Is it just me, or does anybody else, when there’s a kidnapping scene in film, try and figure out how I’d get out of it if it were me? Obviously some I don’t have a solution for but others… *AOY1*


    I do that too! So you’re not the only one with this unique quality 😛


    I do this. I, of course, can (almost) never figure out how to get kidnapped and figure I’d just get murdered. But I do this! And because it can’t be said enough….Jan Di just needed to stand, the f*ck, UP. The first time she was kidnapped in Boys Over Flowers.


      Pffahaha oh dear.
      Boy, I forgot that even happened… shows you how much I care about BOF now…


        The buddywatch may have made me grumpy?


          Hahaha quite possibly! How did you get through it all..,. AGAIN?


            Shhhhhhh (I still have 3 eps to watch) shhhhhh


      Ha when you said Jan-di just needed to stand up my first thought was you were referring to one of her near drowning incidents. I distinctly remember yelling at the screen for her to Just Stand Up. I swear she could drown in a teacup.


        Yeah, there were quite a few of those. Stand up, Jan Di. STAND UP. But no, the first time she was kidnapped when she broke her shoulder(or whatever), her arms were (loosely) tied behind her but her legs weren’t tied to anything. All. She had. To Do. Was STAND UP. Thats it. At any given time. Stand up. Too stupid to live. Thats why she almost drowned so many times.


    I always imagine that I would be all awesome and clever when in reality, I probably would just sit there and whimper. lol


      I like to think I’d be really annoying to kidnap because I’d be sarcastic all the time and try and escape at every possibly opportunity. But I actually have no idea what I’d be like since it’s a bit hard to really put yourself in that situation.


        That’s the other scenario. I’ll say something super sarcastic and get myself shot.


          LMAO Right? I think about that a lot “Ahh yes out sass the enemy” “wait that’s a bad idea they’d probably just shoot you to shut you up”
          Unless of course they NEEDED you alive… but then they’d just beat you up.

          *tries to contain the sarcasm* *can’t*
          *mutters something under breath* “what was that?” “what? huh? oh… nothing…”


          Even in my dreams of heroics I can manage to imagine myself into the worst case scenario-


    Yes that’s literally me! I have watched so many weird dark dramas by now that I have a lot of weird tips about how to escape. And I always get frustrated when the kidnapped person doesn’t do anything to escape? Like there are so many options omg do something!


      Hehehe yay! More kindred spirits…


        Hahahhaaa Yes!! Lookout frustrated me to no end in its final episodes. There were so many ways that could have gone down. SO MANY WAYS!!! Anyways I now find myself criticizing all scenes in crime thrillers/detective dramas. Crime/detective thrillers are my favorite genre so needless to say I have a lot of weird ideas!


          Did you read my 5000 word college paper that I wrote when I finished it??
          … I got… hmmm maybe a little too emotionally invested in that show. Which I don’t normally do with shows.
          Hahaha more and more ways we are alike! Technically, thrillers/action are my favourite genre too… I just find that they’re harder to do well?
          Like, unpopular opinion maybe, but the last 5 episodes of City Hunter? Still make me salty. Oh so so very salty.


            No! I remember reading through the Lookout posts and you saying you were going to post it. But I took a break off of Dramabeans after that and never got around to reading it. Can you put a link up so I can take a look? I would love to read your thoughts on the drama.

            Yes my favorite genre is also the thing that makes me so frustrated. I was looking forward to LJK’s Criminal Minds and after the first couple I just had to drop it for the sake of my sanity. The amount of face palming involve while watching the show was insane! the last favorite thriller I watched was probably Tunnel and the infamous Forest of Secrets? Even if FoS was not strictly procedural. OCN is my home now. I just live there. Oh also True Detective. My friend kept badgering me to watch it and I finally did and omg! Mind blown!

            When City Hunter came out I was totally riding my high from discovering Lee Min ho and K-dramas so I totally thought it was the shit! But I recently watched it about a year ago and yeh I get what you mean by the end. The show didn’t do it for me the second time around, maybe because I watched Healer and kept mentally comparing the two?

            By the way have you watched Falsify or Argon? I was planing to give them a try since I’m pretty much out of thrilling dramas to watch. I’m starting on Save me this weekend as well.


          I’m gonna try keep this short cos I really need to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow too.

