3Meals a day S4E4
Title update : 3 Oppas a day with handsome guest and 2 cats for the cuteness overload 😊


    honestly, did anyone think that YKS was abusing his cats by bringing them to the island and exposed them in uncomfortable environment ? i read in translation blog that knetz complain about his cats being abused as they notice the cats has breathing issues. i actually thought the cat is bothered by hot weather(like my cat) more than uncomfortable.


      I actually just read a thing about heat and fur in cats, whether you should shave them. Interestingly it said don’t because the fur actually helps keep them cool!! And truthfully they seem very content and don’t seem to display any anxiety. They are living on a beautiful island with fresh sea air and have a loving owner. I think they are just fine 😉☺️ (I wish my kitty was half as snuggly as his). The breathing could also be a breed thing. I haven’t watched this season, so I don’t have a point of reference 😑 But, never noticed anything last season.


    I’m still on ep2 of 3MADS4, so something to look forward to.

    Re: the cats: I have a cat who has breathing issues no matter what the weather of where she is. Some cats just just do, and if it’s hot and humid they’ll be hotter because of the long hair these cats have. Honestly, I think the Knetz need to calm down.


      it was bad enough that he need to clarify this issue on his IG. mine always has breathing issue when the weather is too hot. his cats probably the same as they filmed this on summer and the cats always stay in the house.


        If they are so upset, why don’t they all go out and rescue all those poor street cats that have to live in hot weather because they have no choice? Sorry, but this kind of “getting upset so I can be upset but I’m not going to actually DO anything to help” makes me really angry.
