Open Thread #363

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Hi, folks!

another week passed.
today is a very boring day in history. nothing happened. ever. well, except for

2333 BC - The state of Gojoseon (Modern-day Korea) founded
by Dangun Wanggeom during the reign of the Chinese Emperor Yao.Huzzaa!
So, sageuk-lovers, who were the most famous kings and princesses then?

1906 - SOS adopted as warning signal by 1st conference on wireless telegraphy. (From HistoryOrb)

1990 - Reunification of East & West Germany. West German flag raised above Brandenburg Gate on the stroke of midnight.

I copy-pasted. I am a genius. I should run a company and become a chaebol.

Question or task for you. take your birthday. See what happened on that day in history and tell me which event you would make a drama or movie of. Maybe someone important was born? Got married? Beheaded? A milestone in Korean history?

My cousng wants to make a movie about my granny. she was going to escape by sea in a small boat in 1944, even stole a bike and swam across the gulf but the boat never came and she did not go the next day. then she was ordered to write down peoples possessions for the collective farms. she refused. her mom was sent to Siberia for that but she was not cause she made a contract with some Construction Service where you got housing but weren´t paid. she worked at a ship rope factory, escaped from a burning house, well, life was full of events. then after re-independence her house was returned to the children of pre-war owner ad she was thrown out to the street in 1994. she now lives in a former hotel for the KGB that now holds Estonian office of Migration and Citizenship, and hands out passports. I would make a history miniseries on her life, my cousin wants to make an action movie. of grandma. hah.


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Update on the political situation.
Russian lies are going overboard completely. They claim Ukrainian military is committing genocide. what? first Russia said its troops are not even there. then they assisted the terrorists in bombing Ukrainian regions of Donbass and Luhansk. Now they are complaining there is nowhere for people to live and civilians are dieing - when it was the separatist army that bombed a schoolbus, 10 dead, and an apartment building - WHAT? YOU DID IT! say they have discovered mass graves of russian soldiers (which, btw, was done by the terrorists, who couldnt handle the growing amount of dead bodies) and now Russia says ukrainians should be prosecuted for it in Hague. what in the bloody heck? You are putting the blame for your own action on someone else, attack someone and then complain about pain??? I am just out of breath at their lies. ridiculous. besides if they werent even there, how are they dead? and one russian soldiers mother was exiled for protesting that her son did NOT die on a "vacation", but he was sent to fight without telling where and without letting her know. the boy was 18. Russia wants to discuss war crimes? lets discuss this.

If you want solid information, follow Navalnõy and Hodorkovskyi on Twitter. They are the only two who bare the truth about the corruption and lies of Putins´inner circle. Kasparov too, but he has said he is sick and tired of all of it. people are too idiotic to even discuss for the poor guy.
also, many russians who oppose Putin are now buying real estate in Latvia and other countries who give permissions to live in the country for investments. they all say they sold everything in Moscow or other regions and cant return any more
Estonia intends to build a stronger border. our agent /officer still held in prison and Russia accuses him of being a double agent when in reality he was trying to catch a smuggling ring, drugs and cigarrettes that come in loads through Estonia, and Russian secret service
FSB is connected to that smuggling ring. they are now framing him with some stupid accusations. well of course they want to get off the hook. just a bunch of thieves! smuggling cigarettes and selling to minors

oh, and for sending letters to Putin all the time, my computer was attacked. two viruses sent to me. no files lost, it just got very slow. combination of 2 viruses originating in Russia. one wouldn´t let me type over 2 letters of anything without crashing. the other slyly hid the first so my Eset wouldnt find it. witty, but not enough. scanned it thouroughly and got rid of them. then sent one more letter calling Putin a loser.


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On my birthday, the most cinematic things happened in 1885, when riots broke out in Montreal (Canada) to protest against compulsory smallpox vaccination, and in 1906, a typhoon in Hong Kong killed an estimated 10,000 people.

But honestly, the thing most relevant to me was: that in 1888, The Sherlock Holmes adventure "The Sign of Four" began. (squee!)

In Korean history, hmmm. The The 1996 Gangneung submarine incident started on my birthday (it would make a pretty good thriller), and the Battle of Incheon (in 1950) took place over the week of my birthday.


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Putin is a Soviet wannabe. The end.


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Yuck. Kateyn Forest massacre, 1940. The Soviets/Russians share the German belief that Poland should not exist as a nation, so they murder four thousand officer prisoners of war, almost all of them middle class reservists, to eliminate the Polish leadership cadre. Then, when they did the graves up in 1944, they have Western allies, so they blame it on the Germans. Since the Germans have murdered so many people already, it is years before the truth comes out.

Putin is evil.


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Katõn is one of the most vile crimes in history and I have read stuff like Stalin saying the polish didnt even have any officers cause they are still peasants who shit in their pants.

and till this day I have many polish friends who get fired up at the mention of Katõn and how Russia did admit it happened in 1996 or something, during Yeltsin time (who was 1/4 estonian btw) and then Putin took it back in 2007


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Hi, redfox!
You always raise interesting questions :)

1. I believe the most famous king in Joseon is Jeongjo. I practically can hear his name or anything remotely relevant to him in every sageuk ever. Well, if it's set in Joseon. Sukjong is also famous and many dramas portray different interpretation of him (Ex: Dong Yi, Jang Ok Jung, etc).

2. Because I was born on Feb 14, Valentine's Day, I probably will write up funny cheesy love story. Set in war, like World War II for example. Just for fun.