          Ahhh I’ve heard good things about the first two? seasons of TD. Haven’t watched it though… I haven’t watched anything in English in over a year… hahaha

          I watched CH after Healer too so that probably didn’t help haha. Whilst I thought the acfight scenes were slightly better in CH, the writing in the last 5 episodes frustrates me so much haha. I’d go into more detail but I just said I’d keep this short.

          I have not, no! Haven’t even really looked into them yet actually. Haven’t heard anything spectacular about them though?
          Save me is on my to watch list, when it’s finished airing. I prefer to binge Thrillers I think. Especially that kind of thriller. What with the cult and all. We;ll see though. 🙂

          (I will reply to your other comments in the morning hun- I really need bed!!! x)


            Ahh 미안 the google doc link IS at the top of that comment thread or here:


            Its about 2:30 pm here right now and I’m almost done with work. Its Thursday so almost everyone left by now and here I’m waiting for my ride and posting comments.

            FOS is honestly the best drama of this year. If you have anything else on your immediate watch list, watch it before FoS because the withdrawl post FoS is real! I’m not even kidding everything else will just feel so simplistic and two dimensional with petty conflicts. This was also the reason I dropped Criminal Minds like a hot potato because that dramas logic. *face palm*

            Watched only the first episode of TD and its amazing. Also features cults and ritualistic killings and detective partners who don’t like each other much. so its right up my alley.

            I heard Argon is good. Tried to watch Falsify but wasn’t feeling it as much last week so im going to give it another shot today. Save Me I was saving for last but I don’t have much on my currently watching list so I’m going to watch it.

            Okis I’m going to read your comments when I get home. My rides here. Goodnight @sicarius it was awesome chatting with you!


          When wrote that comment it was about 10:30 pm? Thursday. Where do you live?

          So I’ve heard haha… looking forward to it to be honest because good thrillers done well are just so satisfying.
          Ahahahaha! I have a lot on my watch list! Too Much! The next most immediate one is The Liar and His Lover though. So very different genre that.

          Apparently it got worse after S2 cos they changed actors and it wasn’t the same :/ But I’d be up for the first two seasons one day probably.
          It’s not that I can’t watch cult things… it’s just I’ve seen some comments regarding the religious themes in Save Me… and sometimes that hits too close to home. I can watch it, just in doses.

          Well, you can be my trial bunny (since I have too much to watch rn hehe) and tell me if either are better!
          What’s your favourite drama of all time? (If it’s FOS pick another one hehe)


            I live in Kuwait and no before you ask I’m not Kuwiati. I’m originally from Bangladesh but I just lived in Kuwait my whole life. It’s 12:18 pm here right now and I just woke up because weekend!

            I recently watched Lady and her Liar roo. I completely missed the hype train when it was happening and watched it later on. It was a different experience watch alone but still very enjoyable. Joy is a joy to watch (lol) But the guy, I forgot his name, just never convinced me he was a collage student? He looked so freaking young and I always see him in high school dramas so that was an issue for me. Other than that it was really cute show with lots of good character moments. Watch the Japanese movie also if you haven’t. I actually watched that first. It’s very different tonally so that’s was interesting.

            I totally get about the religious context being too much at times. For me it’s sometimes the violence of human nature that gets too much at times. And I then need to wash it off of me before I can watch it again. Gets depressing if you watch the same themes also so I balance it with more rom coms.

            Aghhh don’t ask me to choose one!! My mind just melted at the thought. Off the top of my head though some favourite dramas I can think of: Healer, signal, Missing Noir, Tunnel, Mystery Queen, Chicago Typewriter, coffee prince, My Girl, discovery of romance, AoY 1/2, reply series,FoS, Father is Strange, etc.

            Current favourite is lingerie girls generation which is just ticking off all my boxes for me!

            What’s your favorite drama of all time?


          First of all- I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY. THERE WERE THINGS GOING ON AND LOTS OF NOTIFICATIONS AND I wanted to be in a good headspace to reply to this.

          Second of all- KUWAIT. COOL! I can add ANOTHER time zones to my list of ‘time zones I know people in’. I currently have 12? or possibly 13 time zones on that list! hehe
          That’s really cool though. What language/languages do you speak?

