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I haven't been up as much due to a whole slew of reasons, but I figure it's a good time to relook over the last couple of weeks.
- The WAmL SqueeCaps have been completed - everlasting thanks to my online besties, JoAnne and kakashi for hanging in there!
- The current SqCaps include a Jo/Ka collab for Heartless City / Cruel City (and there's some debate which name is more appropriate), and a kakashi stand-alone for Special Affairs Team Ten 2, so please stop by kakashi's blog and check it all out.
- Thanks to my enforced convalescence from my surgical procedure this week (and the fact my mom won't let me drive), I have managed to get caught up on almost everthing:
* IHYV 1-4: I will never hear that Michael Jackson song again without the sudden urge to check my window sashes. The combination of cute and creepy is keeping me enthralled! Plus I love how SH's image of HS keeps getting rewritten as her human traits rewrite the fictional ones in his head.
* Monstar 1-4: This has that "Fame" flair that I haven't really seen in a long while. I love the music choices, and the group of misfits banding together into a circle of friends! And I hope they publish that piano piece at the end of episode 4 as part of the OST. I really want to know more of the backstory of the characters, and I like that the writer-nim can take what could be an admittedly shallow premise and still make me care about the characters.
* NSP 7: Okay, this one is too fluffy to be taken seriously, and some of the nail designs make me scratch my head, but the pretty is there, and it's the perfect watch when I need something with minimal brain use.
* Last Cinderella 9 - I admit it; I'm shipping Hiroto / Sakura pretty hard, even though I'm sure the inevitabilty of the First Love trope will squash that hope like a bug. I like Rintaro too, so I think she's a very lucky person, but ah...those expressions of the younger man just make me feel all squishy inside.
* DACyrano 1-4: My interest is this one has lagged a bit, so I haven't generated enough energy for the last two episodes. Maybe it's the lacks of chemsitry betwen the characters. I'll probably read the recaps from our lovely Javabeans of 5 and 6, and make the decision to continue then.
Recovery won't be complete until all the man-made materials are out of me - middle of July. But I'm definitely feeling better! Stir-crazy of course. Or maybe just crazy; I can never tell. LOL
I'm waiting on subs for LC 10 - I don't want to watch it raw in spite of the temptation to do so. I think I'd pick the spontaneous shirt-removal over the understanding hug, but I'm shallow that way. :)
Me too, Julia. It's like watching a silent film and with Hiroto, who needs words? Later, I'll catch up on the plot, but I can do LC raw and get a whole lot out of it!
At this point I don't care what the romance ship. I care about the delivery of the story. But then I've never been a hard shipper besides a story shipper. If the story plays it out convincingly, then I'm on for the ride. Once that's done and if the story has done well I've landed to shore and will argue for the story using plot points. Welcome to the life of a writer.
Miura is hot... and Fujiki-san is married in real life (but ages so well)
I think if you ignore that the story in the front isn't that strong and that the client of the week are good stories, it's not too bad, but the female character at episode 7 still needs a personality besides she's a woman... (and there are no female clients yet).
I hope Cyrano picks up for me. I did enjoy the movie adaptation of the story, but Story of the week I tend to enjoy when I love the main cast (Vampire Prosecutor comes to mind) and I just don't have it with this one.
Hi Shukmeister glad to see you back!
Hope your surgical procedures when okay and that it wasn't something major that had to be done, and that you recover quickly =)
i agree with you about Monastar. I have missed a drama like this, and the misfit gang coming together. I also like how the writer-nim manages to combine the back stories into the present plot line. It gives you enough to be interested but at the same time it feels like it fits in.
*crosses something that is free for wish-crossing purposes* hopefully! So far it seems well planed and thought out. So hopefully the unfolding of it will take on the same character.
Hi Shuk! I read your squeecap for epi1 Hearless City. LOVED it,.Hilarious!!! I can't wait for the next one. Jeong Kyeong-ho is the sexiest badass I've seen in a long time.
I'm so loving Monstar, and also really dug the piano pc. At first, I thought, no way, the kids too young and too far from my taste physically but he's expressions are classic! I'm so into him. haha. oh god. :P Also started I can hear your voice, good so far. And still watching and loving BFF.
There's so many good drama right now. relieved cause I was in a Kdrama funk for a few months. :D
hi shukie, fellow fire horse (chinese horoscope)! good to see you here. and first too! glad to see that you are watching and enjoying monstar too coz thats by far my favourite right now although i havent caught up with i hear your voice epi 3-4. i dont like the female lead character much but i imagine she is written that way. abrasive and selfish.
since you are watching heartless city, what do you think of the police / special task force in the drama? dont you think its too ridiculous and unbelievable - for example that they can just put someone new on the job and then expect some movement in catching a big undergrorund boss like scale within such a short period of time when they have not made progress before?
or like how the female cop is completely emotional in her job to the point of compromising the rest of her coleagues (eg the child being sold bit)?
or that they think they can put a newbie in a job to train her to be a cop? how unbelievable is all this??!
rant over. more importantly though, i hope you are recovering well. its great that kdramas and we are able to keep you company :) get well soon ya
Yeah, any earth tremors felt along the East Coast of the US is probably because of my eyes rolling. The police teams are complete fabricated and square in the category of Did Not Do The Research. But, it is a fiction, so I pick my jaw off the floor and soldier on... :-)
I really hate in particular the misuse of ambu bags. And the worst so far was checking a person for brain death when person was still self ventilating. But someone posted a pic of Star Trek doctor reading the X-rays upside down too so it's not just k dramas :)
Abso. I mean, you use a BVM when you need to assist a patient's breathing, not to give your hands something to do. That's when I just hold the patient's hand in comfort. [shake head]
I'm working on Heartless City episode 6 Squee Cap, and I refuse to describe anything in the ambulance or the hospital. I start choking from the bile when I even try.
NSP 7: It dawned on me that, in this episode, there was a sense of the fbs being part of the lives of the people in their community as they helped the old couple. Looking back, you could say that, with some stretch, being active in their community is apparent with their involvement with the others too. My point, I guess, is that I wish this was a more up front theme bcause they do do more than just nails, and this episode brought that home for me in a satisfactory way, which other eps did not do. Rambling maybe, but somthing I picked up on this time around.
Kakashi, I just wrote how I so loved JoAnn's, your's and Shukies squeecaps for Heartless City. and that sergeant guy totally looks like Jackie Chan. it's distracting. lol.
if anyone cares, I am not always a no-show as well, so here I am.
The main text to the first part of my book is complete. Now editing. which is much harder.
no time to poroperly watch anything. Been reading recaps to Gu Family Book, which annoys the hell out of me. and I hear your voice, which I am going to watch once I finish editing, if you dont pull me in sooner. but I wanna preserve my nerves....
trying to watch Fabulous Boys, taiwanese remake of You are beautiful, but it kind of...the actors are in a way "cold".
and today I met 4 really cute asian guys at the museum, they were soooo sweet, really, told them stuff about the submarine and airplane and taught them flying. ah I think I have a slight crush. but I dont know towards which one of them. all 4 I think. I am so greedy.
Happy Friday! I am going to make an effort this weekend to get around to read up on your TEN2 recaps (and watch up on the drama itself) so comments shall be forthcoming! Sorry for the delay!
I haven’t washed away in all this rain yet and it doesn’t seem like you guys have either, so that’s good. Honestly I’ve hardly registered the rain because I’ve been consumed with *gasp* doing my first recaps. Yep, SqueeCaps of Cruel City on Kakashi’s blog Yay! I’m doing the first few in a row but then it’ll be just like before with WAML, only we’ll switch up from time to time. I am having fun but I wouldn’t want to do a whole series by myself, no way. I need Kakashi and Shuk for this.
Because of just mentioned, I haven’t watched quite as much this week as normal and I was feeling like I was behind on stuff but really I’m not. Only this week’s episodes of I Hear Your Voice. Everything else I haven’t watched, I wouldn’t have been able to watch until today or this weekend anyway just because of subs: Cinderella, Tokyo Kiss, WGM-G, WTF Paris, and Monstar. I’m sure they’ll be great.
Gu Family was all kinds of good this week for me. I’m hoping that they rescue Gumihot’s heart and he turns good again and then the GummiBabes will rescue Joseon. Favorite scenes that didn’t include Gumihot were The Three Musketeers running off to save GumiMom, and the shirtless scene/extended hug for Kang Chi and Yeo Wool. SeungGi has seriously nice shoulders. I’m having a hard time pretending he’s not an actual man anymore. Also, I have become VERY fond of that townie guy who worships Kang Chi now. That actor is hilarious, I like him in Monstar, too, and I think he was the funny Korean-speaking taxi driver in some movie I can’t remember right now, too.
Cyrano is fun, fun, fun. I still want to see Taeminnie play an outward angel/inner psychopath in something, some day. (Please, Anthony, hear our prayer! Psychopaths are the new time travellers!) I’m more and more fascinated by Chunderella, and by Master’s story. KwangSoo as a masochist is fun, too, and I do love the banter between our leads. This is kind of a naughty show. I like it.
Cruel City. Good Lord. Yeah, ok, there’s little things. And in general I’m sort of tired of the miraculous plot machinations that allow unqualified people to suddenly become geniuses, or what-should-be fatal injuries that don’t seem to bother people until after they accomplish their mission, AT ALL, but for this show I will accept this, snark, and move on to what I really care about. Baksa Adeul. Is there even anyone else in this show at this point that matters? No, there is not. If Episode 7 starts with a slow pan up his artistically camera-lit body that somehow kicks ass and yet seems so fragile and in need of my protective love, settles in with an appropriately glowy focus on his tortured, lovely face that requires my kisses to confirm his skin really is JUST THAT SMOOTH, and then just STAYS THERE for thirteen more episodes while random emotions flit across his features and some unknown actor reads the script aloud to me? I’m good. In fact, that will become my all-time favorite show or movie ever, for the rest of my life.
My new motto: Keep Calm, and Baksa On. Free lollipops for the first 100 viewers! No, not really. Besides, tissues and booze would be more appropriate. But come see anyway, and let us know what you think of the show!
NINE THUMBS UP on the SqueeCaps!! You guys are missing out on some awesome with a side of awesomesauce if you don't check them out!! (I'm gonna avoid the 'Cruel City' ones until I catch up with the Show in my downtime next week.) But what are we gonna do without Opaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not gracing our small screens anymore, hunh? *silently weeps*
Free lollipops? LOL why am I having flashbacks to Carvel Ice Cream commercials now? "Free lollipops and balloons for the kids! Come on by!!!" :P
I've watched all episodes of monstar *thanks to all the hype here last week*
and now, i'm also crazy about KurtSchneider. Why? Because I searched for Pachelbel's Canon and found his wondrous version on youtube. So cool.
Either way, I'm loving both. Since Game of thrones just ended too (Seriously, all English shows I followed ended in the same week, or one after another. Sobs)
Thnak god I have Monstar, Shark, IHYV, and Lee Soon Shin to mend my heart~
You were so right, JoAnne... I absolutely LOVE this show (Cruel City), and yeah, there's really only one element that matters "...his artistically camera-lit body that somehow kicks ass and yet seems so fragile and in need of my protective love..." Yup. I could not possibly have said it better, and that really sums it up. And I haven't even seen this week's episodes yet! (I try not to let real life get in the way of important things like dramas, but sometimes it's inevitable.)
I'll definitely be checking out your squeecaps (is that like recaps, but minus the detailed synopsis?) :)
Korean Cultural Note I'm debating talking about Muism, but I might wait for the first episode of Master's Sun, since I'm sure the Hong Sisters are going to use that.
So I'll do Korean folk medicine instead since I had to go through it while in Korea....
Japanese Cultural Note On Honorifics. 'Cause people think it's easy when it's not. (Though I take this from Jim Breen)
Lee Soon Sin *spoilers* *Ranty fest*
Right, I have serious words about adoption for this show, not only do the mothers need a personality make over, but the premise of this adoption bugs me to a whole lot of pieces. I can tell when someone doesn't check out the basics.
First, I have 4 parents and 8 grandparents. One side is adoptive and the other side is Korean. I'm active in the adoption community and have done minor advocacy (on the more neutral issues such as adoption portrayal in the media and bridging gaps in the community).
And I have something to say to you who are thinking of adopting, related to someone who is adopted, or just don't get it. No matter how many times I'm try to tell you this while you ask stupid questions and portray adopted people:
1. Love is not limited to a frickin' title handed to you. You are allowed to love someone with a title who is "Grandmother" more than one or two times. You are allowed to love beyond the bonds of blood. But it doesn't mean blood isn't important either. I WISH THIS SHOW WOULD GET THAT. OMG and the mothers too--all of them. Every single last one.
2. Love is not some kind of sick competition/quantity game.
I want to pound this into all of the mother's brains so badly. If Lee Soon Shin *chooses* to love both mothers, that's not a *bad* thing. I don't get this "competing" idea about love in terms of family. What? Love is so limited that if you hold the same title, you must compete for it? People relate to other people in different ways. You don't relate to your older siblings all the same way just because you call them "Brother" or "Sister" why does it have to be different for "Mom" or "Dad?" Why? Why do you have to go on about "Whose" daughter LSS is. She's BOTH. Leave it. If she chooses both, then fine, if she chooses one, then fine, but that won't change the impact that either person has had on that person. *ranty rant* Love is not a frickin' competition and it shouldn't matter if you label it "nature" or "Nurture" Love is love. Stop asking Who do you love more to adopted people.