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Oh, Valentines day? sweet. so you are a Capricorn like my best friend?
My birthday is january 25th, so... Identifying Antarctica as a continent in 1840, by American expedition. that would make a dramatic series. rebellion against Queen Mary in 1554? first winter olympics games in france? not enough drama. oh, but this one is: Mao Ze Dong sentenced his wife Jiang Qing to death in 1981. much drama. I wonder what the whole story is.

I guess you realize I like bloodier events... except for winter olympics. or who knows...


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Aquarius. Maybe I'll go for Mao Zedong drama. That will make pretty bloody and cruel story...


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Didn't Mao die in 1976 though? And then Jiang Qing and the Gang of Four were taken down by the less extreme faction of the party for atrocities they committed during the cultural revolution. And then she killed herself in the 90s I think...


Sorry, meant to reply to redfox :P


I told you, I just copy pasted from history Orb


Oh okay, sorry if I seemed nitpicky. I looked into it a bit more because I'm an anal retentive history nerd haha--you're right, she was sentenced that day, but Mao didn't do it to her (he was dead), the new party leadership did. Then her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. She was released for health reasons in 1991 for a short time, and killed herself before they could send her back to jail.

Her trial would still make for an intense drama, though!


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Then History Orb is not a trustworthy site. thanks!

yeah that would make a longer, more tense drama.


I thought it was Sejong? And also, didn't Seongjong contribute something?
(even though Taejong & Sejo made contributions, honestly thir hands are too bloodied...)

Sukjong just famous because of both the women and the political factionalism...


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The most famous king in Korea is definitely Sejong. He has his own ginormous statue in GwangHwaMun.


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Also, he is always referred to as "The Great King Sejong" , no one calls him just King Sejong.


Just finished Tree with Deep Roots, so I definitely agree on Sejong.

Today Koreans and lucky foreigners who get to learn Korean are benefiting from his legacy - the Korean alphabet.


mm, dramas.
My Loveable girl - only watching for Shi Woo /L. somewhat familiar story but it is good they concentrate more on the music industry hardships than romance. the ends dont connect though. I kinda feel like the writer is doing waterprint - dripping paint and letting it mix, then places a paper on the surface and gets this random picture.

My Secret Hotel - it has started to drag a little. and we have seen too much of the exes reuniting. the moments of the past are cute though. and the ominous feel I get with the questionings. but I wish the mystery was treated more wholly like in Poirot (but I am crazy to compare anything to Poirot, too much wanted I guess.) it is just that.... maybe it would have worked better as a movie? restrict the timeline?

thinking of picking up a japanese drama.
and waiting for Liar Game and Nodame.


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but I wish the mystery was treated more wholly like in Poirot (but I am crazy to compare anything to Poirot, too much wanted I guess

I'm right there with you. I wanted the mystery to be the centerpiece, and the relationships to be secondary. Instead, it's the other way 'round.


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So nothing changed, I stopped watching it two weeks ago.


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Where's the like comment for this? You captured my sentiments exactly.


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>My Loveable girl – only watching for Shi Woo /L. somewhat familiar story

Yeah me too, the main OTP is in fact giving me icky feelings and for a show based on music scene the background music sounds really bad. I've never met Rain before but he seems quite limited and the writing is getting so cheesy. In fact, I should consider dropping it, now that I write about it.


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I completely agree on Secret Hotel. I'm even behind a tiny bit because I'm just tired of the romance focus. I really just want quirky murder mystery!

I'm also looking forward to Cantabile! I haven't seen it in any other form so I don't have any specific expectations but it looks good and I like the cast. I'm considering it a birthday present to me (I basically count anything in October as a birthday present though....).

I also am actually excited for Modern Farmer purely for possible cheesy goodness.


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Sounds like you are kind of where I am on dramas this season. Basically nothing on my Must See list, and only 3 on my If I Have Time list. The two you mentioned + Spring.

But they are all getting rather draggy, and I see very little coming up in the near future to excite me.


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Oh so that's why there were talks of how the Koreas can learn something from the German reunification. Realistically, it would be hard. The division has been 60 years, and Germany, what, about 40-50 years? Also, both Koreas have diverged that they're almost at different sides of the poles...


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Never say never! When I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, it was unthinkable that East and West Germany would ever be one city again.

So...it could happen. Maybe not tomorrow, but keep hoping! :)


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Well, in "The King 2 Hearts" ep.1 it showed how Germany (basically Berlin) reunified...


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...would ever be one city again

Derp. That should read "one country". This is what happens when you type faster than you think. ;)


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could be a sci fi movie of a far future


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It was in "Future Choice" (Yoon Eun-hye, a very old Lee Dong-gun, & Yonghwa).

Choi Myeong-gil, who is an older version of Yoon Eun-hye's character Mi-rae ("Future"), in reply to Mi-rae's question whether there was (another civil) war in the future, responded that Korea had reunified, with the biting side-comment that Southern men are now preferring Northern women.


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had forgotten about that. I guess it is sort of a consolation to dream, to imagine that at least in a drama about future (somewhat)


Korean reunification would be MUCH harder than German. North Korea is pretty much a total mess outside the elite conclaves in Pyongyang. When Germany got back together, the income gap was like 3 to 1.

Currently the income gap between N and S Korea is around 43 to 1.


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yeah it could be really hard but worse than the income gap is the gap between thinking. ideological. all the brainwashing, dont know...yet in some documentary people who did manage to escape North Korea adapted pretty quickly to living and working in the normal world.


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Some adapt pretty well, not all. But the defectors are a self-selecting group of rebels and non-conformists anyway, so they are probably much less brainwashed than the general populace.


Mickey Mouse and I share our birthdays - Nov. 18 (1928 for Mickey Mouse).

Also on November 18, 1978, Jim Jones and more than 900 members of his People's Temple committed mass suicide in the jungle of Guyana. (I cut and pasted, too.)