          Ahaha I missed it live too. I didn’t have time at that point, and the premise surprisingly didn’t overly compel me at first? But my only irl drama friend is LHW bias so I was waiting for her… AND! we’re finally watching it! Started it on Friday haha.
          Lee Hyun Woo? Hehehe funny cos he’s 24… 😛 I guess because I know that I don’t find it so weird? Haha plus a lot of college students are actually in the 19-23 bracket and ARE very young. I guess we just don’t necessarily think about them that way.
          Good character moments- yeahp am noticing that already. 🙂
          Oooh I have not watched it but will put it on my list!!! Thank you!

          I’ve never really reached a violence cap surprisingly… especially not in dramas, when they tend to edit enough for that. But I totally agree that you have to balance them with rom coms!!! I have to do that as well!

          Ahahaha I’m sorry!!! Should’ve said top 3 or something hehe.
          Ooooh a good list though!!! Haven’t seen all of them but I also really like the ones I have.

          Ooh. WIll have to put that on my list… have too many other things going on rn to start another one! hahaha

          That would be Healer. Hands down. I love it. Have watched it 3 times (or well almost, minus 4 episodes but shh).
          It’s interesting though because I recently saw a beanie post asking who prefered City Hunter over Healer, and the positives for City Hunter were MY postitives for Healer, and the negatives for Healer were MY negatives for City Hunter! Which is quite confusing- because one can be sure that one is right… and yet… opinion is still opinion. That being said, I think when it comes to technical quality of something, that is more fact than opinion, and yet it’s still based on our perception, so how does one even truly critique something…

          IN OTHER FAVOURITE DRAMAS: Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju and My Love From the Stars are up there, along with Reply 97, Shut Up Flower Boy Band, Shopping King Louis and Lookout. A lot pf the thrillers I know I will like, I haven’t watched yet haha but am looking forward to them.


            Its OK that’s pretty much what’s happening with me right now too! There just so much going on I haven’t had time for much else. I did read like 3 pages of your article and its super interesting and so far all things I agree with! I’ll read the rest as soon as I get some time off from everything and so a proper response because that totally needs a response!

            Oh we have the same favorite dramas! I love You from another star its one of my favorites really. And so is Weightlifting Fairy! So many feels. That drama legit made me want to be in a relationship but only if it was with Nam Joo‑hyuk. But also I just really wanted them together? So dilemma dilemma. 🙁 Flower Boy Band is obviously also my all time favorite drama. Also known as the drama that forever traumatized me with that truck of doom scene because I did not know it was a cameo. So yeh. Never crossing the streets in Korea now that’s for sure. That drama also made me fall in love with guy bands and Sung Joon and yeh I also wanted to date his character like so bad you have no idea! It was dark times for a while… 😛

            Languages I speak are: English (duh), Bengali (native), Hindi (from going to an Indian high school and watching lots of Bollywood movies as a kid), Urdu (its similar to Hindi and I had a couple of Pakistani friends growing up), Arabic (veeeeeeerry little which shocker I know since I live in an Arab country. I just always spoke English with everyone. Also veery little French (mostly grammar stuff they taught in school) and verrry little Italian (basics learned in Uni). And currently learning Korean. I can understand 80% or more sometimes of dramas when I watch raw but learning it properly is obviously very different.

            I too actually love Healer more than City Hunter. Everything about that drama just clicks for me? And somehow I connected more with all the character much more than I ever did in City Hunter. Its basically watching something with your heart and knowing its close to you and you feel al the feels verses watching something with my brain and knowing it was good but never connecting with it beyond the surface level. Does that make sense? Its one of the reasons I never got behind the love angle in CH eve though it had all the tropes I loved in it. Just never connected.


          DB has been SO BUSY FOR ME THESE LAST TWO DAYS. Frikking TLAHL man…

          Eeeee yayaya!! Hahaha do I’d love to hear your thoughts on it! Just, when you do… could you maybe reply on the actual dramabeans thread for it? So I can keep conversations separate haha.

          So many similarities between us girl… haha what is this. Should we start making a list? 😛
          Ahhh yes. It’s the only drama to make me cry! So it gets points for that. I want to rewatch it though to see if it lives up second time round haha.
          AWWW WLFKBJ WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL. Jung hoon was such a sweet heart!!! Like, I don’t want a relationship right now but SAME!

