I was going to write a post about how funny it is that Kocowa feels the need to blur out the sponsor banners at the end of the show, but when I tried to take an illustrative screenshot, I discovered that Kocowa also blacks out screenshots. I find this considerably less amusing.

If you want me to pay your subscription, Kocowa, you better get your act together soon.


    It won’t play the episodes for me. Brings them up and stalls, at least on the app. Le sigh.


      Oh man. That sucks. I’m sorry. I haven’t bought into premium, so I can’t watch anything over 24 hrs old,* but is has played shows that are unlocked for me just fine. Sometimes it even forgets to play ads. I know I am one of the lucky few, for all my griping.

      *Have heard that things older than 3 weeks and newer than 1 year are also available. Haven’t attempted any of them yet, though.


    If Kocowa wants subscribers they should try to actually be better than the other streaming services instead of hogging all the shows to force people to sign up. I’m hoping that Kocowa will fail miserably and things will be back to normal by the next show cycle.


      Agreed! That would be the way to do it. I really wish they had taken the time to look at their competitors to see what they do well and what could be better. As is . . . I feel like they rushed the launch to cash in on this cycle, and it’s backfiring on them.


    Kocowa sounds more and more like trying to discourage kdrama watching instead of encouraging it.


      It really does. You know, I was thinking about the China situation, and how the broadcasters need new revenue streams, and having their own streaming site makes sense. And I appreciate their content, and want then to be able to afford to keep making it for me. But Kocowa is so freaking frustrating in so many ways! I do not want to pay for that!!!! And making it harder to watch is not going to make me a happy return customer.


    I thought my phone was acting up! No screenshots on your phone is insane. It makes no sense. Where is our KOCOWA petition for all these weird policies.


      It doesn’t, does it? Do they not know that screenshots are an excellent part of word-of-mouth advertising?