3. You cannot replace anyone in this world just because you carry a title that's the same.
No one can replace anyone else in the world. Their existence is unique in every choice and action they take, the impact they have, and when they are gone--as we all are, the singular existence they had where you can no longer talk to them, good or bad, and what you shared, even momentary is something unique. Even if you don't talk to them, even if they are just that person in front of you at the traffic light, the little existence they have in the trillions of years this universe has existed is important and cannot be replaced or erased. So get off of trying to "replace" someone just because you hold the same title. Because we all know that George V was not anything like Henry VIII just because they held the same title of King of England.
This should be independent of how or to what quality one loves another person.
And minor: Real Mom, doesn't float in English use. It's frowned upon by adoptive parents and also in the birth family community. ("birth" anything is too... but I'm waiting on them to organize and find a more neutral word. Relinquishing is about the closest I got and I wracked my brain to get that one.) And don't give me that crap about nurture v. nature. I got another rant for you on that and it won't look pretty. "Real" works in Korean because it's used to quantify other things along the same line without it being about the validity of a person's existence in another person's life. (Comes down to usage). Despite that in Korean, Appa and I used, "American" v. "Korean" parents which avoids the whole thing. So did the people around me.
Basically, I wonder why dramas and people outside of the adoption community and sometimes inside of it insist that love is so limited. That you can't love more than one person who holds the title of "Mom" or "Dad" why it can't cross simple family boundaries and that it needs to be quantified and weighed. What I know is that love doesn't work like that and insisting that it does, I find sad.
I also dislike the show's portrayal of how adoption legalities work. A lot of adoptive parents work really hard and think deeply before adopting a child, and if they don't they get smacked with it later on. These filters show how much the parents actually care about the child. It doesn't mean a child can't get kidnapped or taken in illegally, though that seriously causes issues with deportation, getting a job, a license to drive, etc for the adopted person (basically seriously irresponsible towards the child.) But I can't buy the legal issues of this drama either. Won't work in Korea, even 20 years ago. I'm still asking, how did Lee Soon Shin get a job without a registration number? And if she has one, how did she get one without a birth certificate?
Also the mothers have serious boundary issues--I mean beyond the usual Korean poking around. I think we can safely put them all in Axis II. They often treat their children as an appendage or extension of themselves, don't respect boundaries, and keep on projecting.
So I wish, wish this show would understand the nature of love beyond the romantic.
Though Joon-Ho won my heart as he called out 2 of the horrible mothers for their behavior. I wish all of them would get a personality transplant ASAP and show real love. The love of sacrifice, wanting the best for your child even when it's hard for that child to face, and not thinking love is so limited.
Last Cinderella
OMG, the proposal, the bed scene, the tipping point--it's all in there. Did anyone catch Rin-kun's tipping point in this episode when he closed the door and had that expression? Or did the discussion come as a surprise in the bar? Ahhh! I love my subtle.
I Can Hear Your Voice
OMG, I love the mom in that so thoroughly. After wanting to strangle the LSS moms and preach to them about the nature of love, this one rocks my world. She has everything on my wish list for an awesome mother. She sacrificed herself when necessary, kicked her daughter's butt when her daughter needed it for her own good, believed her, doesn't coddle her (but still gives her love), knows her daughter well and understands that love is about and knows about boundaries. Mom==Awesome. Plus she has a life outside her daughter... (Mentions doing work, etc).
The small details also rock my world. The journal, the revolving door walk, the sign language, learning how to read braille, the annoyance at the street light. It's the small character moments that illustrate them through direct action that makes me smile.
And the gender dynamics are fun to watch as well. The cold female versus the hopeful males. But at the same time, I don't feel like the life of the males is only centered around our female character or are there to just serve her. Plus +1 for acknowledging the difficulty of women in the work place.
The pacing is well done. It isn't too fast where things are rushed, but it's not draggy and slow. Because of the multiple flashbacks, I have some hopes that the live shoots won't ruin the plotline. I really hope they don't 'cause I detected it in Nine.
The multiple phone calls, keeping characters separated, and the multiple flashbacks has me hopeful that they'll keep the shooting on schedule=P Takung notes.
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Good story, needs and upgrade on feminism.
1. Three stories, where are the female clients?
2. STILL Episode 7 and she has NO talent or contribution to the team besides she has boobs... Being a female isn't a talent.
I like the rest of it, but the females needs some work... then it'll put my heart into a heart attack mode.
Lee Kwangsoo, BTW, was a A++ add in my opinion... but maybe because I'm writing a script with him as the actor playing the main character.
Gu Am Heo Joon
Continues to be good.
Not as good at the first series.
Barefoot Friends
The book blowing part was hilarious. I loved it. I rolled. You'll know what I mean.
Otenki Oneesan Continues to be good. Ends next week.
35 sai no Kokusei
I like this very much still. Nice twist on the whole teacher reforms thing. It reads allegorical rather than realistic, but I don't mind that.
Mayononaka Panya san
Continues steadily at a nice pace. The plots aren't always realistic, but it keeps a consistent tone.
Korean Cultural Note: Ethnomedicine
This is the story of how I got sick and had Korean ethnomedicine done on me by my Korean father. Personally, I find it hilarious... I was staying with some people that my Korean father knew at the time. I should note I'm really weak to pain and my Korean father was sure to tease me mercilessly about it.
Let me tell you that you can overeat Korean food easily and you really, really need to learn how to say no. But Korean food is so damned addictive, it's really hard saying no. So you have to start early.
The first no should be Anniyo 안니요. Second no should be Teseoyo 뎄어요(This is getting troublesome...). Third No should be kwaenchana 괜찮아[요]. And the final no said there or four times is anDWAE 안돼 ... the dwae said strong. And if it doesn't stop.. keumanhae 그만해요. Don't be fooled by the look of disappointment in the server's eyes and the teasing of, but you're so skinny... but you didn't eat that much. You need to really say no....
Why I got food poisoning when no one else did... was because I was under a lot of stress.
I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up EVERYTHING. Korean food tastes good going down, but coming up it's nasty. For the last few days I'd been sensitive to smells lately and didn't know why. My insides turned into liquid and I had the worst time that night. Let's just say that neither end of me could agree which should come out first. I was so sensitive that smelling my throw up made me throw up more...
Early in the morning I woke up and weakly reached for the phone. I'd been saying in a restless sleep all night, in Korean "It hurts Appa" like a child. It occurred to me the words sounded similar.. Appa... Ap'eo... I weakly said into the phone that my stomach hurt. Appa said he'd be over.
There were three major things wrong with me. 1. Stress. 2. Ate too much. 3. I ate too much meat without enough vegetables. (Also food poisoning in general) 4. I ate a lot of salt which my system isn't used to.
Appa arrived and woke me up. I was still feeling like hell. He gave me a sympathetic face.
Appa started by assessing the house's energy with dousing. He had me sit in the living room and put the metal rods over my head. He said that my energy was weak "Ki" in Korean. And that's one cause. He also made sure I was sleeping in the right direction. My Cultural Anthropology training kicked in. I watched him as he checked the halboji of the house and halmoni that I was staying with.
When he determined every symptom in the book, he pulled out the acupuncture (which in Korea is all about letting out the bad blood, not hitting pressure points so much). Then he had me sit on the floor.
Appa tortured me on all four. First he hit the spot it hurt hard, three times to make sure it was the spot. When I cried out he hit it three more time and then found the corresponding back point. He hit that spot three more times. I cried out like a little baby. He made fun of me for having so little pain tolerance and started to say I was like I was a baby and then laughed.
Once he found the point, then he beat my back HARD. I think he found it funny. 'cause I complained yet even more. He was showing to his friend too... which meant to demonstrate the pressure points three more times and then show it didn't hurt for anyone else but me two more times. Then he stabbed my hand with an acupuncture needle, but the pen was broken and kept breaking, so he did it by hand. FIVE TIMES. It was because the bleeding kept stopping. Then when he couldn't get the blood out he punctured the back of my finger without thinking. The other point which was near the physical point of my stomach earned another puncture on my left ring finger tied with a string.
He did this for two points and he told me in broken English, "Gogi, NO!" Which roughly means, "No meat!" or in more fluent English, "Don't eat meat."
He got upset when I wouldn't eat fish or porridge, but it smelled strong to me. I heard him talk about pregnant woman... one he treated, I think... I think he started to think I was pregnant because I said, "I'll be a baby" Which also translates in Korean as, "I'm going to have a baby." Haha.
He asked me what I wanted to eat and I drew some fruit on the paper and then drew a fish, put a circle and line around it. I did the same for a cow. He laughed because I put the circle and the line last.
I asked for melons and apples but couldn't eat that much. I fell asleep, still feeling sick, hurting all over now not just my stomach, but oddly feeling better.
I woke up to see him smile at me. There was a washcloth on my head. Through my stupor I looked at him kind of cross-eyed. He pushed a bottle of stuff at me and told me to eat it. There were three medicines. One was a brown powder which I wisely decided not to ask what was in it. One was two pills and the third was like a fizzy mini drink. And I thought American medicine was nasty... this didn't have sugar at least... and it tasted bitter. God Awful! (Or should I say Buddhist awful)?
He told me I had to take this a few more times. He asked also if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I figured if he left me alone I wouldn't hurt anymore. He told me that I had stress. And we talked for a while until he realized he had an appointment with a friend. Appa insisted that he put a towel on my head and smiled sweetly at me while he did so, almost like he'd missed doing it.
After I was not better in 5 hours he frowned and asked me if I wanted to go to a hospital. In pain from his acupressure, acupuncture and not knowing how the hospital would cover me since I wasn't a Korean citizen, I said no.
I slept for the rest of the day and the next day I finally recovered a little, but as I did, Appa sent me on a trip with two boys... "Namja Chingu." --;; Both from America. (I had no idea if I was being set up or not. I watched too many Korean dramas.)
I should note the reason I let him do this to me was because I was curious and I knew I was going to take a witchcraft, magic and religion class in the fall which required an ethnomedicine paper. I didn't know what the ethnomedicine paper was going to be exactly, but I thought going through this would be useful. I was so wrong. The ethnomedicine paper said I had to do it in the week of the assignment. Which meant I had to go to a Korean spa and go through acupressure, Korean style, which hurt like nothing else, but was far more gentle than the above. I still got an A on the paper and used this experience in the paper. But still. TT
And I was asked why this miracle cure wasn't exported, well now you know why.
I also found a website for basic Korean learning:
Japanese Honorifics
Online it's taught this way (Which is wrong):
sama is for a respectful way of saying -san.
Kun is used for males who are your friends
Chan is used for female friends.
P- is used for a close friend and is child talk.
san- is like Mr. or Ms. or Mrs.
Chama- is a cute way of saying san.
senpai, kouhai are ways of referring to one's senior/junior respectively.
sensei is used for teachers doctors and so on.
In theory, this is correct, but in practice, this is wrong. Japanese teachers will teach you the simplified version usually... because the contextual meanings are difficult to pick up.
With Japanese honorifics you really need to watch a few things:
1. How you know the person/your relationship.
2. How the person knows the person you're talking about.
3. The larger context.
4. If that person is present or not present.
5. Age of that person in relation to you.
6. How long you've known said person/how close do you feel to that person.
1. Sensei is always sensei unless it is a close friend.
2. Friends or acquaintances who met through children will call each other _child's name_-mama/-papa (or okaasan), especially who have known each other for a long time.
3. Honorifics don't depend on age alone, but whether the person is present or not. Not present is -san.
4. Honorifics also depend on the degree of familiarity of all parties involved.
5. Honorifics change if one insists on being called something else.
6. Nothing is its own honorific.
7. -san can also be used for companies.
8. -sama is used for deferential speech.
9. chama and P are baby talk.
10. -kun and -chan can be used for male or female listeners and are only used when agreed upon when older, or anyone younger than you who is present.
Gu Am Heo Joon surprises me since they're still pacing it at such a fast clip. we're about what? halfway through and I still feel like I missed a ton if I miss one episode.
There is usually about a problem a week for him to solve, overlapping a bit, but the problems are related to character growth in more than one character and tell about the world--not all of them are medical.
Basically it does everything I would have wished Horse Doctor would have done.
I'm keeping to Cyrano, but I'm going to probably ignore the front line story since the girl has no personality what-so-ever. She has nothing on her personality traits list besides naive and messes everything up. And it's episode 8. Halfway through. I don't have high hopes.
So true about Cyrano. Is her only personality "aegyoness"? I so want to see Gu Am because I like it so much but I keep thinking I'm already so far behind and I will have to marathon it. Will see.
I do have a problem with the Mom constantly smacking the grown daughter in the head in IHYV. It still bothers me to see this in dramas. Use your words, people! But I've only finished 2 episodes, maybe she finally gets it.
Italians are more physical too. =P (Both in general and in the American cultural subset). I've heard also that many Hispanic groups are also more physical (from some Hispanics who generalized about the whole group, though I'm not sure which countries this relates to).
And the Chinese are a lot like British in terms of how the countries relate to each other.
Koreans eat like Italians--huge portions of good food in communal eating with lots of affection, warm hugs, being loud when upset, etc. I found a lot of overlap.
Japanese are like French in that there is a reserved feeling in the culture and the portions of food are small and gourmet. Everything has to look clean rather than piled on. They also tend to talk in English to you when you speak their language.... especially around Tokyo.
And Chinese are kinda like the British 'cause it's more diverse than everyone thinks it actually is internally. Though the food is better on Chinese (though highly regional). =P (British food used to be communal until French Cuisine took over).
Also Japanese and China always felt in competition with each other, where both said they were above it all... ignoring Korea in the middle.
Britain and France have had similar relations too.
My favorite analogy is this though (I realize how broad this is...):
If you had a factory for a product then India would be the philosophy department.
They would talk about the theories of how you would come up with an object. And if it's ethical or not.
