Officially unimpressed by “Rescue Me”. Unrealistically bleak portrayal of the world, especially the HS kids. The editing does nothing for me, although some like it. The color scheming does even less.


    I think they intentionally portrayed the characters to have more of that heavy atmosphere. Same with the color scheming. There’s no vibrant color and it suits this little town where weird things happen.
    Maybe as episodes go by you will warm up to it. If not it’s good that you tried it 🙂


      Yeah, maybe so. If you enjoy it, then I’m glad. 🙂 For me, I don’t know… the first two episodes were ok, if dark. The third was just a bit too much. (spoiler if you haven’t seen it yet) I think it was the kid stabbing Dong Chul with an umbrella and then trying to go at him later with a broken glass bottle that really got me. That’s just not something a high school kid would do, punk or not. Not unless he was really involved in some bad gang stuff. In all it just seems like to many of the characters here are corrupt, punks or otherwise evil. The world just isn’t that twisted, not that blatantly, and it’s bothering me that they (the producers) make it out to be. I know it’s had a good reception for the most part so I don’t want to be super negative in a recap or anything, but I figured I’d vent here a bit more privately. I am glad I tried it though, if only for Taecyeon (I enjoy seeing him grow as an actor).


        I watched ep 3. The writer must have wanted everything to go worse than before. The stabbing and broken bottle warned us that something bigger will come (the kid fell and lost his legs). We can call it karma. High school kids that are not conscious of their act do crazy things and end up hurting others and themselves.
        I understand that it doesn’t pull you in. There’s no balance between really evil characters and really good characters.
