During the first half of episode 33, I got so emotional. With HG dying (she was my favorite character!) and her father staying at her side, I felt their pain. Also, Gon is the best bodyguard <3


    Hwa-goon did a complete 180 for me. I actually ended up appreciating and liking her a lot.
    Dae-mok’s a monster for killing his own granddaughter. Poor Hwa-goon’s dad… I feel so bad for him that his precious daughter is no longer in his world. As for Gon, dude’s loyal, that’s for sure. He and Chung-woon are the best bodyguards!


      Same! In the beginning, I didn’t care for her at all. I wanted to skip all of her scenes, but now I’m missing her a lot! I want a bodyguard like Gon or Chung-woon to keep me away from all danger 😍 LOL


        Yeah, she really grew on us. *sniffs* You’re missed, Hwa-goon!

        HA, I don’t come into a lot of danger here, but I wouldn’t mind a personal bodyguard in the form of a good-lookin’, tall man, with like, the best swordsmanship.


    I ship her with Gon. 😭 Why she need to be killed? Why not live with Gon far far away? 💔
