Hi fellow beanies,

Is there any beanie well informed about this concert?

What I know is that this will be a mini-orchestra that will feature 13 OSTs from the drama. So, does that mean the original singers won’t perform in the concert?

The original article is in Korean so I’m not sure whether I can depend on the translation. 😅


    Where is this from? I can’t understand the poster as well 😂


      Do you mean where the article is from?

      This is the link to the article http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=103&oid=079&aid=0002995825

      I try googling to find whether someone cover the news in English, but to no avail. 😂


        Yes I tried googling as well I can’t find it that’s why I asked. Hmm~ Yes its an 80-min orchestra not the original performers.😢 If you’ll be in Seoul Aug 12 to Oct 28 you can watch for ₩ 30 000.


          I guess the ticket price should have gave it away. ₩ 30 000 is rather cheap to have Ailee, Crush, Chanyeol, Punch, Soyou, Eddie Kim, Sam Kim, Heize and the list goes on . . . . to perform on the same stage.

          Maybe I’ll wait for someone to review the first concert before buying it. 😅

          Thanks. 👍