Mickey and I say cray cray to that.


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gosh I know that one. it often gets mentioned in connection fith some new crazy trends


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I'm from Guyana. For the first two decades of my life that was the first thing people asked me about when I mentioned my homeland... actually the second... the first was always "Is that in Africa?" (Spoiler Alert: it's not).


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When you said Dangun Wanggeom I immediately thought of The Legend. Heh. :D

And now I just found out I have the same birthday as composer Giacomo Puccini (1858) and poet Edwin Arlington Robinson (1869). Also actress Dina Meyer (1968) who I like chiefly because she was Dizzy in the Starship Troopers movie.

It was also the date the Brandenburg Gate in the Berlin Wall was officially reopened in 1989. In Korean history... hmmm... nothing much happened. Shucks.


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When I was in elementary school, the government sent each child a book detailing events that had happened to the country on each day of the year in celebration (?) of national day. The teacher encouraged us to see what had happened on our birthdays. I flipped to my birthday and there, it detailed how an entire marketplace got shut down because of an outbreak of disease/infection/germ/whateveritisthatshutsmarketsdown.

Thank you very much, ma'am. /sarcasm.

Also, I just found out that an EXO member and I were born on the exact same day.


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Ok, I also researched today in Estonian history and then my birthday in EH

so on October 3rd

the building for one of our top elite schools was finished. it is like our Shinhwa high, basically, but without the bored ruthless rich people. they are very artistic and well mannered.

and on the 25th of january

our first ever proper government came to power in 1921

and in 1942 the Red Army bombed our only baroque city Narva nearly to the ground, leaving only the town hall and one apartment building. This would make a sad, heartbreaking movie, especially for historians and architects who still cry when they think of the enourmous cultural loss and the loss of lives.

but in the world, in 1919 on this day the predecessor of United nations was formed.


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On my birthday: nine black teenagers, now known as the Little Rock Nine, challenged racial segregation by attending the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas (1957). I'd say that's pretty historic! And humbling too, when you think of how so many of those prejudices exist even today, just in a quieter form.

On my birthday in 2014: the Hong Kong democracy protests were starting, in the form of the class boycott by university students - it was the day before the gathering at Legislative Council Square.

I think, reading your dispatches from a country dominated by Russia and now the news from my own friends in Hong Kong, that large countries just cannot stomach the independence or even separateness of smaller nations. It's a sobering thought.


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yes, and to remind, we became independent thanks to the Singing Revolution in 1988. I was also part of those historical times. I stood in the Baltic Chain, I was also next to Tallinn TV tower when Russian tanks came in 1991 and we thought they are going to shoot. now a whole generation has grown who was born after those events and sometimes when I talk to people younger than me and mention my participation, they look at me like I am Robin Hood. It is a good feeling, not the fact some folks envy us, but the fact it has a very high position in their mind. they dont say it was ridiculous and in vain and the actual reason for freedom was pressure from foreign countries. nope. if that was it, it would have happened years ago. but it happened because of the pressure from the inside.
so I also hope the students of Hong Kong will win. even if it is just the fact the world will see clearly: Hong KOng is different from China. because a lot of people would probably say: Oh, chinese, taiwanese, hongkong, arent they all the same anyway? why do we need to make a difference? if nothing else, wanting democracy and saying it loud and clear makes them different.
after our Singing Revolution all revolutions had a specific name. we have had orange, roses, now umbrellas.

oh and about differences and how people still say "The Baltics, The Baltic States" - we are no Baltic States. it is estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. all very different mentalities. some latvian said to me yesterday: estonians are from another planet. I dont understand your thinking. where did you hide the UFO? they think we are crazy workaholics who dont know the word "fun" and take everything so damn seriously.
and Lithuanians still consider themselves a kingdom and stick up their nose a little too high. but they have the friendliest and most cultural biker gangs in Europe! they come to the museum often. I want the next Lithuanian King to be a biker! they are awesome and sophisticated.


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Hello everyone! :D How have you been?

I haven't been on the open thread much these days, but I've been watching Three Musketeers, Night Watchman's Journal (just for the crazy), and My Secret Hotel. Need to catch up on HSLO too.

So happy that Jae-jae bebe won an award (and was not undeserving of it too). I'll probably finish watching Triangle when he's in the military, just because, yunno...

Oh, Night Watchman, you have got me screaming at the screen, facepalming, and banging my head on the desk (fortunately that does not addle my brain because I check it at the door whenever I watch you) but somehow I always end up watching. Especially as writer-nim has upped the level of craziness now... I still wonder what they're smoking (and where I can get some, since they've gotten quite creative now).

Fortunately there's Three Musketeers to restore my brain to sanity. Heh.


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And of course I clicked the button too soon and forgot to ask... having an argument with a friend of mine over what mindwiped shaman lady is supposed to have turned into now. My friend thinks she's a gumiho... but I thought gumiho turned into people, not the other way around. A deranged witch, maybe? What do you Night Watchmen watchers think?


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i do not watch night watchman (watch the watchman, teh!) but gumihos do have shamanic powers sometimes.

I am somewhat reminded of Thousand Year Ninetail manga from your comment. but that has nothing to do with the drama. just that there is a shaman and a fox... foxes... with shamanic powers.


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Oh? That's interesting. Come to think about it, they do have magic powers... XD

And heh, yeah, watching the Watchmen XDD


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It's been a while since I watched HSLO as well - did it end at episode 9? I think that's the last one I saw posted.


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I think it was planned for 20 episodes... Ep. 10 should have aired earlier tonight. I stopped at Ep. 6, but with the one episode a week format I'm only(!) 4 episodes behind. XD


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Yay, open thread!!!

