I was clearing some of the notes I sometimes make when I watch a compelling show and wish to remember some points of interest. One of the scenes of Chicago Typewriter leapt out as so poignant …


    In the 19230s, Ryu Soo Yeon had said that the pen is stronger than a sword, therefore the typewriter is stronger than a gun and she teased Hwi Young that he should not write for fame but to write something magnificient.

    It was so apt that this was exactly what happened 80 years later. Se Ju had written for fame, but through the influence of Seol and Yoo Jin Oh, came to write not for the readers but for what mattered most to him… his friends, their history and best of all, to give his best friend a chance to live on and find his redemption. Now that’s some real magnificient writing, don’t you think?. 😀 👍 😨


      It’s the little wrap-ups like these that I like so much. They show that (although not perfect), the writing was thoughtful and that the resolution to satisfy was intentional. I respect a writer who respects his/her audience.
