Also, I loved how Heo Im takes care of her. Its so sweet but also simultaneouly funny? And that whoel scene where the nurse is trying to stich her up adn Heo Im is just jhovering in the background liek a mother hen. And then when she’s liek “um are you her boyfriend?” Heo Im’s adamant “What? No!” followed immediatly by “not yet” LOL!!! And his face when the nurse hurts Yeon Kyung like he just looks like he trusted her and she betrayed him in the worst way possible! So Much Fun!

I also love the bed scene where he just kind of tucks her in adn then they wake up tangled up in each other’s arms. And the nurse’s scandalous reaction when she finds them and the way Yeon Kyung just shoves Heo Im off the bed like when did you get up here? And hes just: “you asked me to last night. You said it was cold-” and Yeon Kyung has to shush him again!

And yes that kiss scene. That beautiful kiss scene. That whole buildup was done so freaking well? Just thinking about how hard it must be to be passionate onscreen with a billion people looking on as they shoot the scene. But they did it so well, I felt the tension and then the ultimate passion when they finally kissed after 12 freaking episodes! So worth it though! So, so worth it! #Live up to your name