Then China would come in and draft said project. They would use the philosophies in building such a product. They would continue to argue while drafting about the ethics behind it.
Koreans would come in an improve said product for the quality and act like the industrial engineers, refining said product.
And then Japanese would lacquer or make the product more in line with aesthetics. (i.e. the packaging department.)
You can kinda follow this pattern with Buddhism somewhat...
"Koreans eat like Italians–huge portions of good food in communal eating with lots of affection, warm hugs, being loud when upset, etc. I found a lot of overlap."
The Italians also doesn't take a "no" or "I cannot eat more" for an answer when it comes to food (like your korean culture note mentioned). My stomach still hurts when I think about that amount I was made to eat when I lived 2 weeks with an Italian family. So can see how the Korean's and Italian's relate!
That's a cultural thing--the smacking, etc. Koreans are a lot more physical overall (the finger flicks, the various "punishments" are also physical). For example, how you comfort a baby is the hold it upright over your shoulder and then pat it on the back. Some people said that it looked like the person was hitting the baby. But it's firm pats. (Americans would be like, "OMG~, you're hurting the fragile and perfect baby.")
Swiping at her head isn't actually that hard.
Some cultures are more physical than others. For Korean culture, touching and human interaction==warmth and warming your heart. Which is why Americans with their logic and their social distance when talking look cold (Again, SAE). Baby is born cold... the parents' job is to warm them up.
I don't ask people to agree with everything in a culture, but I think that the differences one should endeavor to try to understand before disagreeing.
I understand that it is a cultural difference but is seems demeaning to me. I can't imagine how I'd feel as a child (or a grown adult) constantly being smacked at. And they always say it hurts, so it doesn't seem that inconsequential to me.
Also, I find it interesting that you say Koreans are more physical overall. On one had there is a lot of bosses smacking employees, etc, but I never see open physical affection between married couples, and aren't men in general supposed to keep their physical affection contained to private situations? (I know I just read this somewhere.) Also, they are not the handshaking hug hug kiss kiss type of society.
I'm sure you get used to whatever you're brought up with, and it does seem apparent that children are used to their parents smacking the heck out of them. The fathers beating their adult sons is where i really draw the line, though.
It doesn't really hurt. The yell is louder than it actually is. Mostly it's indignation at being treated like a child.
The no skinship in public has relaxed a bit. Mostly you're physical towards those you're close to. The skinship thing comes from Neo Confucianism.
Also remember that Korean dramas have a rule about married people only being able to show affection towards their spouse in real life. (Japan loosely has this rule too). So if someone is married, they are no longer allowed to be physical on screen. And most of the people who are married on screen are married in real life. Sometimes the spouse allows it, though... and drama kisses don't look real anyway.
There is a difference between a love tap and kicking and punching someone in Korea.
Like chasing with the broom, etc is an exaggeration. (I was told) done for comedic effect.
See, most Americans are like, "What about the CHILDREN~~" and also go on about self esteem, how fragile people are, and how perfect children are because you don't want to OMG mess them up. But realizing this is also cultural, kinda helps the gap (and in the extreme--really, locking ONE parent in a house ALLL Day and expecting them not to go insane while taking care of a baby kinda seem ridiculous to me. Plus I hate the huge emphasis on individualism. I think there should be more of a balance than there is.)
Punishments in Korea are physical overall. But it doesn't mean actual hitting and if you followed, then through noonchi, you know they don't actually *mean* it. So it's a, you know that I know that you know that I'm just temporarily upset at you. The cry out is a But you know that I know that you know that I don't like being treated like I'm a little child, so I'm going to cry out that it hurts. You know that I know that you know that it doesn't really hurt, it just hurts your pride and you were getting prideful anyway--stay humble daughter of mine. You know that I know that you know that I still love you, but still....
In script writing it's called the under dialogue. In Korea it's just noonchi in general. (My brother and I talk through under dialogue so it's often hard to follow what we're talking about really.)
(There were a lot of references to Noonchi in Episode 4 of I Hear Your Voice. I felt bad for the translators. Like her eyes being wrong, etc. That she couldn't see anything. All of that was references to Noonchi.)
I think the Koreans are like us Irish. We both have long, sad histories, full of violence and pain, both invaded and occupied by our neighbours to the east, both very family oriented, hard working, hard drinking, emotional and melancholic, fiercely nationalistic, kind hearted and welcoming, and both touchy about criticism but full of pride of our achievements. The Koreans are the Irish of the East, and the Irish are the Koreans of Europe. I think this is why I felt so much at home when visiting Korea recently.
Completely agree about the mum in I Hear Your Voice! I LOVED the phone conversation of ep3, where she had to actually control her squee and yell at Hye-Sung for appearance's sake.
Also the dragon speech was great. And then she turns around and calls her a worm for the right reason. But also worries about her health in the middle.
It was just perfectly capped with 'you're an EEL'.
I just love that the outward brusqueness is a kind of protective cover for her inner squishiness - for both of them, actually - I was just catching up with the smacking-parents discussion above, and, well, I'm South Asian/English (famous Brit reserve and all), and even when you put it all into words, it's really difficult to explain that it isn't a symbolic thing with the warmth and physicality, but there is something real that happens.
For example, in my family, showing affection with words is difficult for us - in fact, we'd all rather die than admit we liked each other. But the evidence of affection and loyalty is put into our actions, and even in a sense, valued more than words. Words are words, anyone can say them, but going out and taking on burdens, that's different.
Not exactly the same thing as getting smacked all the time XD I think I am angling at it being a more comfortable way of showing affection - over time it becomes its own ritual, doesn't it? I loved the continuity between the past/present that really demonstrated it *had* become an almost-ritual: ma smacks, daughter whines, rinse and repeat. In a way, that almost told you more about their relationship than anything else.
Hi! I agree with you so much on what you said about the adoption issue as it is portrayed in YTBLSS! It is so illogical! And when a child is adopted it IS the family, blood connection or not.
I have seen both sides sorta play out. With one being adopted and later found the birth/biological parents (still saw the adoptive parents as his real parents) but also the case of my grandfather being adopted and then pushed to the side when his parents got a surprise biological pregnancy (okay that sounds weird, sorry head not working grammatically today).
But drama really gives a bad name to mothers, grandmothers and adoptive parents all together!
Also, love your cultural references! Just looked through them quickly, but am looking forward to study them more thoroughly! They are always so interesting to read! Thank you for continuing to provide them for us :D
As a child I was often asked: "Who do you love more? Your 'REAL' parents or your adoptive parents?"
And I'd look up at them and think, "Why is that important?"
And no matter what I'd answer people would blank out tell me who *they* think I should love more. Which just is invasive and stupid. If I chose both in my answer, then they wouldn't believe me and insist that I have to choose ONE set. O.o;
It's my business on how I love and what quality I love. It's not a competition.
I knew a family that adopted, then had a child. They didn't tell the child until he was 13. But he'd known before then, because his favorite grandparents used to threaten him with sending him off to the orphanage since he was little. The same family refused to treat his daughter's step family as part of their family. That I don't understand at all. They didn't think that his daughter's family was important to theirs.
That person, feeling rejected by everyone died a rather sad death...
But from my side, when you lose contact with a family member, permanently through death or just in general, all family no matter how distant looks precious.
Nature AND Nurture are important. Psychology says so. Most social sciences say so, even Korean culture will say so (even though they talk about blood so much).
I completely agree with you. There is no limit on who and how many you should love. And I mean, for some people the parents of a friend that they grow up with can be just as close so their real parents, to the point of being loved as a second set of patents. So why should that not apply to adopted situations? And same in cases of a step parent; no one (at least not as I've seen) makes you choose there (although some individuals might; humanity can be horrible to each other after all)
As my mum says in regards to her new partner (she and my dad divorced 3 years ago): he is not there to replace our dad, but will be an additional adult around us.
It doesn't matter if you love one set more, or if you love both sets equally. Both will always be a part of you, either through birth or being the ones to raise you. In the end all that matters is that you yourself is happy.
I'll re-post what I posted in the CDA ep 6 thread:
It’s pretty realistic for the clients to be predominantly male.
IRL, generally the men are the ones who need more help trying to attract the attention of the other sex. Most women seems to know what it takes to attract men, and if not, they can always ask their girl friends. Heck, they can always ask their male friends, also.
OTOH, I wouldn’t mind having a female client as I think it would highlight a lot of differences in attracting males and females. It would probably be more boring, though. Maybe it could be a woman trying to attract a woman?
Ah the medicine. Is Korean medicine very different from Chinese traditional medicine? I don't really know much about it.
Except that I remember having to suck medicine out of this tiny little bottle through a tiny little straw that tasted SO. RIDICULOUSLY. BITTER. And so many odd-tasting pills. (Like for one medicine you had to take TEN pills TWICE a day??? As a child I hated it because I couldn't swallow pills very well.) And You had to get them all at this apothecary which has such a ridiculously strong smell. We still have a drawer with traditional medicine at home, and it just.. REEKS of chinese medicine.
And I totally understand why Korean medicine wasn't exported. That experience sounds so very painful xO.
I heard Chinese medicine tastes awful (When I was comparing for the class and asking around), but is far less painful (though you don't want to know what's in it). I asked about acupuncture from someone who did it from a friend and they said it didn't hurt at all.
Koreans though.... Koreans do blood letting. OMG. AND the nasty tasting medicines where you are like What? Bitter, awful and powders too. (I know Chinese do powders as well.)
My friend, who is Korean said, "Of course you let out the blood--if it's dark then you know it's bad."
My Korean American friend said, "I know! And you don't want to know what's in those things."
The Korean adopted people I talked to said, "It sounds crazy and painful.
My anthropology prof said of pain, "It's a kind of transformation--sometimes to let you back into society--often many ceremonies around the world have pain as part of their rituals, especially for coming of age ceremonies. Sometimes it's a way to do reintegration (technical term)."
"What is that?" (about the medicine)
(Do you really want to know?)
At least the number 3 being important in Korean folk culture was burned into my body through touch. Often people will also ask you three times to make sure you are sure too.
Hi Kim Yoonmi ~ *spoiler* I have a Last Cinderella prediction: Hiroto will win the BMX and get a commercial sponsor to go to America. S and R will end up together - she will keep the shop and he will take over his mother's business. *end spoiler In my fantasy, I want Hiroto and Sakura togethr, but Choyko's comment that he falls for "anyone who is like his mothere in heaven" was eerie and possibly carries some truth to it. And it's not that I mind Rintaro, either, it's just hard to see anyone else when Hiroto's on the screen,
I love everything about Miki's story - her situation and options seem so real. I give her a world of credit for handling MIl the way she did. Her husband stepped up and will have to regain ground, but it is a promising situation. And a friendship that can survive an affair - it's Miki who really has it together.
Not sure about Choyko - where that's going to end up, but I feel for how damaged she is inside and want to see her be able to heal and become emotionally healthy.
I really like how they handled the cheating husband thing. Usually I end up getting mad at the show for glorifying cheating, but here it's not done so it's preaching about marriage, but it's not glorifying it either. (Plus it was funny that he had ED).
I laughed at the little guy coming back.
Chiyoko, I think will find healing in other ways. I don't want her to end up with Rintarou. I think she needs some down time from guys to find confidence in herself before entangling herself with romantic interests. That crap can travel to a relationship if you don't take care of it yourself. No one can do it for you. Working or something for herself for the sake of herself would be good for her.
I also thought the story about the infertility was touching too... which is rarely dealt with.
KimYoonmi, I so totally agree with Dating Agency Cyrano! Three clients... all male! And about Gong Min Young! All she has brought in the group is being the hopeless romantic that she is. She can't even peel a potato properly! All she's good at is flirting with Master! But I'm definitely gonna continue watching Cyrano since Lee Kwangsoo is currently in it! yayy!
Yo what’s up everyone??? Miss me?
LOL. Sorry…
Well Uni is finished for the year whoot! And I’m back home again :’( And I’ve got a job being one of those annoying survey people (People have mistaken me for an extrovert again…). And yeah… I don’t get paid… it’s merely CV stuff… ^sigh^
Well… I have lots of drama to spill as always. But the (kinda) drama you will most be interested is this:
A whole group of us went to see Iron Man 3 (yes this was a while ago now) including Scone guy and one of my best friends who I shall call B. Now B is Scone guy’s best friend and they are super close. In fact, when B broke up with her three year Boyfriend early this year her parents accused her of just doing it so she could be with Scone guy. She maintained that they were just friends. (I also know she liked another guy… he however is dating one of her close friends). She was also one of the people who said me and him should date.
We all enjoyed the film and went to the pub afterwards. I proceeded to drink 2 ciders (SOUTH WEST REPRESENT! Lol…) and proceeded to get very very drunk. Oh Alcohol tolerance… thou art life’s greatest mystery…
(Also… I come across really badly on here don’t I? Lol… although you may find it hard to believe I’ve actually only been drunk maximum 6 times? Yes… I am actually starting to lose count… kinda worrying right?)
Anyway… fast forward to the next morning whereby I wake up in Scone guy’s bed. (Him and B had looked after drunk me because they are the nicest people). (Also yes… first guys bed I’ve woken up in. You know… considering I haven’t even kissed a guy yet I sure as hell appear majorly slutty what with all the walks of shame I’ve done haha.) So yeah… I go back home after cleaning up (oh drunk me… can you please not throw up?).