How are y'all doing this beautiful Friday? :)

This week, I've been watching:

My Secret Hotel: Wow, I'm getting whiplash from jumping ship so often. (When they'll get back to the 'secret' at the Secret Hotel? And is the name a subtle message that you should have your next adulterous affair with them? I'm just wondering.) Hae Young is childish but sympathetic, Seong Gyum is starting to look a bit sketchy - and is about to get his heart stomped into a billion pieces, oy, and Sang Hyo just looks like she needs a drink.

Discovery of Obnoxious Leads, er, Love: I keep hoping that Sol & Joon Ho will get their own spin-off series.

Surplus Princess: GAH. What do you mean only one episode left? ::stomps off in a snit::

Blade Man: It's like a really weird, disturbing person on public transit - you know you probably shouldn't encourage them, but you can't look away.

Kind of Gradually Stopped Watching:

The Night Watchman: Evil smirky under-a-spell Prince? ::heavy sigh:: Maybe I'll marathon it after it finishes.

Dropped Like a Rock:

Boarding House No. 24: Turns out that Korean sitcoms are just as inane as American ones. Who knew?

Wish I was Watching:

Girl, starring Park Bo Young. It's October, I need more spooky movies! Gimme!

(cont below)


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Kdrama Moment:

I had two, no, three this week:

1. Random fan contact: I was discussing spooky movies with another parent at my kids' school, and mentioned "Red Eye" as a good one. His reply: "Oh, I don't really watch Korean horror, but I love Korean gangster flicks. I'm looking forward to "Gangnam Blues"; it has a pretty good actor in it." (Me: "You're a fan of Lee Min Ho?" This devolved into a discussion of what a handsome man he is, and how much moisturizers actors use, but point - random guy not involved in fandom knows Lee Min Ho.)

2. A patron at the library was talking about local restaurants, saying "I had this new food - I don't know where it's from but it was SO GOOD - I wish I knew how to make it! I think it was called....Bulgo? Bulgi?" (Me: "Bulgogi. Here's a stack of Korean cookbooks and the address of the two local Korean markets. You can thank me later.")

3. A friend in Germany asked what television I was watching lately. She's now exploring the heretofore unknown world of Viki. Yes, I've hooked another one. ::mad scientist laugh::


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It's always fun meeting people who are familiar with Korean entertainment or food/culture, isn't it? It's like encountering someone from the same secret society as you. There should be a handshake or something for us K-fans :).

I laughed at your description of Korean actors and moisturizer use . . .just this week I read an interview with Lee Min Ho where he talked about deciding to look more manly for "Gangnam Blues." To do this, he didn't lift more at the gym, or take up boxing, or anything like that -he stopped using moisturizer for a few months. Bless.


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just this week I read an interview with Lee Min Ho where he talked about deciding to look more manly for “Gangnam Blues.” To do this, he didn’t lift more at the gym, or take up boxing, or anything like that -he stopped using moisturizer for a few months. Bless.

That's what I was thinking of - ::chuckle:: Oh, Lee Min Ho, you are such a pretty boy. I have no doubt that his morning facial routine alone takes longer than I've ever spent grooming.


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I read that too, it made me laugh. And then I realized I really should perhaps look more at my own skin routine :/ I must look very manly. Jk.


Haha, he dropped by Singapore for a sponsor's event, and the headline about this story was "Lee Min Ho, trying to be more masculine". LOL!


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LOL!! That's hilarious! THAT was how he decided to be more manly??


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I had to google that article, just because, and it made me laugh so hard: "Lotion is apparently the key" and "I could feel my skin deteriorating"

I think brooding shower scenes are the best way to showcase masculinity ;) but that is just me.


I think brooding shower scenes are the best way to showcase masculinity

Or weightlifting. Half-naked weightlifting is always good.


harmonyfb -

I'm loving your three kdrama moments!


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I thought they were pretty cool. :)


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How cool! I only met anime lovers, but it's the Japanese anime that is highly popular.

I was wondering what LMH is up to lately, he is playing in a movie! Thanks.


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I only met anime lovers, but it’s the Japanese anime that is highly popular.

I used to meet anime lovers all the time, back when my oldest daughter was really into it. There's actually quite a large number of them here in Florida, go figure.

But most people look at me funny when I start talking about Korean TV and films, so it was nice to find somebody who already knew. (That reminds me: must ask him if he knows when "For the Emperor" is getting released.)


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oh that reminds me there is a first anime shop now in Estonia (Tallinn) a very small one but that means asian culture is slowly sneaking in.


'You really like the Chinese huh?' People around me think Asian are only in China. Tsktsk


Fab -

Anime was where I first delved into the world of subtitless in my impressionable years. And where I jump from animation to KDrama through early Hulu.

I'm currently marathoning all seasons of Sword Art Online, and trying to finish the 3rd season of Black Butler. In my spare time, of course [looking around for those teeny tiny bits of spare time]


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Where do you watch your anime? Ever since I started watching dramas live, everything else is abandoned...lol


yeah, that was me too! Subtitled anime/scanlated manga (usually via IRC) as a teenager, then jdramas, and then from there to kdramas!

I used to watch quite a bit of anime on crunchyroll before they went legit, but a lot of it relied on youtube, tudou etc too.


Aaahh! Black Butler. My daughter introduced me to it. I can't say I love anime, but there are some series I have enjoyed. My favorite so far is BB.


Harmony fb - @ Boarding House - I can't figure out what I'm watching.


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I couldn't even get through an entire episode - it was so bad. And the laugh track. Oy.


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Happy Brrr Friday beanies!

