Nope. No no no Nope no no No NO NO no000oooooOoooooOOOO #Lookout
WTFFFFFFFFUUUHHHHHH ep31!?! GAAARRRRHHH these last two eps have been SO FRUSTRATING to watch and I’m so internally pissed and it aggravates me to no end because everything could’ve been prevented and why was everyone suddenly so dumb??? gggGGGAAAHHHHNNN!!!


    Please be alive! Please be alive! Show has been super ridiculous these past couple of eps, so I wouldn’t mind if they went all out and somehow saved him. PLEASE!


      I’m not in it for the logic anymore. Those days are long gone.


        I’l be there to console u when u reach the end… i was in denial for a long time too.. and even ended up making lots of posts on him which i usually dont do! haha… things dramas make us do..

        till then.. “There there…”


          Aw, thanks, bud. I appreciate your support. 😌👍🏼
          I’ll be finishing up the last part a little later today and all the ridiculousness got me so tired of this show already, so however it’s gonna end, I’ll just say “A’ight. It was good knowin’ ya, Show. Payce!” IF Do-han dies, !$&@%#*^


      I agree. The last eps were truly ridiculous. The characters were forced to serve the plot, which is why everyone suddenly became so stupid. I stopped caring for the logic or plot as well…


        Right? Okay, I’m glad it’s not just me that thinks that. Idk what happened in the last two eps, but I was so frustrated w/ everyone. At this point, I’m just gonna finish it because I made it this far, but I don’t care anymore. What a bummer.


    Well…here’s to sending you comfort during your drama need. But, mostly this gif is from my favorite movie of all time. I’m always compelled to say something “more grown up” but nope. Little Rascals. I saw the shasta can crumple and automatically recited the scene this came from.


      Thanks, I’ll take all the comfort I can get.
      Are you watching?

      Aha, I’m proud of you for owning it! 👍🏼 It’s been forever since I’ve seen it, so all I remember are a few faces and basically a bunch of really sassy and smart kids. I should re-watch it one of these days.

      Glad it brought back good memories! 😌


        Nope! I have absolutely no idea as to what drama is driving all of you bonkers. I saw Darla and wanted to be a part of the conversation.

        This movie is my the world is ending, there is no hope, lets all just die together movie. This is my last resort movie. I watch it when I’ve been upset for too long and music and kdramas and talking it out and whatever else isn’t working. I put this movie on, open a can of spaghetti-o’s that I eat right from the can, hide from the world under my bed and approximately 5 minutes in after Buckwheat and Porky pull themselves out of the lake (which is obviously and unapologetically a friggin’ fish tank (LMAO just thinking of it)) and try to read the letter from Spanky “Man. We’ve gotta learn how to read.” identical shoulder shrugs and a run to the club house just in case that’s what the letter said–and I am laughing until I have a stitch in my side and suddenly the world isn’t completely awful. But, if ever a time comes when a person sees me reaching for Little Rascals its in the best interest of the world to just wait until that scene before approaching the isa-beast. HA!


          Well, that’s a good enough reason for me! Haha. I was referring to Lookout, btw. The last two eps frustrated me to no end. Big disappointment.

          Aw! I love how much this movie means to you. That’s great. I need to prepare a the-world-is-ending-there-is-no-hope-let’s-all-just-die-together movie, too!
          Not even gonna ask how many times you’ve seen it to remember the scenes and lines so well! Haha.
