Story of my life


    ahahahaha… *cries in the corner*


      *waves to @sicarius from different corner and offers a brownie from pan baked at midnight last night*

      (it would be best for everyone involved not to comment on how many are left).


        *accepts left over brownies gratefully*
        As long as there are enough for me eat…


    Child. Yes. Y’all stay in your corners, I’ll be under my (air)mattress (no furniture, hey!) binge watching All!the!dramas! Messes clean themselves…don’t they?


      You may also have a brownie.


        Thank you. Again, messes clean themselves. The crumbs will take care of themselves (this is not commentary on the state of my kitchen….he…he…he)


          Meh, even if it doesn’t clean itself, we can always burn it down and start again, right?

          I mean, maybe try to be smart about the arson, but you know what I mean.


            This is my response to everything. Burn it down. Arson may not be the best option, but lets all admit that its a viable option. I mean…thats why there are so many of them in prison. They took that shot. I could be advocating arson here, so…I’ll stop. Like…arson is bad and stuff. (I may have threatened to burn my old library down every day that I worked there)


          …my favorite thing to mutter under my breath may be “die in a fire”…

          And to think, I want to be a criminal defense attorney. Maybe it’s a “live vicariously through your clients” type thing? My college BFF just recommended a podcast about murders to me, so I may have more deep-seated issues.


            One of my favorite non-drama shows is Murder Made Me Famous. I am glued to my seat like…he did what? Why? Duuuuuude. And I once read a biography of a cat burglar and was super offended that I wasted my time reading all of those pages and he never explained how or why or the mechanics of becoming a cat burglar. Like—did he look up at this building like—yeah. I can climb stuff. Lets go steal some shiz!! He NEVER explains. Its just this thing that he did. Like—I took out my garbage today. He relieved a handful of people in the mid70s of millions of dollars worth of objects…Pah. HOW? WHY? I need so much more information than a 300+ page book gave me.

            My favorite thing to say about a person who annoys me: If you were on fire and I had water? I would drink it.


            whats the podcast?


          Podcast is “My Favorite Murder” which I am now downloading random episodes of to listen to later.

          I love a good crime story. The book by of the dude Catch Me if You Can is about is somehow even more interesting than the movie. He just…did stuff. And people bought it. (Granted it was the 70s, but still! The shit he got away with was amazing.) I’m also lowkey kind of obsessed with the OJ Simpson case from a purely academic perspective, partially from remembering it a bit and partially because it’s a case where the attorneys just did so much stuff that is insane. And partially because holy hell that was a gruesome murder. I still need to watch the OJ show, but I watched the docu-series and it’s fantastic.


            I haven’t seen it. But I remember the trial. And OJ is still out here–just…doing stuff. Just as weird as he wants to be.

            Oh, I’ll put that book on my tbr. I didn’t know that was based on a true story. I’ve only seen it a few times but one of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Tom Hanks (I. Love. HIm) comes to Leo’s characters mom’s house and she’s all–let me just write you a check. And he stares at her as she pulls out her checkbook and then rattles off a number over a million dollars.


          T.Hanx is gift to the universe. Leo, less so. (I won’t go into it, but he’s a good actor and I’ll leave it there.) The movie is delightful, and I love it. The book is a really easy read from what I recall (I read it like a decade ago). Just the breezy way he recalls all his cons and the ease at which he pulled off some of that insanity is fantastic. He also talks about the aftermath and that was really interesting.


            I’ll give it a shot. All I know is over the past I’ll say–year or so, I’ve become and more interested in criminals. That sounds–massively wrong (and I’m not even trying to be a lawyer)–but I’ve been reading true crime books and like I said, watching Murder Made Me Famous and who knows what else. I would blame it on Dr. Spencer Reid but I’ve been watching that show for years.