Next thing: B and Scone guy are now dating. (FINALLY). When we meet up again she says she supposes she should thank me as the fact I got really drunk meant Scone guy ended up staying at hers and well… yeah. She then proceeded to get (jokingly) annoyed at me for being way to happy about this. (OK I admitted… I did celebrate this development a bit too much… I even ran up to my gay best friend and was like ‘I AM THE BEST PERSON!!’ His response: ‘Obviously, but why?’ LOL). She went ‘Oh god, Leaf being smug! I can’t deal with this.’ Haha.
But… well… as you can see… it’s a bit awkward isn’t it? Knowing that your boyfriend had a big crush on your best friend? Which only stopped probably around a week or two before you started dating?
But we’re kinda avoiding the topic.
B: You know… I always thought you and Scone guy would end up dating… you seemed really close.
Me: Haha. Me and him? We’d make a terrible couple! You two are so much better!
So… well yeah… we haven’t been talking a huge amount since. I know she knows it’s not my fault. I think she just needs a bit of time?
Seriously… I’m chicks before dicks all the way. Friendships are more important than relationships a trillion times. Heck… even if I did actually really like a guy I’d do the same thing. No relationship is worth breaking friendships over. So yeah… once we all get back in September I think it’ll be back to normal again. However I’m a bit annoyed over it. I resent the fact that thing’s which were not under my control and had nothing to do with me have caused friction in a friendship I value a lot.
So yeah… it will be normal again in September.
It’s gonna be epic <3
Love you all!!
Wow, I'm so jealous!!! My family and I went to Bangkok 3 weeks ago and boy do I want to come back. There's just something about it that makes you grow attached to it. :D
wow, I totally said I missed u up top before I saw that you had asked. first Korazy now u... what r these psychic powers I have tonight?
I am so with you on the chicks before dicks. lol. I'm too old to say that.
Have fun and be safe in Thailand!
Oh yay, Thailand! :)
Gonna be there too, but on November and only for a week. You'll have way more time to soak up the fun! Be safe and have fun Leaf! ^_^
Currently watching: Last Cinderella, What's Up Fox (with Jomo/EE's recaps), Gu Family Book, Heartless City, I Hear Your Voice, Monstar.
Heartless City is intense. I'm struggling a bit with the large cast. Too many who-is-that and who-is-he-working-with moments. I need recaps. I also need to accept that in this world violence is OK even for the "good" guys.
How is "What's Up Fox"? I remember looking at it wondering about watching it, but never got around to it. And couldn't find any reviews of it (although I did do a bad job looking around I must admit)
Fox as in sexy woman. A 30-something writer for a porn magazine and the men she loves plus her friends and family and a model uterus. Laugh out loud funny.
We've all had moments when we wanted our Drama to be written differently. While I agree with Drama Go Go Go that it is easy to criticize, but much harder to write, I do think Beanies must have some brilliant ideas for how plots could have been changed.
So here is the game. Tell me how you would have changed a drama you've seen.
Example: In When A Man Loves, Mi-Do ends splatted under the falling steel box. (kidding)
In Nobunaga wa chef, the ending totally should've changed. I know..if we start talking about the endings of dramas, it'll get pretty hefty. But dang! A story in which an amnesia guy from the future gives up returning to the future without remembering his iffy at best. Did he have a mom awaiting him? Does he have family? The fiance aside --he doesn't have to stay with her-- if he has been told by wizened geezer to return to the future...why does he simply go with what he wants now? The subtext is a bit suspicious to me. As if made for guys who want to start life over from the start and who wish they can have a whole new life... without guilt.
Not to mention the fact that merely being in the past (let alone having kids who might affect the past) could result in vast changes to history and to one's own timeline. OR the fact that marrying a woman from the past removes any other timeline her descendants from another marriage could have had.
Ack! That just bothered the heck outta me -- time-traveling afficionando (<-- not sure if i spelled that right), that I am. If they wanted to do that ending -- and if they don't have a second part/series that continues the series-- they should have included hints that Ken had no sickly mother or loving father awaiting him. Or they should've made him get his memory back and consciously --in a truly aware way-- choose to stay. As it is, the story went for an easy HEA. Japanese dramas sometimes do HEA in a very unbelievable way but that really bothered me.
Yeah, i know..I'm ranting and i should really have a life ...but that ending really really really bothered me.
About that, it's actually a manga, so since the manga hasn't finished, they didn't resolve all of the story. If they want to, it's open for another season. Japanese tend to pride themselves on sticking close to the original story, even if they don't get in all the plot points. (Also are fantastic at matching tone, even if they change the plotting of the story.)
Also there are several timeline theories. It didn't get deep enough to talk about which one it would use. (It does seem like there are fixed events, but Ken didn't try to change them either.)
Big did not have a WTF ending. It's just that people didn't *get* it most of the time. Not understanding isn't the same as WTF.
The one thing that people do not seem to track in the Hong sisters is that they do do subtle. And they tend to make stories based on asking questions off of a theme.
Big had several shifts that people didn't expect from the Hong Sisters and since it didn't have what they expected, they got cranky. But if you back up and come up with this: You never know what to expect from the Hong Sisters since they always challenge themselves to improve. Then you would have been prepared for it.
Plus an adaptation means that they are experimenting *more* with something they want to try out (it's the rule of thumb for Korean dramas-- all adaptations are usually by newbies or writers trying something they haven't before... which is why I tend to avoid them.)
The other thing is that the Hong Sisters do subtle as well, but people *miss* it most of the time because they don't see them layering. (Well most Americans miss it too). You might have the fast paced jokes, but then, they'll sock you with something like the story of Hong Gil Dong's sword which they also expect you to track. I admire this about them, but everyone expects a blunt force object. It's like being on a roller coaster and realizing where the cameras are while you're on the ride. (The rule in plotting is that if an object shows up at least three times the author expects you to track it. More than three times and you're supposed to know it. If they try to hit you over the head with said object over six times making whole scenes about said object, and you still don't get it, they get frustrated and cry in the corner about the laziness of American readers. *cough*)
Also most of the Meta in Hong Gil Dong went over people's heads. Like begging to be killed and it actually going through. (Dark Humor) The cutting of the top knot...
If you get those things about them, then the next drama *should* be a revisit of the theme of life and death from them. Probably exploring muism. (As an extension of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, since they usually explore undeveloped themes from previous dramas). And I expect a stronger character upgrade. They might also try for stronger characters and smaller events as well as they did in BIG. Though with their failures from experimentation, I expect that Master's Sun will be a lot more tight.
Subtlety is good, and asking the audience to put in some work is great; if there's one thing I hate, it's being condescended to. But at the end of the day, you need to be able to communicate with your viewers. Ambiguity is fine. Cut-and-dry clarity is fine. Some combination of the two, also fine. The main point for me is that I should see what the writer's aiming for, and haziness needs to feel like a deliberate choice.
To take a different example from one of my top-five dramas: I have no problem with the way Queen In-hyun's Man ended because I can justify it to myself without getting too convoluted. But there are a LOT of people who don't/can't see it as anything but a cheap deus ex machina. If there's that much confusion over a point that I don't think was meant to be confusing, then the writer's made a misstep.
I respect the fact that Big worked for you in a way it didn't for me. QIHM worked for me in a way it didn't for many others. Different people, different opinions, makes the world go 'round. But to be honest, I bristle at the implication that my disliking something is simply because my brain wasn't up to the task of understanding it.
Big This one needed a whole rewrite, one that included both high schooler Kang Gyung Joon and Doctor Seo Yoon Jae awake for at least half the episodes so we can compare and contrast who really is the better man for her. jmho
Then again, Big did teach me an important lesson about WTF ending to Korean dramas. I will never view another drama again with such naïve hope.
That's exactly how i feel about j-dramas. I'm never sure I'll be satisfied, especially when I like a drama. I tend to start worrying abuot how it'll all end. Naive hope no more. Just bitter recriminations.
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1 shukmeister
June 14, 2013 at 6:24 AM
Happy Friday, DBOT's!!
I haven't been up as much due to a whole slew of reasons, but I figure it's a good time to relook over the last couple of weeks.
- The WAmL SqueeCaps have been completed - everlasting thanks to my online besties, JoAnne and kakashi for hanging in there!
- The current SqCaps include a Jo/Ka collab for Heartless City / Cruel City (and there's some debate which name is more appropriate), and a kakashi stand-alone for Special Affairs Team Ten 2, so please stop by kakashi's blog and check it all out.
- Thanks to my enforced convalescence from my surgical procedure this week (and the fact my mom won't let me drive), I have managed to get caught up on almost everthing:
* IHYV 1-4: I will never hear that Michael Jackson song again without the sudden urge to check my window sashes. The combination of cute and creepy is keeping me enthralled! Plus I love how SH's image of HS keeps getting rewritten as her human traits rewrite the fictional ones in his head.
* Monstar 1-4: This has that "Fame" flair that I haven't really seen in a long while. I love the music choices, and the group of misfits banding together into a circle of friends! And I hope they publish that piano piece at the end of episode 4 as part of the OST. I really want to know more of the backstory of the characters, and I like that the writer-nim can take what could be an admittedly shallow premise and still make me care about the characters.
* NSP 7: Okay, this one is too fluffy to be taken seriously, and some of the nail designs make me scratch my head, but the pretty is there, and it's the perfect watch when I need something with minimal brain use.
* Last Cinderella 9 - I admit it; I'm shipping Hiroto / Sakura pretty hard, even though I'm sure the inevitabilty of the First Love trope will squash that hope like a bug. I like Rintaro too, so I think she's a very lucky person, but ah...those expressions of the younger man just make me feel all squishy inside.
* DACyrano 1-4: My interest is this one has lagged a bit, so I haven't generated enough energy for the last two episodes. Maybe it's the lacks of chemsitry betwen the characters. I'll probably read the recaps from our lovely Javabeans of 5 and 6, and make the decision to continue then.
I hope this Friday finds everyone safe and happy!
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June 14, 2013 at 6:29 AM
Morning Shukie! So glad you're back on here and feeling good! You hardly missed a beat with your squeecaps. Are you feeling fully recovered?
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June 14, 2013 at 6:44 AM
Recovery won't be complete until all the man-made materials are out of me - middle of July. But I'm definitely feeling better! Stir-crazy of course. Or maybe just crazy; I can never tell. LOL
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June 14, 2013 at 6:52 AM
Well, the second kind of crazy is good, the first kind is not!
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June 14, 2013 at 7:50 AM
wow, middle of July ... hwaiting, Shuk!
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June 14, 2013 at 8:18 AM
Tks, K!
Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 6:32 AM
I'm on the Hiroto ship. Don't give up hope.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:46 AM
Julia -
I'm waiting on subs for LC 10 - I don't want to watch it raw in spite of the temptation to do so. I think I'd pick the spontaneous shirt-removal over the understanding hug, but I'm shallow that way. :)
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 6:59 AM
LC episode 10 ... it's all about the rain and the tears.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:12 AM
Do you know of any place that has it subbed??
Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 7:16 AM
I watched it RAW and read Couch Kimchi's blog. I haven't seen subs yet.
June 14, 2013 at 8:18 AM
Me too, Julia. It's like watching a silent film and with Hiroto, who needs words? Later, I'll catch up on the plot, but I can do LC raw and get a whole lot out of it!
June 14, 2013 at 6:35 AM
@Last Cinderella
At this point I don't care what the romance ship. I care about the delivery of the story. But then I've never been a hard shipper besides a story shipper. If the story plays it out convincingly, then I'm on for the ride. Once that's done and if the story has done well I've landed to shore and will argue for the story using plot points. Welcome to the life of a writer.
Miura is hot... and Fujiki-san is married in real life (but ages so well)
I think if you ignore that the story in the front isn't that strong and that the client of the week are good stories, it's not too bad, but the female character at episode 7 still needs a personality besides she's a woman... (and there are no female clients yet).
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June 14, 2013 at 6:58 AM
KimY -
I hope Cyrano picks up for me. I did enjoy the movie adaptation of the story, but Story of the week I tend to enjoy when I love the main cast (Vampire Prosecutor comes to mind) and I just don't have it with this one.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:37 AM
Hi Shukmeister glad to see you back!
Hope your surgical procedures when okay and that it wasn't something major that had to be done, and that you recover quickly =)
i agree with you about Monastar. I have missed a drama like this, and the misfit gang coming together. I also like how the writer-nim manages to combine the back stories into the present plot line. It gives you enough to be interested but at the same time it feels like it fits in.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:20 AM
Manin -
Yep, I hope writer-nim can sustain the tension.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:23 AM
*crosses something that is free for wish-crossing purposes* hopefully! So far it seems well planed and thought out. So hopefully the unfolding of it will take on the same character.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:37 AM
Hi Shuk! I read your squeecap for epi1 Hearless City. LOVED it,.Hilarious!!! I can't wait for the next one. Jeong Kyeong-ho is the sexiest badass I've seen in a long time.
I'm so loving Monstar, and also really dug the piano pc. At first, I thought, no way, the kids too young and too far from my taste physically but he's expressions are classic! I'm so into him. haha. oh god. :P Also started I can hear your voice, good so far. And still watching and loving BFF.
There's so many good drama right now. relieved cause I was in a Kdrama funk for a few months. :D
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June 14, 2013 at 8:22 AM
Heartless City Ep 2 should be out on kakashi's blog too. Sheer genius!
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June 14, 2013 at 3:08 PM
she is!! u all r :D
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June 14, 2013 at 7:41 AM
Shuk ~
Will check out the WAML SqueeCaps.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:23 AM
John -
You won't been disappointed. BTW, I'm spending this morning picking up branches. Any damage your way from those storms that swept through?
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June 14, 2013 at 8:30 AM
Shuk ~
Branches and leaves. The wind was something else .
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June 14, 2013 at 1:47 PM
John - Glad you didn't get any damage. What crazy concoctions are you making this year? More mead? Skeeterpee? Beer?