          Hahahaha ahh… see I was SO fortunate that I knew he died early on and that he was a cameo, so I wasn’t as shocked by it as some people (I KNOW PEOPLE WHO STOPPED WATCHING BECAUSE OF THAT)
          I will always have a small crush (?if that’s what it’s called?) on Scruffy Sung Joon as Ji Hyuk.
          Hahahaha! We’ve mentioned how we both love Sung Joon I think already so I feel you man! I feel you!
          (AND THAT FIRST KISS SCENE? I LOVE IT FOR SO MANY REASONS IT’;S SO WELL CONSTRUCTED. Oh and the bit where he smashes the bottle with his bare hand ugh idk I loved that scene it was so powerful, I wish I could find a gif of it)

          Wahhhh so many! I’m so jealous! I am a total language nerd so I will geek out about that at some point (even though I speak like 1 and two 0.25s… hahaha) Especially jealous you can understand 80% of a raw! Goals, right there.
          I am always trying to pick up on grammar whilst watching as well though. And I want to learn, but I feel like I know so many random basics, that learning a language in a proper language school would be really weird and they’d be trying to teach me something and I’d be like ‘okay but how does this grammar work? And why do you say this? And where does this word even come from? And yeah I know that means that already’… hahaha
          Idk maybe I should just move to Korea and learn via immersion.

          Would you say most to all people in Kuwait speak English?

          Yess. It clicks for me too. It’s close to I guess how I envision a perfect story. Or a story like what I aspire to write. So yes.
          Makes total sense for sure! And yes- that’s so true, with the technical/emotional brain one can watch with.
          Although, arguably, I don’t think CH is THAT technically great, especially the romance, and the ending. The romance burnt out and did nothing, and the birth secret had no set up and still bugs me hahaha.
          Funnily enough though, I often don’t emotionally connect with LMH’s dramas… like Legend of the Blue Sea… couldn’t get behind that at all. Was far more invested in the friendships and the side romance! haha


            Lol yes same about LMH dramas. I think the only one that got me hooked completely even though it didn’t sell much on the feels was BoF? after atht all of his dramas kind of fell flat for me. Which just goes to show I guess that you can act well, but getting the audience to connect with you 100% takes some serious skills and LMH is just not there yet.

            Yeh no I feel the same about the technical aspect of CH. Its not that I thought it was technically brilliant. That’s FoS. But more like I was absorbing what was happening with one part of my brain just ticking off boxes but not really having any sort of connection to anything at all. That’s what I meant by watching with my brain where I am just passively watching the story unfold.

            There are so many great scenes in FBB. Like that guitar burning one, and when they carry his portrait after his funeral, and that song when his hand starts bleeding. Agh I could just go on and on about how great this show is and all of its moments that just sucker punches you right in the heart. Its brilliant stuff.

            I totally agree about the language thing. I hate learning a language by going through the technical stuff like grammar and composition etc. For me language has to be learnt through observation and like you said through immersion. I want to learn to listen and understand and speak so that understanding sentence structure and in turn grammar is second nature. I don’t think about grammar when I’m writing in English and I want to be able to do the same for any language I learn. Learning through technical means just doesn’t feel as organic.

            By the way where are you from and what languages do you know and what do you want to learn in the future? I want to learn German and Russian as well apart form Korean since they just sound so freaking badass? 😛


          BOF is some kind of magical hot mess crack… does it even count? hhahaha
          “Which just goes to show I guess that you can act well, but getting the audience to connect with you 100% takes some serious skills and LMH is just not there yet.”< Amen to that.

          Ahhh no yes I understand what you mean! (Although really I'm just even more excited once again to watch FOS hahaha)

          Oh man, the bleeding hand whilst playing scene… tis no wonder it went viral IN THE SHOW. Yes, so many good moments in that show, so many heartfelt moments. J'adore.

          Exactly. Whilst I actually quite enjoy the technical side to a language, and would study linguistics, I still think immersion and observation is the best way to learn the culture! and language! Because they're very intertwined.

          I'm from New Zealand! A long way away from pretty much everyone… haha
          I know English. And I did French for 6 years at high school, and have lost a lot of it now, but would like to pick it back up again. And just the Korean I know from dramas/songs/variety. Which is a surprising amount. But nowhere near 80% yet.
          I want to learn EVERYTHING! Hahaha no that's not a fair answer.
          Uhm top languages would be Korean, Finnish and Welsh. I also want to learn Ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, and Mandarin. Among many others.


