My goodness, okay, back to FMW! Here’s some screenshots of Dong-man making hilariously incredulous faces at Ae-ra.


    Okay. This could be a very good thing. If you’re heading back to it and keep posting funny screenshots I might actually get back into it also…


      Oh wait, what? So you dropped it? Is that it? Oh, say it ain’t so, sic! I was actually just gonna dump all the leftover screenshots from FMW because I never posted these and they were just in my phone. But of course, now I have the urge to go back and find more funnies for you! Ooh, I can probably just link you to the FMW posts I’ve made back when I was literally live-watching the show! Later though. 🙂


        I couldn’t watch it whilst travelling which is WHY I dropped it, not cos I wanted to, but I just haven’t picked it up again since being home… for some reason none of the shows I SHOULD finish I feel like watching 🙁 I made a wall post about it haha.
        Funnies maybe not post ep 10… since that’s where I’m up to haha


          awww pick it back up. <3 It's so good…also because my saved pics are for every episodes…it's too good to spoil though.


          Ah, I see. Well, I’ll see if I have any funnies from before ep 10 to share to you, but it’s okay if you save it to finish later on, too. 🙂

          I have a bunch of shows that I’d like to watch, but the problem for me is always not having enough time. Boo.


            I have enough to maybe watching 3 shows right now? I’m just… procrastinating…