Drama watching n loving it:

Mama---fantastic weekend drama. Want a good cry? This is the one to watch then. Love the storyline even if it's sad. Some characters I want to slap silly. Haha

Myspringday--- so good. Just love the way hyung n bomyi stares at each other and when the other doesn't know it. Love... aww.

Have a good day/weekend! ^^


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Hey cv!

Heard about all the rain you are getting. Stay dry!

I'm not watching those shows, since I've been too busy finishing the SqueeCaps to FILWM, and starting another recap project of a Thai drama.


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Hi shuk! ^^
U should watch it when u have time. You'll like it.
Good luck on ur caps for lakorn. I may check that show out too.


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Hey CV! I came on here expecting to see some love for My Spring Day and you are the only one who's mentioned it so far! I am in love with this drama. Glad to see you like the staring, too. I've read where some are bored with it, but I think the looks, especially from hyung, express volumes.

I dare not even mention We Got Married because it will really bring home the point that I'm living in fantasyland again. But I do like the couples this time, and really would love to have Nam Goon Nim and Hong Ji Yong be real, lol.


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KL -
Not watching MSD, but you almost have me convinced to try an epi or two WGM. Maybe over breakfast, if it's that sweet. :-) I haven't watched a WGM couple since LHK and Mina.


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You should watch just to see Mary's Song Jae Rim - he's totally different than in his dramas. I really like Hong Jung Hyun and Yuna, too. Talk about sweetness--Yuna's like a bottle of champagne with a boatload of honey added to it. Her effervescence bubbles over, and he's delightfully sweet. But the MinYoung couple intrigues me the most, I think due to their age. And you know me - I'm always looking for that happy ending.

BTW, even kakashi watched last week's episode :)


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KL, yes the acting by hyungs just so good in myspringday.
It's been a while since I watched a couple on wgm. Last couple was global wgm with hongki. Altho I did read a bit about the recent past couples.


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Thanks so much for mentioning WGM, tried watching it for the first time.. Maybe bcoz I'm curious what's the big deal with Song Jae Lim.. I'm in for a big surprise! I think they pair up so well.. he and Kim So Eun.. love love their interactions so far and they're just filmed 3 episodes.. I watched the 3rd episode raw but I keep squeeing for them. THEY'RE so spontaneous and complement each other. Or is it they're both actors and know how to generate good reactions from the fans ( major fanservice ).. But for me it's really like two people being attracted and want to get to know each other..


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My Spring Day is effortlessly wonderful. Yep, Effortless.
The chemistry is so warm and hot, the acting so warm!! Its highly recommended


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You nailed it. Kam Woo Sung is amazing. I need to watch some other things he's been in--I've heard The King and the Clown in good so think I'll try that.


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I recently saw that and it's really really good.


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I really want to see that! It was supposed to be showing on one of the sites I look at (I forget which) and was on the front page but when I clicked on it I got the dreaded "not available in your area at this time" message. So disappointed.


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Watch Alone In Love! He and Son Ye-jin are amazing in that. Whenever I think about either of those two, the first thing that comes to mind for both is their meeting scene in that drama.


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Yes, the chemistry is warm and effortless. That's why it's such a easy and good watch.


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Watching J dramas

Ryomaden, Hanako to Anne, and Ginnikan.

Watching K dramas

Secret Hotel, Nine Boys, Mermaid, Secret Door, 3 Musketeers and Yoo-Na's Street.

Had a bunch of figs this year. Yesterday the wife started a batch of fig wine. Look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Fall is here, nice weather this time of year.


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Yesterday the wife started a batch of fig wine. Look forward to seeing how it turns out.

Ooooo. I've never had fig wine - let us know how it is! Sadly, the only familiarity I have with figs is in Fig Newtons (where they're pretty tasty, I must say.)


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harmonyfb ~

Fig wine will be a new adventure for us too. We had so many figs this year. The figs are really sweet. Ficus carica or 'Petite Negra'. Dark purple skin and red inside.


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John -
Lucky you! Every time they got ripe, they suddenly disappeared! I pretty sure I caught a squirrel belching once underneath it. LOL I managed to pick enough to eat fresh, but never enough to do anything with them (ie can or jam).


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mmm, figs! we bought fig jam from Croatia. it is so sweet. I will probably use it for cakes or cookies just a drop at a time.
and we have these fig & cashew bars they say are good for brainwork


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Oooo, fig jam! I bet that would be delicious on toasted english muffins. Y'all are making me really hungry. I wonder what I have in the refrigerator.


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Oh my goodness, I've tried the fig jam from Croatia and it's delicious!

It's especially yummy with cheese.


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Maybe when my coworker goes back to Estonia to visit her family, I can ask her to bring me a jar.


figs had a good summer, got tons from a friend. especially good halved, topped with a small amount of goat cheese, wrapped in prociutto and baked till warm...


Mix with softened goat cheese, chill it again and then use it to top a pizza with caramelized onions and prosciutto. Or sprinkle on a salad. Or leave it soft, spread it on some prosciutto, roll it and drizzle with an aged balsamic vinegar ... Yum.


Are you watching English subs of Hanako to Anne? I can't seem to find any past ep 66? Any suggestions? I prefer streaming, but if I need to download raw vids and soft subs, I guess I have no choice since I got hooked on this asadora like Oshin and Churasan.


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james94131 ~

It looks like another batch of episodes of Hanako to Anne have been released, up to Ep 72. I do hope the subs don't dry up like some J dramas do.