            OMG amen to Ancient Greek and Latin! Girlll are you me????? Me and a friend of mine are seriously into all the whole ancient culture and dead languages thing. And we always though learning Ancient Greek and Latin would be so freaking cool?? I’ve always been so very fascinated with Greek Mythologies (second only to Celtic/Irish mythology) and I always thought being able to read that stuff would be the greatest thing ever! Just imagine how cool it would look to be able to read that stuff like you are actually deciphering a dead language??

            My friend is in Grad school now and gets to actually learn Latin so I’m totally envious. But hopefully I get to do that next year if I start Grad School by then. I’ll be majoring in Early modern or Renaissance literature so will have to learn this anyways.

            Also, apart from these two languages I would also like to do research on Celtic and Irish mythologies if only because of how fascinating it is? I want to visit/live in Dublin one day so that is one of the goals. By the way do you read any fantasy novels etc.? Because if you are into adult fantasy with fantastic setting, complex characters, sexual tension, and so much mythology and world building, try out the fever series (only book 1-5 only. The rest you can take or leave). I’m telling you that book made me forever fall in love with Dublin. I have never seen a city so alive in fiction you know?


          Apparently I am!!! Because I also love ancient cultures, dead languages, and obscure mythologies. Finnish being my first, but Celtic is a close second. And then Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, you know, the standard ones haha.
          I actually did some Latin at high school, just a little bit, and have a book for learning it, and well, my username is Latin too hehehe
          It would be very cool. And would heighten a lot of areas of education at the same time!!!!!

          Oooooh! Yes! Hoepfully! You will love it!
          You’re like the third lit student I’ve met on here… hahaha why do I always click well with lit students? Well, maybe because I could’ve been a lit student. Would be if I wasn’t more interested in freelance writing and drawing and linguistics haha. But I also want to study Old English one day and I’m preeeeeeeeety sure I have to take lit to study that so… 😉

          I am part Irish, Scottish and Welsh, so I have a strong fondness for the Celtic and Brithonic languages, histories, mythologies and cultures.
          1) I’ve been to Dublin. It was pretty cool. I liked Galway better but Dublin grew on me 😛
          2) Do I read fantasy… hahahahah girl, my favourite author is J. R. R. Tolkien… does that say enough? 😛
          I have not read those! But I will look into them! I work at a library so that shouldn’t be too hard… hahaha


            Yes to Egyptian mythology as well! There was a point in my childhood, probably after watching Brandon Fraiser in The Mummy, that I was obsessed with all things Ancient Egypt. Like no kidding I had books and books on mummification alone and of course books on the pyramids and the famous pharaohs. I wanted to go to Egypt and visit the museums so badly. It still fascinates me but not to the fanatic degree as before.

            Oh you are part Irish, Scottish and Welsh? That is awesome! And I’m so envious you have been to Dublin. 🙁 Lol I love high fantasy books! The one I told you was more fantasy mixed in with paranormal stuff and mythology. Also, ignore the cover because the covers are super crappy and makes it look like a crappy romance novel which it really isn’t. That turned me off the first time someone recommended it to me on Goodreads, but once I finally read it? OMG! There is like no romance for the longest ever time seriously and definitely not in book 1.


          Hahahaha ahh you had an Egypt Phase kekekek
          Yeah, it’s not as strong as the others, but its still super fascinating.
          RIP The Library of Alexandria though.

          I am yeah. But I’m a New Zealander, so that basically means I’m British Mongrel 101 😛
          Ireland is amazing and I love it and miss it sooo so much. YOU WILL GET THERE
          Ooh interesting haha, the fact that it isn’t at all like it’s marketed is kinda cool… you’re definitely convincing me to check them out haha


            The marketing of this book is terrible! Like its shown on the cover as this sexy, adult paranormal book that’s all about sex. And just. Nothing like that even happens?? Sure sex is mentioned and there are a lot of creatures in the book that use sex as a weapon to manipulate or control people. But romantically? nope. I can’t tell you how frustrating the romance and the buildup is because it takes ages for anyone to get so much as a kiss. But the wait is super worth it if you are like me and like that kind of slow buildup. Ok I’m gonna stop talking about this book now!
