Made me think of this meme I’d had saved for ages

*I didn’t sign up to be here* *being and idol was NOT PART of the ten year plan, ok?* *I just wanted to play bass* *was that too much to ask* *apparently so* *oh gosh he wants to change the title song* *again* *throws shade in general direction of Han Gyeol*


    Bwhahahahah this is so true. Infinite has more than one though lmao. Especially Hoya. And Sunggyu too. Actually I’m pretty sure SG literally IS that kid, cuz apparently he joined Woolim to become a rock singer in a band like Nell and look where that got him 😳

    And then there are guys like Jinwoon who wants to just do rock, but somehow ended up as a ballad idol first yet seemed perfectly happy lol

    (Oh and will respond to you guys’ notifs, just… I’m super busy this week so don’t know when I’ll get around to it, maybe tonight? No? Yes? Who knows)


      GIRRRRL you just pop out of nowhere!!!
      I am going to church but will reply to this quickly.
      Hm maybe why Hoya left?
      HAHAHA awww poor SG… He has amazing vocals though, he could start his own band when he’s older and still kill it.
      Pfffffft. I feel like people who want to be rock stars should maybe not join YG and Woolim… 😉 😉
      Yeah, like Suga in BTS, he just wanted to produce music, not get stuck in a dance group! lel. But he gets to produce more now 😛
      (all good take your time, as you have noticed watching this^ has started which meant 37 notifications this morning haha)


        What? Who? Me? Out of nowhere? Nooooo, not at alll 😛
        Yeah, am thinking that too. But also was reminded, when I read those news, of how he once talked about his knees/legs giving him a lot of pain and apparently at that time he shouldn’t even be dancing and he was afraid to be a burden to his members. I thought maybe that’s why? I dunno though. But apparently he’s originially all for hiphop, so might be the case too.

        Ikr and apparently he even tends to do rock solo stages in concerts lol. Feel bad for him though, cuz Woolim DID have Nell, so I can see why he’d have thought that, they might have told him that could happen for him too…

        (eep! That’s a lot. Although at times I’ve had that no of notifs from you and Muchie alone pffft. And glad you’re finally watching it, it’s such a fun and fluffy, but also sometimes heartwrenching ride.)


          ‘inappropriate word’ yay… and I forgot to copy.
          *sponge-bob meme voice* *twenty notifications later* *kaybee is definitely in the building haha*

          Ooooh really? He was dancing with bad knees? That’s not good tst tst
          He’s so good at dancing though, like really good, and seems to enjoy it… idk, I don’t suppose we’ll ever know exactly why but I hope he does well in his new path and takes care of himself.

          I thought Nell was Seo Taiji’s company? *googles it* ah so they were with Seo Taiji from 2002, and then joined Woolim in 2006.

          (Hahaha well that’s what happens when you’re away and the mice play! hehehe 😛 I’m glad I have time at the moment, cos otherwise I don’t think I’d be able to keep up with them tbh… it’s a bit crazy.
          😀 😀 I am enjoying it so far, but we’re only on episode 2 so yeah.)
