Someone just finished BAD GUYS and someone is not okay that the second season is not a sequel but a spinoff. I WANT MY MAD DOGS BACK. What is perfection.


    Sorry to kind of Hijack your comment, but I wrote you about some general guides for a Thesis.

    Yesterday, in [Changing Tastes] When your feelings have feelings, I made you a comment.

    I wrote:

    “I was in the same rough spot in 2013 with my Master’s Thesis. I inscribed Investigation Methodology and it worked like a charm!!!. It showed me how to reduce objectives to something I could handle and also how to handle my experiments: remember to have several “whites(???)” (<— the experiments where you intentionally withdraw some clue variables, example: if your reaction goes at 480ºC then you intentionally run them at 25ºC with ALL the other variables kept intact). How many experiments do I have to make to get a decent statistics, etc.

    Please look for a good book if you can't inscribe a subject. I used the Fernández & Sampieri one (Spanish), but I am mostly sure you can find an excellent one in your Mother Language 😉 ."

    Please consider I come from a Materials Science Master's Degree, so I come from hard Engineering. If you are studying a Master in an Humanistic subject, then your methodology could be very different. Anyway, please look at Investigation Methodology.


      @fgb4877 I’ll definitely look into it! We’re both in the STEM field so I do think this will greatly help me and I can apply it. My course is Molecular Biology and Biotechnology and my thesis is on Genomics. Thank you so so much! For taking the time to share this too.


        You’re welcome 😉 . I personally think that we all should strive to do the biggest amount of good with the limited time and resources we have. Please pay it forward to another person in need!!!.


        By the way, since Spanish is my Mother Language acronyms tends to baffle me. By STEM I supposed you meant Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics?.