June 14, 2013 at 8:51 AM
hi shukie, fellow fire horse (chinese horoscope)! good to see you here. and first too! glad to see that you are watching and enjoying monstar too coz thats by far my favourite right now although i havent caught up with i hear your voice epi 3-4. i dont like the female lead character much but i imagine she is written that way. abrasive and selfish.
since you are watching heartless city, what do you think of the police / special task force in the drama? dont you think its too ridiculous and unbelievable - for example that they can just put someone new on the job and then expect some movement in catching a big undergrorund boss like scale within such a short period of time when they have not made progress before?
or like how the female cop is completely emotional in her job to the point of compromising the rest of her coleagues (eg the child being sold bit)?
or that they think they can put a newbie in a job to train her to be a cop? how unbelievable is all this??!
rant over. more importantly though, i hope you are recovering well. its great that kdramas and we are able to keep you company :) get well soon ya
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June 14, 2013 at 1:17 PM
Selamat, enz!
Yeah, any earth tremors felt along the East Coast of the US is probably because of my eyes rolling. The police teams are complete fabricated and square in the category of Did Not Do The Research. But, it is a fiction, so I pick my jaw off the floor and soldier on... :-)
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June 14, 2013 at 7:28 PM
Hehe that's funny. I particularly wanted your opinion coz you're in that line ya?
Pillow, I can't la! It really detracts from the awesomeness of bak sa
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June 14, 2013 at 3:38 PM
ya Enz, stop complaining about the cops and concentrate on doc's son, like the rest of us. lol :D
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June 14, 2013 at 7:37 PM
Pillow -
Like enz, I can't. Occupational hazard, much like the hospital and the pre-hospital scenes. But I will try really really hard.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:54 PM
I really hate in particular the misuse of ambu bags. And the worst so far was checking a person for brain death when person was still self ventilating. But someone posted a pic of Star Trek doctor reading the X-rays upside down too so it's not just k dramas :)
June 16, 2013 at 9:41 AM
Enz -
Abso. I mean, you use a BVM when you need to assist a patient's breathing, not to give your hands something to do. That's when I just hold the patient's hand in comfort. [shake head]
I'm working on Heartless City episode 6 Squee Cap, and I refuse to describe anything in the ambulance or the hospital. I start choking from the bile when I even try.
June 14, 2013 at 9:06 AM
NSP 7: It dawned on me that, in this episode, there was a sense of the fbs being part of the lives of the people in their community as they helped the old couple. Looking back, you could say that, with some stretch, being active in their community is apparent with their involvement with the others too. My point, I guess, is that I wish this was a more up front theme bcause they do do more than just nails, and this episode brought that home for me in a satisfactory way, which other eps did not do. Rambling maybe, but somthing I picked up on this time around.
Kay, you're still it, babe.
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June 14, 2013 at 1:20 PM
owl -
I agree with your comment!
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2 kakashi
June 14, 2013 at 6:25 AM
Happy Friday! (from a playground)
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June 14, 2013 at 6:32 AM
My daughter just said: "mommy, I need to put my trousers back on - or I might get stains on my royal underwear"
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June 14, 2013 at 6:36 AM
Little girls are the best! Until they get to the dreaded tween age and start to turn on you, but that's another story!
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June 14, 2013 at 7:29 AM
This had me rolling in lols - where did she even pick up 'royal underwear'? The brilliance of little kids.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:51 AM
she was pretending to be a princess. So I guess princesses have royal underwear :)
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June 14, 2013 at 7:59 AM
You gotta get her some peasant underwear now, too :D
So cute!
Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 6:42 AM
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June 14, 2013 at 6:47 AM
Leaf!! Good morning! Or afternoon in your case.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:39 AM
Leaf, honey! Long time no see! Hows the life of a London student going?
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June 14, 2013 at 7:52 AM
Hi Leaf ! Missed u. I feel like I've been gone forever. why does time go so fast everywhere but here. haha.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:00 AM
yaaaaaay, it's leaf!! Happy Friday :)
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June 14, 2013 at 7:42 AM
Kakashi, I just wrote how I so loved JoAnn's, your's and Shukies squeecaps for Heartless City. and that sergeant guy totally looks like Jackie Chan. it's distracting. lol.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:52 AM
doesn't he?!! haha, and once you look for it, you see it even more ^^
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June 14, 2013 at 3:11 PM
I know. U'd think after the first few times it'll stop being distracting, but it gets even more so. lol
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June 14, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Happy friday to you as well, kakashi!
if anyone cares, I am not always a no-show as well, so here I am.
The main text to the first part of my book is complete. Now editing. which is much harder.
no time to poroperly watch anything. Been reading recaps to Gu Family Book, which annoys the hell out of me. and I hear your voice, which I am going to watch once I finish editing, if you dont pull me in sooner. but I wanna preserve my nerves....
trying to watch Fabulous Boys, taiwanese remake of You are beautiful, but it kind of...the actors are in a way "cold".
and today I met 4 really cute asian guys at the museum, they were soooo sweet, really, told them stuff about the submarine and airplane and taught them flying. ah I think I have a slight crush. but I dont know towards which one of them. all 4 I think. I am so greedy.
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June 14, 2013 at 1:21 PM
LOL, redfox, you greedy thing, you. 8-)
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June 14, 2013 at 1:49 PM
plus I just realized: four guys? F4 hah
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June 14, 2013 at 1:54 PM
June 14, 2013 at 10:00 AM
Happy Friday! I am going to make an effort this weekend to get around to read up on your TEN2 recaps (and watch up on the drama itself) so comments shall be forthcoming! Sorry for the delay!
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3 Mama J
June 14, 2013 at 6:26 AM
Good morning, My Wondrous Beans!
I haven’t washed away in all this rain yet and it doesn’t seem like you guys have either, so that’s good. Honestly I’ve hardly registered the rain because I’ve been consumed with *gasp* doing my first recaps. Yep, SqueeCaps of Cruel City on Kakashi’s blog Yay! I’m doing the first few in a row but then it’ll be just like before with WAML, only we’ll switch up from time to time. I am having fun but I wouldn’t want to do a whole series by myself, no way. I need Kakashi and Shuk for this.
Because of just mentioned, I haven’t watched quite as much this week as normal and I was feeling like I was behind on stuff but really I’m not. Only this week’s episodes of I Hear Your Voice. Everything else I haven’t watched, I wouldn’t have been able to watch until today or this weekend anyway just because of subs: Cinderella, Tokyo Kiss, WGM-G, WTF Paris, and Monstar. I’m sure they’ll be great.
Gu Family was all kinds of good this week for me. I’m hoping that they rescue Gumihot’s heart and he turns good again and then the GummiBabes will rescue Joseon. Favorite scenes that didn’t include Gumihot were The Three Musketeers running off to save GumiMom, and the shirtless scene/extended hug for Kang Chi and Yeo Wool. SeungGi has seriously nice shoulders. I’m having a hard time pretending he’s not an actual man anymore. Also, I have become VERY fond of that townie guy who worships Kang Chi now. That actor is hilarious, I like him in Monstar, too, and I think he was the funny Korean-speaking taxi driver in some movie I can’t remember right now, too.
Cyrano is fun, fun, fun. I still want to see Taeminnie play an outward angel/inner psychopath in something, some day. (Please, Anthony, hear our prayer! Psychopaths are the new time travellers!) I’m more and more fascinated by Chunderella, and by Master’s story. KwangSoo as a masochist is fun, too, and I do love the banter between our leads. This is kind of a naughty show. I like it.
Cruel City. Good Lord. Yeah, ok, there’s little things. And in general I’m sort of tired of the miraculous plot machinations that allow unqualified people to suddenly become geniuses, or what-should-be fatal injuries that don’t seem to bother people until after they accomplish their mission, AT ALL, but for this show I will accept this, snark, and move on to what I really care about. Baksa Adeul. Is there even anyone else in this show at this point that matters? No, there is not. If Episode 7 starts with a slow pan up his artistically camera-lit body that somehow kicks ass and yet seems so fragile and in need of my protective love, settles in with an appropriately glowy focus on his tortured, lovely face that requires my kisses to confirm his skin really is JUST THAT SMOOTH, and then just STAYS THERE for thirteen more episodes while random emotions flit across his features and some unknown actor reads the script aloud to me? I’m good. In fact, that will become my all-time favorite show or movie ever, for the rest of my life.
My new motto: Keep Calm, and Baksa On. Free lollipops for the first 100 viewers! No, not really. Besides, tissues and booze would be more appropriate. But come see anyway, and let us know what you think of the show!
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June 14, 2013 at 11:19 AM
NINE THUMBS UP on the SqueeCaps!! You guys are missing out on some awesome with a side of awesomesauce if you don't check them out!! (I'm gonna avoid the 'Cruel City' ones until I catch up with the Show in my downtime next week.) But what are we gonna do without Opaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not gracing our small screens anymore, hunh? *silently weeps*
Free lollipops? LOL why am I having flashbacks to Carvel Ice Cream commercials now? "Free lollipops and balloons for the kids! Come on by!!!" :P
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lemonade candy
June 14, 2013 at 2:16 PM
I'm adding another NINE thumbs up too.
I've watched all episodes of monstar *thanks to all the hype here last week*
and now, i'm also crazy about KurtSchneider. Why? Because I searched for Pachelbel's Canon and found his wondrous version on youtube. So cool.
Either way, I'm loving both. Since Game of thrones just ended too (Seriously, all English shows I followed ended in the same week, or one after another. Sobs)
Thnak god I have Monstar, Shark, IHYV, and Lee Soon Shin to mend my heart~
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June 14, 2013 at 4:02 PM
You were so right, JoAnne... I absolutely LOVE this show (Cruel City), and yeah, there's really only one element that matters "...his artistically camera-lit body that somehow kicks ass and yet seems so fragile and in need of my protective love..." Yup. I could not possibly have said it better, and that really sums it up. And I haven't even seen this week's episodes yet! (I try not to let real life get in the way of important things like dramas, but sometimes it's inevitable.)
I'll definitely be checking out your squeecaps (is that like recaps, but minus the detailed synopsis?) :)
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Mama J
June 15, 2013 at 6:47 AM
We hit the highlights without too much detail, but we allow for a maximum of squee and snark. Also heavy on the visuals!
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4 KimYoonmi
June 14, 2013 at 6:27 AM
Korean Cultural Note I'm debating talking about Muism, but I might wait for the first episode of Master's Sun, since I'm sure the Hong Sisters are going to use that.
So I'll do Korean folk medicine instead since I had to go through it while in Korea....
Japanese Cultural Note On Honorifics. 'Cause people think it's easy when it's not. (Though I take this from Jim Breen)
Lee Soon Sin *spoilers* *Ranty fest*
Right, I have serious words about adoption for this show, not only do the mothers need a personality make over, but the premise of this adoption bugs me to a whole lot of pieces. I can tell when someone doesn't check out the basics.
First, I have 4 parents and 8 grandparents. One side is adoptive and the other side is Korean. I'm active in the adoption community and have done minor advocacy (on the more neutral issues such as adoption portrayal in the media and bridging gaps in the community).
And I have something to say to you who are thinking of adopting, related to someone who is adopted, or just don't get it. No matter how many times I'm try to tell you this while you ask stupid questions and portray adopted people:
1. Love is not limited to a frickin' title handed to you. You are allowed to love someone with a title who is "Grandmother" more than one or two times. You are allowed to love beyond the bonds of blood. But it doesn't mean blood isn't important either. I WISH THIS SHOW WOULD GET THAT. OMG and the mothers too--all of them. Every single last one.
2. Love is not some kind of sick competition/quantity game.
I want to pound this into all of the mother's brains so badly. If Lee Soon Shin *chooses* to love both mothers, that's not a *bad* thing. I don't get this "competing" idea about love in terms of family. What? Love is so limited that if you hold the same title, you must compete for it? People relate to other people in different ways. You don't relate to your older siblings all the same way just because you call them "Brother" or "Sister" why does it have to be different for "Mom" or "Dad?" Why? Why do you have to go on about "Whose" daughter LSS is. She's BOTH. Leave it. If she chooses both, then fine, if she chooses one, then fine, but that won't change the impact that either person has had on that person. *ranty rant* Love is not a frickin' competition and it shouldn't matter if you label it "nature" or "Nurture" Love is love. Stop asking Who do you love more to adopted people.
3. You cannot replace anyone in this world just because you carry a title that's the same.
No one can replace anyone else in the world. Their existence is unique in every choice and action they take, the impact they have, and when they are gone--as we all are, the singular existence they had where you can no longer talk to them, good or bad, and what you shared, even momentary is something unique. Even if you don't talk to them, even if they are just that person in front of you at the traffic light, the little existence they have in the trillions of years this universe has existed is important and cannot be replaced or erased. So get off of trying to "replace" someone just because you hold the same title. Because we all know that George V was not anything like Henry VIII just because they held the same title of King of England.
This should be independent of how or to what quality one loves another person.
And minor: Real Mom, doesn't float in English use. It's frowned upon by adoptive parents and also in the birth family community. ("birth" anything is too... but I'm waiting on them to organize and find a more neutral word. Relinquishing is about the closest I got and I wracked my brain to get that one.) And don't give me that crap about nurture v. nature. I got another rant for you on that and it won't look pretty. "Real" works in Korean because it's used to quantify other things along the same line without it being about the validity of a person's existence in another person's life. (Comes down to usage). Despite that in Korean, Appa and I used, "American" v. "Korean" parents which avoids the whole thing. So did the people around me.
