What a mean way to end an awesome show! I’m looking at you Circle!
So who do we see about season 2? I’m craving mooooooore!


    I would rather they had just finished it all in those 12 episodes. I really liked the show but it feels like there are more and more shows that make their ending purposefully open so they can get a second season… Here I can kind of understand why because 12 episodes was not very long to also be resolving the alien plot line but in general I don’t really like to see too many second seasons with kdramas. That’s what bothers me about American TV shows after all…..they just never end and if you don’t like a show it already limits your entertainment options a whole lot.
    I hope kdramas can keep their variety and their coherent whole with a definitive ending. A few shows having a second season doesn’t bother me and sometimes I even welcome it, I just hope it doesn’t become the norm.


      I feel the same way. I LOVE kdramas because they are compact and the writers can’t ruin the characters with storylines that go on and on and are pure drama, but in this case I really want to know more. I feel they have such a wonderful set up right now. An alien (?) and her origin mystery , a clone (who very well might get an existential crisis) and a dystopian future whose society just crumbled down. I feel there is just more to the story.
