could we please keep it to 1 plastic bottle per episode? here it is already 7th.


    I think those ones are supposed to be recyclable though. Like, they look reusable.
    Or at least, I would resuse them… haha


      hopefully. still, there is a straw also. I need to look into whether the coffee shop chain has recycling policy or do they just send the sorted stuff to landfill. there was an article of several chains doing that for cost cut.


        True. Recycling is unfortunately quite expensive in some places.
        I love that you’re gonna look that up though…


    I was searching but it is probably an information the chains dont want you to find. instead I found a place in South Africa called Coffee Bay, where volunteers work with locals in re-purposing waste, like planting vegetables or making accessories. and while doing that, the locals can learn english for free. Neat, I think. It is a drop in the ocean but if everyone does something…
    I am thinking of writing directly to the companies even if I get a generic answer. I am just curious and once I get an idea, I hardly ever give up.