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Happy OT

Sitting at university again and enduring a looong afternoon/evening T_T It really sucks to have lectures from 2pm to 9 pm on Friday -.-

Tomorrow’s gonna be a looong day as well since I’m gonna be taking trial courses for different sports topics and I’ll probably be dead afterwards xD
All the dramas from the weekend need to wait till Sunday I guess^^

9 Boys: So is it airing or not? I guess that’s the big question w/ the plagiarism stuff out there… If they really did then it sucks big time but on the other hand… I want to know how it all ends T_T But I swear tvN is needs to get its shit together bc this controversy + the Surplus Princess cut + kinda screwing up My Secret Hotel = I sincerely hope the next batch of dramas is good bc I really like what tvN does otherwise!

Secret Hotel: Uhm… Well right now I dislike both guys! Sang Hyo also needs to finally make her mind up and Jung Eun … I still don’t know why she’s even there! But since we only have 4 eps left I’ll stick w/ it^^

Secret Door: Drama you can have all my tears! I wanted to hug Sun repeatedly this week bc he was just so lonely =(
Slightly off topic but does anyone of you know where to get good books about Korean history? It’s so damn hard to get something in Austria since … well let’s just say Korean history is not the primary concern here


RM: Oh man how I hate it when we get an exciting ep (last week) and the follow up is… not very exciting^^ Krystal was barely seen and totally inactive but oh well… Here’s to hoping that Shin Min Ah and Jo Jung Suk are better this week ;)

1N2D: That hidden camera for Junho was so great =) He was seriously touched and it showed that those guys really get along well! And that’s what I love about this 3rd Season so much ♥

WGM: RimKim couple managed to pull me back into the world of fake marriages and I LOVE them!!! Song Jae Rim is one big dork and his cheesy lines make my hand curl up but I love that Kim So Eun can stand her ground =)


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Why don't you inquire at the University of Vienna or the Korean Cultural Centre?


Plus, in this day and age you can order almost everything online. Just saying.


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Ahhh... see I never think outside Upper Austria which is pretty bad but thanks for the tip :D

Yeah I know it's just that if anyone has title recommendations they would be highly appreciated ;) You know something like a good overview of Korean history!


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I don't know any titles really... but I could either inquire at the Korean Culture Centre in London, or at SOAS (the School of Oriental Studies, which offers degrees in Korean here in London), or possibly with some people in academia and fellow bloggers more deeply into Korean history...

You'd have to remind in a couple of weeks, I'm super busy at the moment since term just started.


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Oh wow thanks for the offer that would be great! And don't worry about it taking a while I don't need it ASAP^^

Oh I totally understand :) University just started here as well and so I'm also preparing to get busy again^^

I actually wrote down to remind you bc otherwise I'll probably forget as well xD


i am excited for song jae rim too!! he looks so different from his characters in dramas (not that i have watched any of his :P) but the real him is so playful and naughty and buff!! its my first time watching we got married!


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I love the RimKim couple on We Got Married. L-O-V-E, love. I've only ever watch a few episodes of WGM before (and most of those were the Global edition), and I've always thought it was kind of weird and forced and awkward. Stilted. But Jae Rim and So Eun feel like they have a rapport, like they just hit it off really well and got comfortable around each other very quickly. (They're so at ease with each other that I was wondering if it was really the first time they'd met.) Watching them together, their banter and chemistry is so enjoyable. And I like the easy, casual skinship, too. They should do a romcom together, no? I would watch that so hard.


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Running Man was worth it for the cast as the Supremes--if nothing else.

And am I the only one who thought Kang Soo looked like Barbra Streisand in "Funny Girl?" (O.my.gosh. I laughed so hard. And I also loved Gary and Suk Jin's little "Pips-type" hand movements as back up for the song.

Actually, I thought Running Man has been pretty good for the last 2 weeks.


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Wait by 9 Boys, do you mean Plus Nine Boys? And if so, whats wrong with the show and why wouldn't it air?


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Plagiarism allegations. From Soompi:

The tvN drama “Plus Nine Boys” has been caught up in a plagiarism controversy

“Plus Nine Boys” has been accused of having similar content to a musical called “Exit 9” that ran from February 20 to the 23 of this year.

Also: “Plus Nine Boys” Could Be Facing Broadcast Prohibition Due to Alleged Plagiarism - http://www.soompi.com/2014/10/02/plus-nine-boys-could-be-facing-broadcast-prohibition-due-to-alleged-plagiarism/


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Oh, my comment got caught for moderation becuase of links. Here's the link free version. From Soompi:

The tvN drama “Plus Nine Boys” has been caught up in a plagiarism controversy

“Plus Nine Boys” has been accused of having similar content to a musical called “Exit 9” that ran from February 20 to the 23 of this year.


On October 2, writer Lee Jung Joo of the musical “Exit 9” put in a request for an injunction preventing the broadcast of “Plus Nine Boys,” allegedly a plagiarized work based on the musical. The writer said, “I met with the drama producers and the CJ law team, but we couldn’t reach an agreement, so I’m going to court.”


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Plus 9 Boys might go off air?! Oh no :(

I realise ratings for the current crop of tvN dramas are low, but even the public broadcast networks are struggling to break double digits in ratings these days, compared to them 1-odd percent for cable is a good rating.


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Hi Everyone!

It's OT time! I hope you are all doing well today.

Drama-viewing this week:

It's Okay, It's Love - Finished this last night. ........ Definitely one of my favorites for this year. The acting by the leads, simply outstanding. ....... Regarding the acting, while I don't often mention idol-actors, I have to mention D.O.. He was actually pretty good in the role of Kang-woo.

Temptation - Still watching to see how much deeper Hong-joo is going to fall into her self-created, little circle of hell. Seriously, why is she surprised by her new husband's actions?

