I’m balancing the tragedy of 7DQ with…a happier tragedy? I think I’m speeding through my re-watch of Marriage Contract faster, but only because that sadness is *slightly* tinged more with happiness.


    That would be overload to watch both at the same time. I wish you have a good stock of tissue.


      I should get on that.

      Usually it takes a lot for me to cry while watching a show, but there’s been a couple of scenes in MC that have gotten me already.


        I envy you. I cry a lot so you can just imagine how much I cried watching that drama. I’ve watched it twice and still cried as much the second time.


          I think I’ve cried more this time around, and I know there’s more scenes coming up that are probably going to get me, too.


    But I love love love that even when the premise of “Marriage Contract” seems so doom and gloom, there’s still so might hope, so might fight, and so much love shown and given off… Most of it from Hye Soo, the one that’s going through and having to face all the doom and gloom– not to say that Ji Hoon isn’t facing his own battles of doom and gloom, because, yea, the guy is trying to deal with the fact that he just discovered the love of his life and is going to lose her so soon


      Exactly. I love how there’s underlining hope through the whole thing. Not necessarily hope that she will live a longer life, but that she will a life to the fullest with whatever time she has.

      I think even Ji-hoon embodies that strength, and I love how the show develops that strength in him throughout the show. The Ji-hoon at the beginning of the show would have left so fast if his girlfriend showed the slightest inclination to lean on him for anything, but after meeting someone who sees right through him to the wonderful person he has the potential to be and has seen her stand tall in front of all the adversity thrown at her, he will emulate that same attitude by standing tall next to his love no matter how desperately she pushes him away.


        Oh man, Hye Soo’s strength is just so *awestruck* But I love that her strength comes from, then extends back to those who love her, Eun Sung & Ji Hoon.
        In terms of Ji Hoon, Hye Soo wil never ever know the (positive, good) life-changing impact that she had in turning him into the man that he became by the end of the drama compared to the person he was in the earlier episodes. Her simple, but honest, remark to the Chairman in Episode 6 about how she thinks, feels, and can see that Ji Hoon is actually a very warm person under all that gruffness that he gives off to everyone— you can just SEE and feel the heart eyes that Ji Hoon was shooting towards Hye Soo lol


          I love finding the moment that a character falls in love, and I think that Epi 6 scene is one of them for Ji-hoon. He has never met anyone who has ever seen him for more than a spoiled chaebol. Hye-soo has such a balance of straight-forward honesty and loving-kindness that he knows she truly means every compliment she says about him even when he doesn’t believe it about himself.

          I also think he’s amazed about how well she can think on her feet in that scene. When he learns that she never has been to Japan, he’s just astounded by her. I think that’s when he really sees her in a different light and starts encouraging her to pursue her dreams.


            I agree! I believe that he admires her for her wit and ability to think on her feet (she has to, she’s been running from loan sharks due to her ex, with a daughter attached), but I really believe that he loves her for her loving heart and her ability to see the good in people and give people the benefit of the doubt— like how he explained it to Eun Sung in Episode 14 when he brought Eun Sung out to play hide and seek in the park… ahhh such a heart-warming scene <3