Basically, I wonder why dramas and people outside of the adoption community and sometimes inside of it insist that love is so limited. That you can't love more than one person who holds the title of "Mom" or "Dad" why it can't cross simple family boundaries and that it needs to be quantified and weighed. What I know is that love doesn't work like that and insisting that it does, I find sad.
I also dislike the show's portrayal of how adoption legalities work. A lot of adoptive parents work really hard and think deeply before adopting a child, and if they don't they get smacked with it later on. These filters show how much the parents actually care about the child. It doesn't mean a child can't get kidnapped or taken in illegally, though that seriously causes issues with deportation, getting a job, a license to drive, etc for the adopted person (basically seriously irresponsible towards the child.) But I can't buy the legal issues of this drama either. Won't work in Korea, even 20 years ago. I'm still asking, how did Lee Soon Shin get a job without a registration number? And if she has one, how did she get one without a birth certificate?
Also the mothers have serious boundary issues--I mean beyond the usual Korean poking around. I think we can safely put them all in Axis II. They often treat their children as an appendage or extension of themselves, don't respect boundaries, and keep on projecting.
So I wish, wish this show would understand the nature of love beyond the romantic.
Though Joon-Ho won my heart as he called out 2 of the horrible mothers for their behavior. I wish all of them would get a personality transplant ASAP and show real love. The love of sacrifice, wanting the best for your child even when it's hard for that child to face, and not thinking love is so limited.
Last Cinderella
OMG, the proposal, the bed scene, the tipping point--it's all in there. Did anyone catch Rin-kun's tipping point in this episode when he closed the door and had that expression? Or did the discussion come as a surprise in the bar? Ahhh! I love my subtle.
I Can Hear Your Voice
OMG, I love the mom in that so thoroughly. After wanting to strangle the LSS moms and preach to them about the nature of love, this one rocks my world. She has everything on my wish list for an awesome mother. She sacrificed herself when necessary, kicked her daughter's butt when her daughter needed it for her own good, believed her, doesn't coddle her (but still gives her love), knows her daughter well and understands that love is about and knows about boundaries. Mom==Awesome. Plus she has a life outside her daughter... (Mentions doing work, etc).
The small details also rock my world. The journal, the revolving door walk, the sign language, learning how to read braille, the annoyance at the street light. It's the small character moments that illustrate them through direct action that makes me smile.
And the gender dynamics are fun to watch as well. The cold female versus the hopeful males. But at the same time, I don't feel like the life of the males is only centered around our female character or are there to just serve her. Plus +1 for acknowledging the difficulty of women in the work place.
The pacing is well done. It isn't too fast where things are rushed, but it's not draggy and slow. Because of the multiple flashbacks, I have some hopes that the live shoots won't ruin the plotline. I really hope they don't 'cause I detected it in Nine.
The multiple phone calls, keeping characters separated, and the multiple flashbacks has me hopeful that they'll keep the shooting on schedule=P Takung notes.
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Good story, needs and upgrade on feminism.
1. Three stories, where are the female clients?
2. STILL Episode 7 and she has NO talent or contribution to the team besides she has boobs... Being a female isn't a talent.
I like the rest of it, but the females needs some work... then it'll put my heart into a heart attack mode.
Lee Kwangsoo, BTW, was a A++ add in my opinion... but maybe because I'm writing a script with him as the actor playing the main character.
Gu Am Heo Joon
Continues to be good.
Not as good at the first series.
Barefoot Friends
The book blowing part was hilarious. I loved it. I rolled. You'll know what I mean.
Otenki Oneesan Continues to be good. Ends next week.
35 sai no Kokusei
I like this very much still. Nice twist on the whole teacher reforms thing. It reads allegorical rather than realistic, but I don't mind that.
Mayononaka Panya san
Continues steadily at a nice pace. The plots aren't always realistic, but it keeps a consistent tone.
Korean Cultural Note: Ethnomedicine
This is the story of how I got sick and had Korean ethnomedicine done on me by my Korean father. Personally, I find it hilarious... I was staying with some people that my Korean father knew at the time. I should note I'm really weak to pain and my Korean father was sure to tease me mercilessly about it.
Let me tell you that you can overeat Korean food easily and you really, really need to learn how to say no. But Korean food is so damned addictive, it's really hard saying no. So you have to start early.
The first no should be Anniyo 안니요. Second no should be Teseoyo 뎄어요(This is getting troublesome...). Third No should be kwaenchana 괜찮아[요]. And the final no said there or four times is anDWAE 안돼 ... the dwae said strong. And if it doesn't stop.. keumanhae 그만해요. Don't be fooled by the look of disappointment in the server's eyes and the teasing of, but you're so skinny... but you didn't eat that much. You need to really say no....
Why I got food poisoning when no one else did... was because I was under a lot of stress.
I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up EVERYTHING. Korean food tastes good going down, but coming up it's nasty. For the last few days I'd been sensitive to smells lately and didn't know why. My insides turned into liquid and I had the worst time that night. Let's just say that neither end of me could agree which should come out first. I was so sensitive that smelling my throw up made me throw up more...
Early in the morning I woke up and weakly reached for the phone. I'd been saying in a restless sleep all night, in Korean "It hurts Appa" like a child. It occurred to me the words sounded similar.. Appa... Ap'eo... I weakly said into the phone that my stomach hurt. Appa said he'd be over.
There were three major things wrong with me. 1. Stress. 2. Ate too much. 3. I ate too much meat without enough vegetables. (Also food poisoning in general) 4. I ate a lot of salt which my system isn't used to.
Appa arrived and woke me up. I was still feeling like hell. He gave me a sympathetic face.
Appa started by assessing the house's energy with dousing. He had me sit in the living room and put the metal rods over my head. He said that my energy was weak "Ki" in Korean. And that's one cause. He also made sure I was sleeping in the right direction. My Cultural Anthropology training kicked in. I watched him as he checked the halboji of the house and halmoni that I was staying with.
When he determined every symptom in the book, he pulled out the acupuncture (which in Korea is all about letting out the bad blood, not hitting pressure points so much). Then he had me sit on the floor.
Appa tortured me on all four. First he hit the spot it hurt hard, three times to make sure it was the spot. When I cried out he hit it three more time and then found the corresponding back point. He hit that spot three more times. I cried out like a little baby. He made fun of me for having so little pain tolerance and started to say I was like I was a baby and then laughed.
Once he found the point, then he beat my back HARD. I think he found it funny. 'cause I complained yet even more. He was showing to his friend too... which meant to demonstrate the pressure points three more times and then show it didn't hurt for anyone else but me two more times. Then he stabbed my hand with an acupuncture needle, but the pen was broken and kept breaking, so he did it by hand. FIVE TIMES. It was because the bleeding kept stopping. Then when he couldn't get the blood out he punctured the back of my finger without thinking. The other point which was near the physical point of my stomach earned another puncture on my left ring finger tied with a string.
He did this for two points and he told me in broken English, "Gogi, NO!" Which roughly means, "No meat!" or in more fluent English, "Don't eat meat."
He got upset when I wouldn't eat fish or porridge, but it smelled strong to me. I heard him talk about pregnant woman... one he treated, I think... I think he started to think I was pregnant because I said, "I'll be a baby" Which also translates in Korean as, "I'm going to have a baby." Haha.
He asked me what I wanted to eat and I drew some fruit on the paper and then drew a fish, put a circle and line around it. I did the same for a cow. He laughed because I put the circle and the line last.
I asked for melons and apples but couldn't eat that much. I fell asleep, still feeling sick, hurting all over now not just my stomach, but oddly feeling better.
I woke up to see him smile at me. There was a washcloth on my head. Through my stupor I looked at him kind of cross-eyed. He pushed a bottle of stuff at me and told me to eat it. There were three medicines. One was a brown powder which I wisely decided not to ask what was in it. One was two pills and the third was like a fizzy mini drink. And I thought American medicine was nasty... this didn't have sugar at least... and it tasted bitter. God Awful! (Or should I say Buddhist awful)?
He told me I had to take this a few more times. He asked also if I wanted to go to the hospital, but I figured if he left me alone I wouldn't hurt anymore. He told me that I had stress. And we talked for a while until he realized he had an appointment with a friend. Appa insisted that he put a towel on my head and smiled sweetly at me while he did so, almost like he'd missed doing it.
After I was not better in 5 hours he frowned and asked me if I wanted to go to a hospital. In pain from his acupressure, acupuncture and not knowing how the hospital would cover me since I wasn't a Korean citizen, I said no.
I slept for the rest of the day and the next day I finally recovered a little, but as I did, Appa sent me on a trip with two boys... "Namja Chingu." --;; Both from America. (I had no idea if I was being set up or not. I watched too many Korean dramas.)
I should note the reason I let him do this to me was because I was curious and I knew I was going to take a witchcraft, magic and religion class in the fall which required an ethnomedicine paper. I didn't know what the ethnomedicine paper was going to be exactly, but I thought going through this would be useful. I was so wrong. The ethnomedicine paper said I had to do it in the week of the assignment. Which meant I had to go to a Korean spa and go through acupressure, Korean style, which hurt like nothing else, but was far more gentle than the above. I still got an A on the paper and used this experience in the paper. But still. TT
And I was asked why this miracle cure wasn't exported, well now you know why.
I also found a website for basic Korean learning:
Japanese Honorifics
Online it's taught this way (Which is wrong):
sama is for a respectful way of saying -san.
Kun is used for males who are your friends
Chan is used for female friends.
P- is used for a close friend and is child talk.
san- is like Mr. or Ms. or Mrs.
Chama- is a cute way of saying san.
senpai, kouhai are ways of referring to one's senior/junior respectively.
sensei is used for teachers doctors and so on.
In theory, this is correct, but in practice, this is wrong. Japanese teachers will teach you the simplified version usually... because the contextual meanings are difficult to pick up.
With Japanese honorifics you really need to watch a few things:
1. How you know the person/your relationship.
2. How the person knows the person you're talking about.
3. The larger context.
4. If that person is present or not present.
5. Age of that person in relation to you.
6. How long you've known said person/how close do you feel to that person.
1. Sensei is always sensei unless it is a close friend.
2. Friends or acquaintances who met through children will call each other _child's name_-mama/-papa (or okaasan), especially who have known each other for a long time.
3. Honorifics don't depend on age alone, but whether the person is present or not. Not present is -san.
4. Honorifics also depend on the degree of familiarity of all parties involved.
5. Honorifics change if one insists on being called something else.
6. Nothing is its own honorific.
7. -san can also be used for companies.
8. -sama is used for deferential speech.
9. chama and P are baby talk.
10. -kun and -chan can be used for male or female listeners and are only used when agreed upon when older, or anyone younger than you who is present.
See, there are usage rules involved.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:41 AM
Hey there!
I so wish I had an Appa! I love folk/ethnomedicine.
I've got to get back to Gu Am. I dropped Cyrano as well. I might go back to it felt so in organic and so plotted.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:57 AM
Gu Am Heo Joon surprises me since they're still pacing it at such a fast clip. we're about what? halfway through and I still feel like I missed a ton if I miss one episode.
There is usually about a problem a week for him to solve, overlapping a bit, but the problems are related to character growth in more than one character and tell about the world--not all of them are medical.
Basically it does everything I would have wished Horse Doctor would have done.
I'm keeping to Cyrano, but I'm going to probably ignore the front line story since the girl has no personality what-so-ever. She has nothing on her personality traits list besides naive and messes everything up. And it's episode 8. Halfway through. I don't have high hopes.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:14 AM
So true about Cyrano. Is her only personality "aegyoness"? I so want to see Gu Am because I like it so much but I keep thinking I'm already so far behind and I will have to marathon it. Will see.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:57 AM
Carole, I love how you describe Cyrano. It's exactly why I dropped it.
(Also, I really don't like Taemin, can't say why, and so once he was on, turned off.)
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June 14, 2013 at 6:42 AM
I do have a problem with the Mom constantly smacking the grown daughter in the head in IHYV. It still bothers me to see this in dramas. Use your words, people! But I've only finished 2 episodes, maybe she finally gets it.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:46 AM
I have this idea (maybe wrong) that Koreans are very handsy/physical and then it goes both ways: Affection and punishment.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:00 AM
Italians are more physical too. =P (Both in general and in the American cultural subset). I've heard also that many Hispanic groups are also more physical (from some Hispanics who generalized about the whole group, though I'm not sure which countries this relates to).
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Mama J
June 14, 2013 at 7:27 AM
My italian family supports this, as does the hispanic family I was (briefly) married into.
June 14, 2013 at 7:39 AM
I'm starting to think that this sentence read on a travel guide is a real thing: "Koreans are the Latins of Asia."
June 14, 2013 at 8:02 AM
well I don't know if it's cultural, but my Okinawan mother had no problem with it. :)
June 14, 2013 at 8:06 AM
I think if you take GB, French and Italians....
Koreans are like the Italians.
French are like the Japanese.
And the Chinese are a lot like British in terms of how the countries relate to each other.
Koreans eat like Italians--huge portions of good food in communal eating with lots of affection, warm hugs, being loud when upset, etc. I found a lot of overlap.
Japanese are like French in that there is a reserved feeling in the culture and the portions of food are small and gourmet. Everything has to look clean rather than piled on. They also tend to talk in English to you when you speak their language.... especially around Tokyo.
And Chinese are kinda like the British 'cause it's more diverse than everyone thinks it actually is internally. Though the food is better on Chinese (though highly regional). =P (British food used to be communal until French Cuisine took over).
Also Japanese and China always felt in competition with each other, where both said they were above it all... ignoring Korea in the middle.
Britain and France have had similar relations too.
My favorite analogy is this though (I realize how broad this is...):
If you had a factory for a product then India would be the philosophy department.
