1500 words of fangirling on Strongest Deliveryman on my blog! http://dayan.xyz/2017/09/16/checking-in-on-strongest-deliveryman-episodes-1-12/


    I loved your fangirling post ^___^ it’s funny how Strongest Deliveryman seems so uninteresting on paper but when you watch the drama and almost all the characters are lovable and their personality have so many ‘colors’ to them, it feels so good to watch, doesn’t it?. About the bit you wrote of Kang-soo delivering a speech to Dan-ah mentioning the male privilege and how he admire her for enduring for so long in the business also made me emotional too, and i personally think Kang-soo is perfect as a character and this scene only consolidated my thoughts on him.

    Also, unrelated to Strongest Deliveryman, i saw another post of yours, about the hilariously crazy jdrama “Fuben na Benriya”, i’ve binged watched this one too and have no regrets lol, i started watching this after seeing Okada Masaki in “Okitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku”.

    I think this comment got too long lol.


      Omg thank you so much for reading my post! It means a lot! And yes, that’s why I didn’t initially watch this one because it sounded boring on paper. But this drama is populated by such lovable characters that makes it so comfortable to watch. I feel like I’m seeing a group of people I wish I was friends with.

      Initially, I thought Kang-soo was TOO nice of a person and being a cynical person, I’m not entirely sold or comfortable with those kinds of people. With too-nice characters in dramaland, I tend to feel like they’re not really real people because it’s impossible not to feel anger! (Except for those with psycopathic conditions maybe)

      But then as the episodes went by, that thought immediately disappeared. Go Kyung-pyo was so believable and adorable and then we saw how tortured he was by his feelings of anger for his mother. Anyway, I don’t know if I’m making any sense.

      I do agree though that he’s a perfect character. That speech!!!

      OMG you watch jdramas too! (And really, huhu, thank you for reading my little space in the void!) It was indeed hilariously crazy and perfect for binge watching, especially if you’ve had a bad day. I love Okada Masaki but I haven’t seen Okitegami because I’m only coming back to jdramas now and there are a lot to catch up on!

      Really huhu you made my day! Just knowing that someone read my blog!


        Yeah i was also afraid that Kang-soo would be too nice, which would be frustrating for us viewers, but gladly he’s nice but not an idiot lol. I really like what the writer’s doing to all the characters, she doesn’t let them become a cliche.