Fated To Love You - Continues to be a joy to watch. ........ And I want to give Daniel-ssi a hug. *giggle*

Romance Shines In Rainbow Color - Watched the last ep of this jdrama. I found it by accident a couple of weeks ago, and it had already been airing for a couple of weeks so I only watched like the last 4 episodes. ........ It was interesting.

Miss Marple (Endless Night episode) - This was quite good. ....... What a sneaky little plan.

That's it for now. Everyone take care and have a great Friday!


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Miss Marple that is english? I love Miss Marple, she is ace.


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redfox -

Yes! Miss Marple, the ever-so-unassuming English senior citizen who plays detective.


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Awww I miss It’s Okay, It’s Love. It doesn't help that Hero is practically everyday on the radio. Yeah Kang-woo was adorable!


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Fab -

Yeah, I just finished it and I already know I'm going to miss it also.


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Korfan, I am already thinking about re-watching It's Okay, It's Love, that's how much I liked it. D.O. was good in the role of Kang woo. Maybe this weekend~


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Fated To Love You is one drama where I would like to give Daniel a pat on the head but not for one second did I ever have Second Lead Syndrome there - the power of the Jang+Jang couple is too strong!


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Good morning Currently watching My Secret Hotel , What Happened to my Family , DOR , Mermaid yadada yada yada ...... I have a question for u wonderful beanies : What type of Guy do u prefer K drama Actors or Idols ?????


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What type of Guy do u prefer K drama Actors or Idols ?????

Good actors. I don't really care where they came from as long as they can pull it off.

My favorite Korean actors are: Kim Sang-Ho (TEN), and Lee Joon Ki (Two Weeks) for men, and Kim Seul Gi (Surplus Princess) and Shin Min Ah (Arang and the Magistrate) for women.

My 'OMG so attractive' Korean actors are Kwon Hyun Sang (Vampire Prosecutor 2), Jung Jin Woon (Marriage, not Dating) and Jin Yi Han (My Secret Hotel). I also quite fancy Lee Joon Ki and his gorgeous smile. (On the female side, I wish I looked like Shin Min Ah or Ha Ji Won. ::sigh:: Maybe in my next lifetime.)


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For me good actor with good-looking face. Heh

I actually have 1 rule to judge if actor good or not, by making me feeling emotional, esp if they bring me to tears. Because if they can't touch me emotionally, how would I believe in their character and fictional world? I need to connect to their characters.

So my favorite Korean actors: Ji Chang Wook, Lee Jun Ki, Kim Woo Bin, Yoon Kye Sang (Full Sun), Kim Myung Min. Actresses: Moon Geun Young, Shin Min Ah, Lee Bo Young. The list is longer, but that's all I can remember easily.

I don't care if people said some actors are the best ones, if they can't make me feel the characters I just don't find them attractive.


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That's a good rule, actually.

I also look for versatility and screen presence in actors. Of course, a good-looking face doesn't hurt!


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someone who oozes charisma even if they arent the traditional sense of pretty. Not TOO sweet and cute, more gruffy or shar.
best for actors is probably a look that doesnt get them type-casted but gets them different parts


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I don't care about idols vs actors, as long as they can act.

I've noticed that some idol fans tend to cry that we meanie beanies aren't giving their oppas a chance because according to them, being an idol = being an "entertainer" and that means being an actor as well because they are supposedly "trained" for it.

But when criticism of the idol's acting comes out, the idol fangirls will be the first ones to say "but she/he has too many schedules/is too young/can't practice!". The inconsistency in logic is amazing.

That said, there are enough idols who are really good actors (Im Siwan, Lee Joon, Jung Eunji, Yook Sung-jae, Yoon Doojoon etc) that it makes the bad-acting defenders look even stupider when they can't face that their bias isn't entitled to an acting career just for being a "visual" or whatever (cringing forever @L and Taecyeon)


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Hi all:

I didn't watch a lot this week. I keep waiting for other stuff to arrive.

So..of the shows I watched:

Night Watchman: I'm really loving this with all its flaky unpredictability. The writers just always have a new trick up their sajeuk sleeves. A villain who dies and comes back to life? Demonic possession? King's split personality taking over? Doppelgangering of heroine? Vampiric semi-undead possessed? So love it that the bad characters just keep doing their stuff and leading the heroes who live only to react. It's almost as if the story doesn't progress further, it progresses deeper with nothing happening on a linear level but the ramifications of all the character traits and abilities being mined to discover something new. Ah, and Sadam! I really have to smile. Persistent much?

Three Musketeers: Still liking it. Liked the whole gambling ruse thing.

What's with this family?: This is my favorite drama right now. Please Dal Bong, please tell Seo Wool the truth! Not liking Aunt's Daughter at all. Which reminds me: Sometimes i think k-drama writers are so busy slipping in tropes and premises that they don't really see their plot clearly. Example 1: Why doesn't restaurant owner just tell his mom that Seo Wool saved him as a child? Then, Mom would stop trying to fire SW? Example 2: In Night Watchman, so much is made of the bracelet that Do Ha wears and of the rope she was given to fight demns...yet the guys couldn't tell the difference between her and her doppelganger? It's stuff like this that makes me wince a bit. Hoping the truth will come out in WWTF though.

Reset: Am really torn with this. It fits the need I have for a mainstream police procedural but the coincidences, the plot synchronicities, the easy plotting -- well, it makes it hard to become invested.

+9 Boys: Wondering what Su-ah's secret is.

Waiting to see if I should watch Greatest Marriage: Wondering how true it'll be to its premise and who the OTP is.

Time Spiral: Am wondering how long it'll take for our time traveler to give up on trying to change the past. So is getting the heroine is main reason for creating this time line? OR is she secondary to saving his sister? Is it me or does anyone else feel that he has attempted to change the past in more than one timeline? I think his sister is doomed, no matter who she marries and no matter what timeline she is on. I fear the fallout when he realizes this is all fruitless.