They would talk about the theories of how you would come up with an object. And if it's ethical or not.
Then China would come in and draft said project. They would use the philosophies in building such a product. They would continue to argue while drafting about the ethics behind it.
Koreans would come in an improve said product for the quality and act like the industrial engineers, refining said product.
And then Japanese would lacquer or make the product more in line with aesthetics. (i.e. the packaging department.)
You can kinda follow this pattern with Buddhism somewhat...
June 14, 2013 at 8:11 AM
Lol Mystisith, that's cute.
June 14, 2013 at 10:11 AM
"Koreans eat like Italians–huge portions of good food in communal eating with lots of affection, warm hugs, being loud when upset, etc. I found a lot of overlap."
The Italians also doesn't take a "no" or "I cannot eat more" for an answer when it comes to food (like your korean culture note mentioned). My stomach still hurts when I think about that amount I was made to eat when I lived 2 weeks with an Italian family. So can see how the Korean's and Italian's relate!
June 14, 2013 at 6:51 AM
That's a cultural thing--the smacking, etc. Koreans are a lot more physical overall (the finger flicks, the various "punishments" are also physical). For example, how you comfort a baby is the hold it upright over your shoulder and then pat it on the back. Some people said that it looked like the person was hitting the baby. But it's firm pats. (Americans would be like, "OMG~, you're hurting the fragile and perfect baby.")
Swiping at her head isn't actually that hard.
Some cultures are more physical than others. For Korean culture, touching and human interaction==warmth and warming your heart. Which is why Americans with their logic and their social distance when talking look cold (Again, SAE). Baby is born cold... the parents' job is to warm them up.
I don't ask people to agree with everything in a culture, but I think that the differences one should endeavor to try to understand before disagreeing.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:04 AM
I understand that it is a cultural difference but is seems demeaning to me. I can't imagine how I'd feel as a child (or a grown adult) constantly being smacked at. And they always say it hurts, so it doesn't seem that inconsequential to me.
Also, I find it interesting that you say Koreans are more physical overall. On one had there is a lot of bosses smacking employees, etc, but I never see open physical affection between married couples, and aren't men in general supposed to keep their physical affection contained to private situations? (I know I just read this somewhere.) Also, they are not the handshaking hug hug kiss kiss type of society.
I'm sure you get used to whatever you're brought up with, and it does seem apparent that children are used to their parents smacking the heck out of them. The fathers beating their adult sons is where i really draw the line, though.
Just my thoughts!
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June 14, 2013 at 7:46 AM
It doesn't really hurt. The yell is louder than it actually is. Mostly it's indignation at being treated like a child.
The no skinship in public has relaxed a bit. Mostly you're physical towards those you're close to. The skinship thing comes from Neo Confucianism.
Also remember that Korean dramas have a rule about married people only being able to show affection towards their spouse in real life. (Japan loosely has this rule too). So if someone is married, they are no longer allowed to be physical on screen. And most of the people who are married on screen are married in real life. Sometimes the spouse allows it, though... and drama kisses don't look real anyway.
There is a difference between a love tap and kicking and punching someone in Korea.
Like chasing with the broom, etc is an exaggeration. (I was told) done for comedic effect.
See, most Americans are like, "What about the CHILDREN~~" and also go on about self esteem, how fragile people are, and how perfect children are because you don't want to OMG mess them up. But realizing this is also cultural, kinda helps the gap (and in the extreme--really, locking ONE parent in a house ALLL Day and expecting them not to go insane while taking care of a baby kinda seem ridiculous to me. Plus I hate the huge emphasis on individualism. I think there should be more of a balance than there is.)
Punishments in Korea are physical overall. But it doesn't mean actual hitting and if you followed, then through noonchi, you know they don't actually *mean* it. So it's a, you know that I know that you know that I'm just temporarily upset at you. The cry out is a But you know that I know that you know that I don't like being treated like I'm a little child, so I'm going to cry out that it hurts. You know that I know that you know that it doesn't really hurt, it just hurts your pride and you were getting prideful anyway--stay humble daughter of mine. You know that I know that you know that I still love you, but still....
In script writing it's called the under dialogue. In Korea it's just noonchi in general. (My brother and I talk through under dialogue so it's often hard to follow what we're talking about really.)
(There were a lot of references to Noonchi in Episode 4 of I Hear Your Voice. I felt bad for the translators. Like her eyes being wrong, etc. That she couldn't see anything. All of that was references to Noonchi.)
June 14, 2013 at 4:13 PM
I think the Koreans are like us Irish. We both have long, sad histories, full of violence and pain, both invaded and occupied by our neighbours to the east, both very family oriented, hard working, hard drinking, emotional and melancholic, fiercely nationalistic, kind hearted and welcoming, and both touchy about criticism but full of pride of our achievements. The Koreans are the Irish of the East, and the Irish are the Koreans of Europe. I think this is why I felt so much at home when visiting Korea recently.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:27 PM
That is how you burp a baby pretty much everywhere.
There are 50 mini-nations, states of the USA with a lot of different behaviors.
What is show on US media mostly reflects writers and casting from the Boston/ New York area.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:59 AM
lol. Hi Korazy! I agree. It so demeaning, and must actually hurt. haha.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:18 AM
oh, I wrote this before I saw your comment about it being demeaning and painful.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:47 AM
Completely agree about the mum in I Hear Your Voice! I LOVED the phone conversation of ep3, where she had to actually control her squee and yell at Hye-Sung for appearance's sake.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:02 AM
Also the dragon speech was great. And then she turns around and calls her a worm for the right reason. But also worries about her health in the middle.
OMG, I love that mother. It's refreshing.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:38 AM
It was just perfectly capped with 'you're an EEL'.
I just love that the outward brusqueness is a kind of protective cover for her inner squishiness - for both of them, actually - I was just catching up with the smacking-parents discussion above, and, well, I'm South Asian/English (famous Brit reserve and all), and even when you put it all into words, it's really difficult to explain that it isn't a symbolic thing with the warmth and physicality, but there is something real that happens.
For example, in my family, showing affection with words is difficult for us - in fact, we'd all rather die than admit we liked each other. But the evidence of affection and loyalty is put into our actions, and even in a sense, valued more than words. Words are words, anyone can say them, but going out and taking on burdens, that's different.
Not exactly the same thing as getting smacked all the time XD I think I am angling at it being a more comfortable way of showing affection - over time it becomes its own ritual, doesn't it? I loved the continuity between the past/present that really demonstrated it *had* become an almost-ritual: ma smacks, daughter whines, rinse and repeat. In a way, that almost told you more about their relationship than anything else.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:48 AM
Hi! I agree with you so much on what you said about the adoption issue as it is portrayed in YTBLSS! It is so illogical! And when a child is adopted it IS the family, blood connection or not.
I have seen both sides sorta play out. With one being adopted and later found the birth/biological parents (still saw the adoptive parents as his real parents) but also the case of my grandfather being adopted and then pushed to the side when his parents got a surprise biological pregnancy (okay that sounds weird, sorry head not working grammatically today).
But drama really gives a bad name to mothers, grandmothers and adoptive parents all together!
Also, love your cultural references! Just looked through them quickly, but am looking forward to study them more thoroughly! They are always so interesting to read! Thank you for continuing to provide them for us :D
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June 14, 2013 at 8:33 AM
As a child I was often asked: "Who do you love more? Your 'REAL' parents or your adoptive parents?"
And I'd look up at them and think, "Why is that important?"
And no matter what I'd answer people would blank out tell me who *they* think I should love more. Which just is invasive and stupid. If I chose both in my answer, then they wouldn't believe me and insist that I have to choose ONE set. O.o;
It's my business on how I love and what quality I love. It's not a competition.
I knew a family that adopted, then had a child. They didn't tell the child until he was 13. But he'd known before then, because his favorite grandparents used to threaten him with sending him off to the orphanage since he was little. The same family refused to treat his daughter's step family as part of their family. That I don't understand at all. They didn't think that his daughter's family was important to theirs.
That person, feeling rejected by everyone died a rather sad death...
But from my side, when you lose contact with a family member, permanently through death or just in general, all family no matter how distant looks precious.
Nature AND Nurture are important. Psychology says so. Most social sciences say so, even Korean culture will say so (even though they talk about blood so much).
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June 14, 2013 at 9:27 AM
I completely agree with you. There is no limit on who and how many you should love. And I mean, for some people the parents of a friend that they grow up with can be just as close so their real parents, to the point of being loved as a second set of patents. So why should that not apply to adopted situations? And same in cases of a step parent; no one (at least not as I've seen) makes you choose there (although some individuals might; humanity can be horrible to each other after all)
As my mum says in regards to her new partner (she and my dad divorced 3 years ago): he is not there to replace our dad, but will be an additional adult around us.
It doesn't matter if you love one set more, or if you love both sets equally. Both will always be a part of you, either through birth or being the ones to raise you. In the end all that matters is that you yourself is happy.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:55 AM
OMGOD the BFF page blowing!! I was laughing so hard!!
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June 14, 2013 at 8:10 AM
I know!! and the added music too. That was the best! I couldn't stop laughing. It just made the whole episode worth it.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:21 AM
Totally. I was crying!!!! well, KimHungJoong also makes it worth it. lol :D
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June 14, 2013 at 8:51 AM
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Good story, needs and upgrade on feminism.
1. Three stories, where are the female clients?
I can't help but agree with this - I haven't started on episode 6, but I do hope we'll get one along the way - we better!
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June 14, 2013 at 6:55 PM
I'll re-post what I posted in the CDA ep 6 thread:
It’s pretty realistic for the clients to be predominantly male.
IRL, generally the men are the ones who need more help trying to attract the attention of the other sex. Most women seems to know what it takes to attract men, and if not, they can always ask their girl friends. Heck, they can always ask their male friends, also.
OTOH, I wouldn’t mind having a female client as I think it would highlight a lot of differences in attracting males and females. It would probably be more boring, though. Maybe it could be a woman trying to attract a woman?
Is that too risque for cable?
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June 14, 2013 at 9:45 AM
Ah the medicine. Is Korean medicine very different from Chinese traditional medicine? I don't really know much about it.
Except that I remember having to suck medicine out of this tiny little bottle through a tiny little straw that tasted SO. RIDICULOUSLY. BITTER. And so many odd-tasting pills. (Like for one medicine you had to take TEN pills TWICE a day??? As a child I hated it because I couldn't swallow pills very well.) And You had to get them all at this apothecary which has such a ridiculously strong smell. We still have a drawer with traditional medicine at home, and it just.. REEKS of chinese medicine.
And I totally understand why Korean medicine wasn't exported. That experience sounds so very painful xO.
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June 14, 2013 at 10:36 AM
I heard Chinese medicine tastes awful (When I was comparing for the class and asking around), but is far less painful (though you don't want to know what's in it). I asked about acupuncture from someone who did it from a friend and they said it didn't hurt at all.
Koreans though.... Koreans do blood letting. OMG. AND the nasty tasting medicines where you are like What? Bitter, awful and powders too. (I know Chinese do powders as well.)
My friend, who is Korean said, "Of course you let out the blood--if it's dark then you know it's bad."
My Korean American friend said, "I know! And you don't want to know what's in those things."
The Korean adopted people I talked to said, "It sounds crazy and painful.
My anthropology prof said of pain, "It's a kind of transformation--sometimes to let you back into society--often many ceremonies around the world have pain as part of their rituals, especially for coming of age ceremonies. Sometimes it's a way to do reintegration (technical term)."
"What is that?" (about the medicine)
(Do you really want to know?)
At least the number 3 being important in Korean folk culture was burned into my body through touch. Often people will also ask you three times to make sure you are sure too.
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June 14, 2013 at 10:31 AM
Hi Kim Yoonmi ~ *spoiler* I have a Last Cinderella prediction: Hiroto will win the BMX and get a commercial sponsor to go to America. S and R will end up together - she will keep the shop and he will take over his mother's business. *end spoiler In my fantasy, I want Hiroto and Sakura togethr, but Choyko's comment that he falls for "anyone who is like his mothere in heaven" was eerie and possibly carries some truth to it. And it's not that I mind Rintaro, either, it's just hard to see anyone else when Hiroto's on the screen,
I love everything about Miki's story - her situation and options seem so real. I give her a world of credit for handling MIl the way she did. Her husband stepped up and will have to regain ground, but it is a promising situation. And a friendship that can survive an affair - it's Miki who really has it together.
Not sure about Choyko - where that's going to end up, but I feel for how damaged she is inside and want to see her be able to heal and become emotionally healthy.
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June 14, 2013 at 10:46 AM
I really like how they handled the cheating husband thing. Usually I end up getting mad at the show for glorifying cheating, but here it's not done so it's preaching about marriage, but it's not glorifying it either. (Plus it was funny that he had ED).
I laughed at the little guy coming back.
Chiyoko, I think will find healing in other ways. I don't want her to end up with Rintarou. I think she needs some down time from guys to find confidence in herself before entangling herself with romantic interests. That crap can travel to a relationship if you don't take care of it yourself. No one can do it for you. Working or something for herself for the sake of herself would be good for her.
I also thought the story about the infertility was touching too... which is rarely dealt with.
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June 14, 2013 at 10:57 AM
Watched Episode 10 in Japanese. >.<;; They are throwing the ending to a special. NOOOO. NOOOOOOOOOOO..........
*cries* *fist shake*
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June 14, 2013 at 7:57 PM
I disagree Kim yoonmi! Having boobs is a talent I would love to have! I worked hard and finally I have what in a man would be moobs. Hurray to me :)
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June 17, 2013 at 5:07 PM
KimYoonmi, I so totally agree with Dating Agency Cyrano! Three clients... all male! And about Gong Min Young! All she has brought in the group is being the hopeless romantic that she is. She can't even peel a potato properly! All she's good at is flirting with Master! But I'm definitely gonna continue watching Cyrano since Lee Kwangsoo is currently in it! yayy!
