Lol so I was just saying how Park Shi Hoo should never get a chance to do dramas again, and that got me two down votes! On a serious note, it’s disturbing how he still has fans who supports him. Sad.


    hoel…trust me..some type of people in this world scare me.


    To be fair, since we don’t know celebs in person, we can never know what really went on and what the truth behind any scandals is. If it’s naive to keep supporting someone as a fan after they reportedly did something illegal, it’s also naive to believe that they’re horrible people based on what the media says and not based on being a witness or police officer or court official involved in the case.

    I have only ever seen one drama with PSH and don’t really care if I never see another, but just wanted to point out that it’s not necessarily more sad that people defend him than that you said he should never work again, since both opinions are not based on factual knowledge 🙂


      There is a video where the drunk girl is seen with him. You can do some search online if you want. I think it is sad to see that people would actually call the girl names and what not in order to defend him, but that doesn’t justify his actions in the smallest bit. Even if he had sex with her while she was unconscious I would still call it a violation. So can’t just say I’m saying things out of nonfactual knowledge. 🙂


        If there’s video footage of the actual assault, that’s of course a different matter, even though that can also be fabricated these days (yes, I’m suspicious of everything lol). I don’t think assault can be justified in any way, but I haven’t read up on the scandal and was just recalling how many times people have instantly proclaimed someone innocent or guilty based on some gossip-site articles that may or may not have been translated correctly.

        I don’t generally go beyond a few soompi articles when it comes to scandals, because I mainly do it to catch the references and such on variety shows.


          I see. From what I’ve read the girl was almost passed out which he took as a consent …but she was too unconscious to say yes to that. So he clearly didn’t have proper education on what a consent is.


            Tbh I don’t care whether the media says he did it or not. They’re not necessarily right and I don’t know any of the involved parties personally, that’s why I keep replying with generalized answers 🙂 If he did do it, yes that’s completely and utterly horrible, but we’ll never know with 100% certainty if did or didn’t.


      BTW wanted to make myself clear, I have been vocal about this, just because I don’t think a person who had been prone to activities such as these’ should be taking parts in shows where kids and children of all ages can watch him and be his fan…which won’t be a good idea IMO.
      We watch shows and then we warm up to these characters the actors play, but when the person in question has been involved in shady activities, then the futility of any show will be too much to bear with right? It would be more like a hypocrisy since you’re seeing this person onscreen and maybe being fascinated by his work of art, whereas that’s not who he is in the first place. I don’t know how you can say the news that has been published are not facts for you, since it’s the same news that I’ve read online like everyone else. Are you saying that all these news and their credibility should be overlooked?


        I’m saying that news may not have as much credibility as we like to think. It’s a sad world we live in. Lies become supposed truths every second of the day. I’m not saying you as an individual is not basing it on fact, I’m saying that we as the public in general can’t say anything about celebrities with any factual certainty. Especially when it comes to news from countries whose language we don’t speak (of course, you may be able to speak Korean, I don’t know, just saying that a lot of people getting vocal about these things don’t speak it), because a lot is lost in translation.

        I’m not really sure what to make of your last comment as I haven’t uttered anything about sexual offenders and work. I merely said something about the caution I think should be used when talking about people we don’t know, such as celebrities, and that the people downvoting may not have been delusional fans, but merely not in agreement with your statement (to be clear, I don’t know who the downvoters are and am not one of them, it was merely speculation).

        If he really did do what they said he did, then yes, I’m not sure I’d ever want to hire him if I was a PD. But I don’t see how it’s “hypocrisy since you’re seeing this person onscreen and maybe being fascinated by his work of art, whereas that’s not who he is in the first place”? It’s acting, so of course what we see on screen is not who he is, it’s who the fictional character is. Even on variety shows we don’t see 100% the real person, instead we see their variety persona. That’s just how it works. It’s a pseudo-world where we as viewers can never be sure of anything. I’m pretty sure a lot more celebs than we know of have done similar things, but just not been caught by media and/or police. Are you saying then that because they haven’t been caught it’s not bad to watch their dramas? Personally I never completely believe anything I hear or see in regards to celebrities, whether it’s good or bad, because it’s an intrigue-filled business where image is everything, competition is insane and there are lots of fans and antis just waiting to pounce.

        I’m not saying he didn’t do anything wrong, just that it would mean passing judgement on something I can’t be sure about. Like I said before, I didn’t even read much about the scandal at the time and only a little bit afterwards when I saw it mentioned. But even if I did read up on it, I still wouldn’t feel like I was equipped to say anything with certainty.

        I hope you were not offended – if so that wasn’t my intention! I merely wanted to provide a different point of view and have a discussion 🙂


          Oh sorry, maybe I didn’t properly perceive the gist of your first post until now. I do get that we shouldn’t be quick to judge people, but of all the news that I read, most said the same thing , so I took them as the truth. Since I don’t live in SK, and I won’t know if the truth is being manipulated or not. I mean online news would be my only source of information in case of any Korean actors. So if this news is a fabrication then I may have to be skeptical about every other news that I read online about kmedia :S.
          I’m not the judgmental type , people are free to do what they want as long as it’s within lawful boundary, but this case particularly is disturbing ( though have to admit happens quite a lot), so maybe I went a bit overboard with my strong reaction sorry lol. But somehow it’s always the women who are to blame rather the other way around. So that was my main beef lol. As an outsider all I can do is may be express how I feel about it, but of course that’s only cause the perpetrators in these type of incidents always tend to get away with these acts , while victims have hard time maybe showing their face in daylight.
          About whether I would like to watch movies or products where the artists are dubious, I think I won’t. You’re right that they’re projecting something different in front of us, but it’s hypocrisy imo, as the person who’s doing the presentation makes the job of moving me/ or inspiring me..( technically at least). For example: ( you see this beautiful movie and the lead actress is a murderer IRL, would you be able to enjoy the piece?). I am giving an extreme example I guess, but my point is, part of the reason why we look up any actor is because we admire their work. When that factor is there, but the person himself is evil, would you still want to checkout his repertoire? I don’t watch anything except KDramas these days so can’t tell how it is for Hollywood, but in kmedia I do try to stay away from work of actors who were involved in questionable activities like LBH.
          And btw I’m not offended at all! 🙂 It’s always nice to have discussions from different perspectives and POV. It’s late here in my side lol so I didn’t get your observation right the first time. 🙂 And maybe I couldn’t convey my POV across lol. Thanks regardless!


            Glad you weren’t offended! 🙂 And it was really late for me too yesterday, so I may not have expressed myself as clearly as I wanted to hehe ^^

            I think I’m just generally a cynic who’ve seen too much of the bad side of people to take things like news, no matter what country or type of news, at face value lol.
            And yes, I agree. Lots of calling the women names whenever such a “scandal” is reported, which is just awful. In general, the internet is just full of people calling other people names 🙁

            Maybe the difference for me is that I never look up to actors. I admire their work, yes, but not the person, just their skills. If I end up fascinated by the persona they show when they’re not acting, I know that that might just as well be acting too and thus I don’t get too disappointed if I hear something bad about them. People we like, know, love, see every day, also wear masks and can turn out to be untrustworthy, cruel or any number of bad things, so why should expect people we don’t know personally to be any different?
            It’s not that I condone celebrities doing bad or illegal things, it’s just that I don’t expect anything from people I don’t know.
