more exciting ones. This way many lower key or milder ones which might be really cute or calming by themselves, seem boring and get dropped. Unfortunately.
May 25, 2017 at 8:29 AM
With all the dramas piling on, at least I now know for sure what my preferred mode of drama-watching is, altho with a few exceptions. It’s decidedly not live-watching 😝😝
May 25, 2017 at 9:02 AM
Live-watching as I have learned, only results in comparing the airing dramas and naturally gravitating towards the more exciting ones. This way many lower key or milder ones which might be really cute or calming by themselves, seem boring and get dropped. Unfortunately.
May 25, 2017 at 9:19 AM
Yep, that’s one reason why my mode of preference is such. It satisifes the completist in me 😆