Today has been fairly exhausting, all social and physical activities, and very little rest (or internet). Actually, I haven’t watched a single Drama episode in two days because of life (I am barely surviving someone send help), but during that time, I re-remembered something about myself that I had somehow forgotten in my current situation of solitude;

Reason #3 why I would not be a good Drama Lead:

I have very little tolerance for bullshit and miscommunication. In a situation in which someone isn’t telling me something, I get rather irritated and will quite possibly lose my temper. And if someone is trying to send me on a wild goose chase and pretending they aren’t, I will lay that person straight.
If, for example (And I’m totally not taking this from recent personal events. Psh. I’m a professional) , Drama Person A tells me that Drama Person B has said some bad things about me, I will go up to Drama Person B and ask them why. If it turns out that they weren’t then I will go back to Drama Person A and confront them about it. If they then say that I “misunderstood”, then Drama Person A is going to have a tumble over the side of the boat.

(Also, hello 300th comment.)


    You’re awesome @aardvark. I wish I had some of that in me.


      Aw shucks thanks.

      Truthfully, it’s more of like an explosion of rage then the Actual being awesome, but I shall take the the compliment regards 😆
