Watching dramas on Netflix like “Starring Hae Jin Park. Who’s that? Never mind, let’s try it. *presses play* Oh look, Park Hae Jin’s in this too!”


    I find it funny and a bit annoying when they do that. Especially in subtitles. We can hear the name, and it’s not what you wrote. Also, if I am multicultural enough to watch a show with subtitles, I am multicultural enough to get that in some countries the family name comes 1st not last.

    However, there was once it really cracked me up. Father is Strange. Lee Joon was calling his friend in the States to have him look up info on his dad. Naturally he and his friend were speaking English, but the scene was still subbed. The friend says the name American style, last name last, and the English subs flipped it for me, writing it Korean style with the last name first.


      Haha that’s fantastic. I wonder if the name switching is somehow automated then? You would think it couldn’t be human error if a Korean speaker is doing the subtitling. What an effort spent on pointlessly confusing people!


    Laughing at this! I hate it when they do that!


    You are gonna laugh. I didn’t understand your comment cuz I automatically flipped his name when you wrote Hae Jin Park. Hahaha. So I read Park Hae Jin then Park Hae Jin. I guess I have been conditioned to the Korean form of names. 😆


      Haha brilliant. I WISH I could do it automatically or at least self-correct quicker, instead of being like… “Min Ho Lee, is he new?”


    I unconsciously read Park hae jin both times, then wondered what you meant. Then read the first comment & had to read your post TWICE before realizing 😂
    K-drama influence much 😛


      😂😂 I so look forward to the day when the same thing happens to me and I get to stop hating Netflix
