*is supposed to be saving comments to get 5k/11k at the same time* *but @mochime posted* *and @chingu updated her profile and cover pic* *is unnecessarily excited*


    HA! @mochime gets on every once in a blue moon, maybe makes a new post, and sticks around for a few comments, and then *poof* she’s gone like the wind! But she’s really not, because she’s still here in the house–just doing other stuff. Haha.

    This is sweet, though! *is excited because you’re excited* I have SO MANY photosets that I’ve yet to post, and I don’t even know where to start!


      Hahahaha here but not here… say hi to her from me from time to time when she’s not on 😛
      Tell her she at least has to come on ONCE on the 18th cos BTS’ comeback…


        Will do! She says the same thing to me every now and then, too. “Tell Sicarius I said ‘hi’.”

        Ha, that’s today! She’s been saying, “Their comeback is gonna be out at 4am… but it’s a school day… but…” She was also saying how she was overwhelmed with their comeback since they’re so big now, so many new armies, etc.


          Hahaha oh I’m so lucky… it comes out at 9PM here hehehe

          GIRL. SAME. I FEEL THE SAME WAY. It’s more than a little daunting. They weren’t even this big when I got into them over a year ago 🙁


            … *fidgets* I’LL SLEEP SOON, I PROMISE. Maybe… Just one more comment!

            Haha, I’ll let her know you feel the same. But yeah, their popularity has definitely shot pretty high up there. They always had a pretty big international fanbase, but it’s most likely gotten bigger after they won the Billboard Awards, which, so so proud of them!


          You’re probably asleep now though right…
          Seeing as it’s almost 5am there? Gosh, you’ll be getting up soon haha.

          It’s got bigger because of a few things. HYYH era, so I need U, Dope and Fire, that was the start. Then Blood Sweat and Tears had every man and his dog reacting to it, and the YT viewers went crazy over that.
          And THEN the Billboards happened… so yeah O.o
          It’s nice to know I’m not the only fan who overwhelmed? hmm yes


            Was totally asleep, yes!
            I wanted to get to all my notifications before I signed off. When I thought I got to all of it, I realized I still had a couple more of yours to get to!

            Lol @ “every man and his dog”!
            Yep, you’re definitely not the only one that feels that way. I can kind of understand you guys, even though I’m not an Army. Like, K-dramas and like, K-pop culture has such a special place in my heart that when I see how popular it all is, a part of me’s like, “That’s amazing,” but another part of me’s also like, “Ehhh, but I don’t really want it to be that big.” But that’s really just the negative and jealous part of me that I’m not very proud of.


          Hahahaha yeas and now I have lots of tabs open to reply to YET AGAIN.

          I said it as an idiom but now that I think about there’s a 80+% chance that there is a ‘My Cat reacts to Kpop/BTS’ video.

          Well no. I don’t think it’s always a negative thing to think like that. I think we all think that about the things we like. We don’t really want it to become mainstream. And also, particularly with BTS, and K-culture, but with everything, the more followers something has, the more haters their are, and more judgement because of that bigger fanbase. Thus there is more toxicity and less authenticity, when people just use it for views, click bait, or to be “in trend”.
          I’m very glad that Block B and FTI have very niche fanbases, because there is less of that. And also my metal music. Metal music is super niche, and metal heads have been round for years, but Metal is not “mainstream” and it’s often refreshing? Because you know people are only there because they like metal, and not because it’s the thing to like and follow.
          So I totally get that sentiment towards Kpop. I like that the world is slowly learning about the music of other cultures but I don’t like HOW it’s learning about them
          Take for example, Despacito. Latin Pop song, made popular because of Justin Bieber. And you have people all shocked that it’s so big and I’m like ‘Latin Pop is huge, so is South American, and it’s fanbase is crazy and yet you people are surprised that it’s so big please educate yourself on the world.’ Same goes with Kpop. People are surprised that this is a big thing, and it’s like YOURS IS NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT EXISTS. So whilst I WANT people to know that other tv and music exists, to expand their cultural mind set, I’m also like ‘is it worth it for their ignorance to impede on something I enjoy?’ which I guess… hahaha is a bit asshole-ish of me but yeah.
          Anyway, sorry, rant over haha
