Seriously though… I’m not even watching the King Loves but I look at the recaps anyway to see thE DRamA! pfffft


    The drama isn’t on DB recaps.


      … I got really confused reading that because I was like ‘DB isn’t recapping the drama?’ ‘but they are???!’ *is tired* *that’s probably why she should rephrase her original statement*: more like… what happened in this show this episode? Is anyone dead yet? Has anyone got the girl yet? No? Okay, moving on we’ll come back later… so more for the actual recap than the fan drama…


        Huh? Did I confuse you? I had thought you mean the “drama” happening on forums where this show is concerned.

        In short, I think the story is quite well told and beautiful in a way. The only flaw is that the writer tries to ambiguous. However, I also see many clues so I am not confused. I must disclaim however that until the ending is shown, I could still be possibly wrong.

        It’s interesting though to see how viewers sees what they want to see. Something that is black and white to me can be the opposite or grey to them.


          I did mean that, and I figured out what you meant. I just read it the wrong way at first. It’s me, not you haha.

          It’s Healer’s writer… that was what originally attracted me to watching it, back at promo stage. But I haven’t picked it up yet. :/
          Sort of still want to? But almost want to wait till the end so I don’t have to trudge through love triangle shenanigans. I really do hate love triangles, as much as I love Healer’s writer.

          Very much so. It makes discussion either that much more in depth, or that much more polarized lol.


    Lol that is so me. I’m low key sitting here and looking at all the drama that’s obviously happening on the show, but I don’t have the energy to actually watch this drama? Its so much more entertaining reading all the thoughts on Dramabeans fanwalls.


      Hahaha exactly! I feel like I will watch it one day? But I’m not sure… I was sold and now I’m not hehe.
      I only read recaps for the Perfect Wife, and I think I skimmed a few? episodes? In the middle? or something. But the recaps were the best. I had so much fun haha. And that was such a crazy drama.


        I’m not even kidding but me too? I started Perfect Wife for Sung Joon bit coudlent continue with it because of how crazy it got. But I followed it through the recaps though. I think I did tjat for a couple of other dramas. Currently Manhole and TKL are the two dramas I’m only reading recaps for.


          HAHAHAHA wow… I think we need a list of how many similarities we’ve found between us tonight.
          I was initially interested in it because of Sung Joon but I remember something about the premise put me off it. Then I got bored one lunch break and binge read all the recaps and it was fun.
          The last one I did most of like that was The Best Hit. I haven’t really been following TKL properly but I skim through it occasionally. It and Age of Youth 2 even though I’m watching S1 atm


            I know!! So many weird similarities! I have been low key stalking Sung Joon since Flower Boyband so I make an effort to watch his dramas even though most of them are so bad! After Madame Antoinette I decided to just read recaps of his dramas first because God knows I can’t get back the lost hours watching weird dramas.

            TLK I’m not following avidly either. Its just that I want to know who ends up with whom. I’m just weirdly curious about that even though I don’t care about anyone else in this drama at all. Also Yoona so I won’t be watching this in the future either.

            I loved Age of Youth! So much fun even though the show totally managed to creep me out. I remember watching this drama and then wishing I had roommates to have roommate shenanigans with. The whole idea of socializing seemed so glamorous for a second and that’s the kind of drama power I’m talking about. 😛 Also I shipped everyone in that drama and it seems to be the same with Season 2.


          ” have been low key stalking Sung Joon since Flower Boyband ” DING DING DING another similarity hehehe. I actually think he’s a very good actor, he just doesn’t always pick spectacularly well written dramas haha I’m half way through Madame Antoine… haven’t… finished it… haha

          “Its just that I want to know who ends up with whom. I’m just weirdly curious about that even though I don’t care about anyone else in this drama at all”<<< LOL ARE YOU ME. I just feel like if I find out who she gets with, that will be enough for me. And then everything else I can take or leave. Although sometimes I'm tempted to watch sageuks just for the costumes cos dayum.

          Yes I am quite enjoying it! I watched the first 3 episodes a while ago, in June I think, with a friend when I was in the States, but she didn't really get into it so then I stopped. And I skimmed recaps because I wanted to see what happened to Jin Myung and her chef!!Cos it was a bit slow at that point and I wasn't sure if I'd finish it. Followed the S2 posts, was nervous because of cast changes. And THEN. Everyone started posting funny things about S2 so I was like 'fine… better finish S1 then' and binged most of it in a few days, and it's good. Hahaha.