Waiting for Misaeng.

Am totally in love with Nam Goong Min and Song Jae Rim in We Got Married. Who knew? My two favorite guy types in one series!

My review of Snowpiercer's up: http://www.fantasticstoriesoftheimagination.com/the-fan-beginnings-and-endings-snowpiercer-dark-eden-the-end-my-friend/

Great weekend, all.


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Yes, Nightwatchman is crazy,,, but when I think about this plot, the plot( crazy black magic thing) in this era might be rather fresh. Bromance is more interesting than romance in this drama... and did you notice Sadam actor's eye colour is quite brown for Asian actors under sunlight? I occasionally go to Soompi to see the progress of the drama and realize how much Yuhno's fans are devoted to him. All those foods that they brought for him and the crew are quite impressive.

Time Spiral: I agree with you totally. when the guy giving up for the hope to save his sister then what would happen to the main girl?


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On Time Spiral, it just seems as if he is stuck in futility. I'm confused now as to who had her on some "original" timeline. I find myself trying not to think of the violinist as the spoiler of the heroine's romance because clearly she has nothing to do with her brother trying to save her. And it's not even clear that heroine is even in love with Kentaro or if Kentaro is even in love (and not pity/responsibility) with heroine. Aargh, the questions and uncertainties!

Yunho's fans are a total trip!!! I didn't know about the food, though. Wonder if JIL is jealous? ;-)


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Where can I watch We Got Married. I want to watch Nam Goong Mi so bad cause he is so cute on the trailers...


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I'm watching on kshowonline.com. Beware, you may fall down the rabbit hole watching this and start shipping this couple for real!


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he is such a sweetie. Oh my gosh! I could fall in love with him. I watch it on the kshow, and also on youtube. There's a channel which english subs it.


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I watch it at http://www.kshowlove.com/ no ads, yeah!


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LOL! Carole you have a knack for pulling the most positive things of out bad things! I'm watching Night Watchmen too - don't ask me why. I have zero investment in the show and I can't honestly say it's good. But you make it sound somewhat appealing! LOL! I'm less sorry now that I waste my time watching it....

I'm really liking Three Musketeers too! It's the only show these days that I really look forward to watching! The plot and characters keep me coming back for me and I enjoy watching the slow progression of the relationships.


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As much as I love the Three Musketeers, I think I need to wait until the end and then marathon it. This once a week is not good for my ADD.


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I'm having problems with the once a week format with it as well. Not ADD though, just that my mind is so connected to the twice a week thing.


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It's funny. I hate the predictability of most kdramas. But this one has the predictability but ..heck, we don't know what all it's predicting because....come on, who woulda thought of some of the flaky twists the writers have come up with? It's like they keep saying, "What else can i do with this premise? What else can i do with what i have?"

The relentlessness and ingenuity and comebackness (is that a word?) of the villains! I gotta give them props. And the Lady/Maiden...can she just not give up on Rin?


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LOL! Now you have me imagining that they just have a bunch of nonsensical plot lines and every week they reach into their little magic bag and say "ah ha! this week we throw in a doppelganger!"

It's like those comedy shows where the audience just says random words and the actors make up a plot with it as they go along! LOL!


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It's not so bad. It's just being so inventive with the wizardry but there is no real plot except that bad guys do something then good guys react then bad guys do something then bad guys react. No movement in space, plot, or time.


Just read your review. I enjoyed this movie too !


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Wasn't that movie totally fun!!!! IT became an instant favorite of mine.


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Hi all!

I practically only watch Secret Door and My Lovely Girl ep 3 this week. I don't have any energy to finish other dramas.
Secret Door: love this new sageuk. Although some predictably bad, but some are grey and makes me confused over who's real good guys. Mind-numbing for so many conspiracy plots and how many people involve in the murder. Will they make Sado insane or he's just product of conspiracy? Do Sado and Ji Dam only have partner relationships? How about Yeongjo and Sado's relationship? I'm intrigued to see this unfold.

My Lovely Girl: The plot is predictable and this one doesn't need brain to process. Just watch for Eye Candy named Rain Oppa. Still boring and cliches, but at least still watchable until now.

Can't wait for Pride and Prejudice, Pinocchio, and Healer.

I watched 'The Client' just today. A very good movie. Ha Jung Woo really nailed the portrayal as lawyer perfectly and he looks like real lawyer. And there's Jang Hyuk too who seems never aged and in this movie, he looks like 30 years old. Not really care with the twist since we're told from the start that the twist is possible. But still, an excellent movie. I think as an actor Ha Jung Woo and Jang Hyuk have ability to pick good projects.

Running Man: Kwangsoo as Giraffe Unnie is hilarious! But the star of the ep for me is Rain! He's such a gentleman in every game, competitive and gives his all for Billy Jean cover. Love it.

Happy Together: watching ep when Choi Jin Hyuk comes and he's such a cutie. He's really thankful to person who help him to the point he will buy her a car. His story is touching, he even had to lve in jimjilbang (sauna) for 6 months prior to his debut.

And, let me fangirling over Rain. Watching him in RM and MLG makes me love him again. He's my first kdrama crush in Full House. I still remember his character, Lee Young Jae, so well. And now he's more mature, hotter, a gentleman, I wish he's my boyfriend. He's my new ideal boyfriend!! Haha


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Rain seems really well-grounded and gentelmanly in the drama and I am quite surprised. maybe his bratty character in FH left too much of an impression that he is kind of ... a wild person.
gotta watch RM then. what number is that episode?