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5 Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 6:27 AM
Yo what’s up everyone??? Miss me?
LOL. Sorry…
Well Uni is finished for the year whoot! And I’m back home again :’( And I’ve got a job being one of those annoying survey people (People have mistaken me for an extrovert again…). And yeah… I don’t get paid… it’s merely CV stuff… ^sigh^
Well… I have lots of drama to spill as always. But the (kinda) drama you will most be interested is this:
A whole group of us went to see Iron Man 3 (yes this was a while ago now) including Scone guy and one of my best friends who I shall call B. Now B is Scone guy’s best friend and they are super close. In fact, when B broke up with her three year Boyfriend early this year her parents accused her of just doing it so she could be with Scone guy. She maintained that they were just friends. (I also know she liked another guy… he however is dating one of her close friends). She was also one of the people who said me and him should date.
We all enjoyed the film and went to the pub afterwards. I proceeded to drink 2 ciders (SOUTH WEST REPRESENT! Lol…) and proceeded to get very very drunk. Oh Alcohol tolerance… thou art life’s greatest mystery…
(Also… I come across really badly on here don’t I? Lol… although you may find it hard to believe I’ve actually only been drunk maximum 6 times? Yes… I am actually starting to lose count… kinda worrying right?)
Anyway… fast forward to the next morning whereby I wake up in Scone guy’s bed. (Him and B had looked after drunk me because they are the nicest people). (Also yes… first guys bed I’ve woken up in. You know… considering I haven’t even kissed a guy yet I sure as hell appear majorly slutty what with all the walks of shame I’ve done haha.) So yeah… I go back home after cleaning up (oh drunk me… can you please not throw up?).
Next thing: B and Scone guy are now dating. (FINALLY). When we meet up again she says she supposes she should thank me as the fact I got really drunk meant Scone guy ended up staying at hers and well… yeah. She then proceeded to get (jokingly) annoyed at me for being way to happy about this. (OK I admitted… I did celebrate this development a bit too much… I even ran up to my gay best friend and was like ‘I AM THE BEST PERSON!!’ His response: ‘Obviously, but why?’ LOL). She went ‘Oh god, Leaf being smug! I can’t deal with this.’ Haha.
But… well… as you can see… it’s a bit awkward isn’t it? Knowing that your boyfriend had a big crush on your best friend? Which only stopped probably around a week or two before you started dating?
But we’re kinda avoiding the topic.
B: You know… I always thought you and Scone guy would end up dating… you seemed really close.
Me: Haha. Me and him? We’d make a terrible couple! You two are so much better!
So… well yeah… we haven’t been talking a huge amount since. I know she knows it’s not my fault. I think she just needs a bit of time?
Seriously… I’m chicks before dicks all the way. Friendships are more important than relationships a trillion times. Heck… even if I did actually really like a guy I’d do the same thing. No relationship is worth breaking friendships over. So yeah… once we all get back in September I think it’ll be back to normal again. However I’m a bit annoyed over it. I resent the fact that thing’s which were not under my control and had nothing to do with me have caused friction in a friendship I value a lot.
So yeah… it will be normal again in September.
It’s gonna be epic <3
Love you all!!
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June 14, 2013 at 6:42 AM
Oh my gosh! Have fun in Thailand! My friend just went there and returned with videos he uploaded to youtube. Am so envious.
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 6:45 AM
I AM SO SO EXCITED!!! It's gonna be amazing <3
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 6:43 AM
Leaf, love your RL sharing.
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 6:44 AM
GOOD! Just be glad you don't have to live it! LOL
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 7:24 AM
Believe me, I did live it. Your stories just make me remember my colorful past. My men were the most exciting part of living.
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 7:36 AM
Haha. Well I can't wait until it's all over lol.
June 14, 2013 at 7:41 AM
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June 14, 2013 at 6:44 AM
Yes, I have noticed and I do miss you and your great stories!
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June 14, 2013 at 6:52 AM
Sounds like you are gonna have fun!! Just don't end up in lakhhorn constantly getting slapped. Be the heroine that pushes back! lol
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 7:21 AM
Oh have no worries about that! ;)
I always fight back haha. Maybe a bit too much... lol
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June 14, 2013 at 6:52 AM
Have fun in Thailand, Leaf!
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 7:23 AM
Thanks! I will :D
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June 14, 2013 at 7:03 AM
Wow, I'm so jealous!!! My family and I went to Bangkok 3 weeks ago and boy do I want to come back. There's just something about it that makes you grow attached to it. :D
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 7:22 AM
Well I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy it a LOT!! <3
And I hope you get a chance to go back!! :D
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June 14, 2013 at 7:42 AM
Thanks for sharing your RL drama, Leaf! I hope everything works out fine for you and your friends. In the meantime, enjoy your Thailand trip!
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June 14, 2013 at 8:33 AM
Hey Leaf! We've missed you on the OT, and despite Scone Guy and B and the friction, I hope you have a great time in Thailand!
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June 14, 2013 at 8:35 AM
wow, I totally said I missed u up top before I saw that you had asked. first Korazy now u... what r these psychic powers I have tonight?
I am so with you on the chicks before dicks. lol. I'm too old to say that.
Have fun and be safe in Thailand!
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iZzie :)
June 14, 2013 at 2:21 PM
Oh yay, Thailand! :)
Gonna be there too, but on November and only for a week. You'll have way more time to soak up the fun! Be safe and have fun Leaf! ^_^
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6 Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 6:28 AM
Currently watching: Last Cinderella, What's Up Fox (with Jomo/EE's recaps), Gu Family Book, Heartless City, I Hear Your Voice, Monstar.
Heartless City is intense. I'm struggling a bit with the large cast. Too many who-is-that and who-is-he-working-with moments. I need recaps. I also need to accept that in this world violence is OK even for the "good" guys.
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June 14, 2013 at 6:52 AM
Jomo's recaps of one of my old favorites made me dust it off and rewatch it!
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June 14, 2013 at 7:53 AM
How is "What's Up Fox"? I remember looking at it wondering about watching it, but never got around to it. And couldn't find any reviews of it (although I did do a bad job looking around I must admit)
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 7:55 AM
LOVE What's Up Fox. Watch it and join us over at Jomo's Findings. But just so you know, I've got dibs on Dr. Bae.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:34 AM
Haha I shall make a note off that. I'll have to put it on my increasing list!
This was one of the gumiho ones yes? Or am I mixing it with something else? :P
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 8:59 AM
Fox as in sexy woman. A 30-something writer for a porn magazine and the men she loves plus her friends and family and a model uterus. Laugh out loud funny.
June 14, 2013 at 9:30 AM
oh I did mix it with something else then. Oh well this seems interesting as well. I'll make sure to check it out! :D
(also I need some Laugh out Loud funny.. real life is being suckish)
June 14, 2013 at 8:28 AM
Manin -
It's a fun romp noona / dongsaeng romance. Lots of great moments, in my opinion.
Julia -
You can have him. I'm all about the Chul Soo.. [evil grin]
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June 14, 2013 at 9:30 AM
Chul Soo? Is there anyone left for a late to the game watcher? :P
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June 14, 2013 at 2:00 PM
Feel free to start watching it at any time. It aired in 2006, so it is a bit old-fashioned but still very very sweet.
7 Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 6:28 AM
We've all had moments when we wanted our Drama to be written differently. While I agree with Drama Go Go Go that it is easy to criticize, but much harder to write, I do think Beanies must have some brilliant ideas for how plots could have been changed.
So here is the game. Tell me how you would have changed a drama you've seen.
Example: In When A Man Loves, Mi-Do ends splatted under the falling steel box. (kidding)
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Christabel Godlewska
June 14, 2013 at 6:44 AM
AH!!! I should really continue with Drama Go Go Go! I was enjoying it!!
Jiro Wang should always play a failed Rock star haha.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:54 AM
I've been slow at watching the newest episodes as well. I can't quite remember what ep I was on atm! xD
Also agree that Jiro makes a good failed Rock star :p
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June 14, 2013 at 6:52 AM
In Nobunaga wa chef, the ending totally should've changed. I know..if we start talking about the endings of dramas, it'll get pretty hefty. But dang! A story in which an amnesia guy from the future gives up returning to the future without remembering his iffy at best. Did he have a mom awaiting him? Does he have family? The fiance aside --he doesn't have to stay with her-- if he has been told by wizened geezer to return to the future...why does he simply go with what he wants now? The subtext is a bit suspicious to me. As if made for guys who want to start life over from the start and who wish they can have a whole new life... without guilt.
Not to mention the fact that merely being in the past (let alone having kids who might affect the past) could result in vast changes to history and to one's own timeline. OR the fact that marrying a woman from the past removes any other timeline her descendants from another marriage could have had.
Ack! That just bothered the heck outta me -- time-traveling afficionando (<-- not sure if i spelled that right), that I am. If they wanted to do that ending -- and if they don't have a second part/series that continues the series-- they should have included hints that Ken had no sickly mother or loving father awaiting him. Or they should've made him get his memory back and consciously --in a truly aware way-- choose to stay. As it is, the story went for an easy HEA. Japanese dramas sometimes do HEA in a very unbelievable way but that really bothered me.
Yeah, i know..I'm ranting and i should really have a life ...but that ending really really really bothered me.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:06 AM
About that, it's actually a manga, so since the manga hasn't finished, they didn't resolve all of the story. If they want to, it's open for another season. Japanese tend to pride themselves on sticking close to the original story, even if they don't get in all the plot points. (Also are fantastic at matching tone, even if they change the plotting of the story.)
Also there are several timeline theories. It didn't get deep enough to talk about which one it would use. (It does seem like there are fixed events, but Ken didn't try to change them either.)
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June 14, 2013 at 6:56 AM
Me Too, Flower: The 2nd female lead ends up gibbering on a dirty concrete floor in a straightjacket.
Big: Just about any other WTF ending except the one we were subjected to.
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June 14, 2013 at 7:25 AM
Big did not have a WTF ending. It's just that people didn't *get* it most of the time. Not understanding isn't the same as WTF.
The one thing that people do not seem to track in the Hong sisters is that they do do subtle. And they tend to make stories based on asking questions off of a theme.
Big had several shifts that people didn't expect from the Hong Sisters and since it didn't have what they expected, they got cranky. But if you back up and come up with this: You never know what to expect from the Hong Sisters since they always challenge themselves to improve. Then you would have been prepared for it.
Plus an adaptation means that they are experimenting *more* with something they want to try out (it's the rule of thumb for Korean dramas-- all adaptations are usually by newbies or writers trying something they haven't before... which is why I tend to avoid them.)
The other thing is that the Hong Sisters do subtle as well, but people *miss* it most of the time because they don't see them layering. (Well most Americans miss it too). You might have the fast paced jokes, but then, they'll sock you with something like the story of Hong Gil Dong's sword which they also expect you to track. I admire this about them, but everyone expects a blunt force object. It's like being on a roller coaster and realizing where the cameras are while you're on the ride. (The rule in plotting is that if an object shows up at least three times the author expects you to track it. More than three times and you're supposed to know it. If they try to hit you over the head with said object over six times making whole scenes about said object, and you still don't get it, they get frustrated and cry in the corner about the laziness of American readers. *cough*)
Here are the explanations and a show of subtle from the Hong Sisters.
Also most of the Meta in Hong Gil Dong went over people's heads. Like begging to be killed and it actually going through. (Dark Humor) The cutting of the top knot...
If you get those things about them, then the next drama *should* be a revisit of the theme of life and death from them. Probably exploring muism. (As an extension of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, since they usually explore undeveloped themes from previous dramas). And I expect a stronger character upgrade. They might also try for stronger characters and smaller events as well as they did in BIG. Though with their failures from experimentation, I expect that Master's Sun will be a lot more tight.
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June 15, 2013 at 1:43 PM
Subtlety is good, and asking the audience to put in some work is great; if there's one thing I hate, it's being condescended to. But at the end of the day, you need to be able to communicate with your viewers. Ambiguity is fine. Cut-and-dry clarity is fine. Some combination of the two, also fine. The main point for me is that I should see what the writer's aiming for, and haziness needs to feel like a deliberate choice.
To take a different example from one of my top-five dramas: I have no problem with the way Queen In-hyun's Man ended because I can justify it to myself without getting too convoluted. But there are a LOT of people who don't/can't see it as anything but a cheap deus ex machina. If there's that much confusion over a point that I don't think was meant to be confusing, then the writer's made a misstep.
I respect the fact that Big worked for you in a way it didn't for me. QIHM worked for me in a way it didn't for many others. Different people, different opinions, makes the world go 'round. But to be honest, I bristle at the implication that my disliking something is simply because my brain wasn't up to the task of understanding it.
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Julia the Berkshire Beanie
June 14, 2013 at 7:33 AM
Big This one needed a whole rewrite, one that included both high schooler Kang Gyung Joon and Doctor Seo Yoon Jae awake for at least half the episodes so we can compare and contrast who really is the better man for her. jmho
Then again, Big did teach me an important lesson about WTF ending to Korean dramas. I will never view another drama again with such naïve hope.
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June 14, 2013 at 8:31 AM
Julia -
True dat :-)
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June 14, 2013 at 11:51 AM
That's exactly how i feel about j-dramas. I'm never sure I'll be satisfied, especially when I like a drama. I tend to start worrying abuot how it'll all end. Naive hope no more. Just bitter recriminations.
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