I Hear Your Voice: Episode 5
by girlfriday
This noona romance just floats my boat. It makes me giddy and it hurts my heart, in all the right ways. Why, Show, why do you hurt so good? And more importantly, am I ever going to watch a drama where Lee Jong-seok gets the girl? Say it’s this one, even if you’re lying to me.
Jung Yup – “Why Did You Come Now” from the OST [ Download ]
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EPISODE 5: “Words that can’t be trusted”
After being arrested for beating up Min Joon-gook, Su-ha pleads with the cops to listen to him—that man is going after the person who testified to put him away. When they ask for proof that the reformed ex-convict is doing anything of the kind, he starts to confess that he can read minds…
But thankfully Hye-sung busts into the room to stop him. She thinks at him not to do anything stupid, and says that she remembers him now.
She signs him out as his guardian, but the cops are skeptical about the hammer (she tells them he brought it to fix her door), and their relationship since she’s neither family nor teacher.
She quickly says he’s a dongseng she’s known for ten years and they’re practically family. The cop who answered their emergency call the other night confirms it: “They live together.” Ha.
He says he even saw Su-ha leave the place in the morning when he came back around on patrol. They both freeze at that, but she thinks quickly and throws her arm around Su-ha and thinks: “Quick, act like we’re close. Call me noona.”
He squirms, and then complies in a teeny tiny voice: “Noona…” Heeeee.
Cranky Cop smacks Su-ha on the head and asks if he’s even sorry for what he did, and Hye-sung has to stop him from blowing a fuse. He listens to her and apologizes, and then when the cop goes to hit him again, this time Hye-sung grabs Cranky Cop’s wrist in mid-air to block him. Badass.
Nice Cop offers them a ride home, which is awkward since they don’t actually live together, but there’s really no getting out of it now that they’re supposed to be roomies.
On the way there, Nice Cop says he thought they were brother and sister when he first met them over the cell phone case because Su-ha freaked out and begged him to do something because Hye-sung was so scared she couldn’t sleep at night. Aw.
He asks what their relationship to Min Joon-gook is, and she answers truthfully and matter-of-factly: he killed Su-ha’s father and she witnessed it. That shuts them up pretty quickly, and they offer to investigate Min Joon-gook further, with the reminder for Su-ha to let the cops handle it.
They drop them off and tell her that she’s responsible for Su-ha now, so she throws her arm over his shoulder again and they pose for the cops as he very begrudgingly calls her noona again. But the cops just stand there and smile back, not leaving until the pair of them head inside. Sleepover it is!
This time Su-ha notes the men’s shoes she keeps in the doorway, and he asks if someone else lives here. She says that’s why she put them there—so that it looks that way. He notices two bowls of delivery jajangmyun too, and realizes she orders two bowls on purpose for the same reason.
She offers to make him food if he calls her noona, which he refuses to do. He lies that he isn’t hungry even though his stomach is growling like crazy, but it’s really her thoughts that get him to stay: “What if Min Joon-gook comes back?”
As they eat she asks why he didn’t tell her who he was right away. He reminds her that he said his name but she was the one who couldn’t remember, and when she gets defensive that no one would after ten years, he says he knew with one glance.
She thinks to herself what his deal is—is she his first love or something? Eep. I suddenly want to crawl under the table. He answers that she’s nothing of the sort, and lies that he just doesn’t like living with a debt.
She comes out in the middle of the night and her thoughts drift back to Su-ha running in to rescue her, and the things he said to Min Joon-gook. She sees the thumb he smashed trying to fix her door, and sits down to re-bandage it.
He wakes up and watches with a smile as she patches him up, and shuts his eyes before she can see he’s awake.
He stares at his bandaged finger for a while, and it brings him back to that day he was left at the amusement park. He sat alone in the office till nightfall, and then climbed a tree to get at the one balloon that got left behind when his uncle ditched him.
He fell out of the tree and his thumb started to bleed, and that’s what opened the floodgates for the tears to fall.
In the morning, Hye-sung comes out dressed very casually for work, with an umbrella strapped to her back on a sunny day. He reads her mind and realizes this is all in case the killer comes after her, and he decides to show her a few self-defense moves. While getting handsy, naturally. Mrawr.
She asks if he read the killer’s mind, and he confirms that Joon-gook was behind the cell phone stalking. She’s clearly freaked out, but he assures her that the killer can’t do anything right now with the cops patrolling. “And I’m here.”
They head out together, and then Min Joon-gook steps out from around the corner. Augh, creepy. He decides that he can’t do anything about Hye-sung yet with Su-ha stuck to her side, and then peers down at her mom’s chicken shop poster in his hand, wondering if this is the better route. Eek. Don’t you touch World’s Best Mom!
At the bus stop, Hye-sung gets a call from Mom asking if she wants to set up that blind date, and Su-ha perks up at that, suddenly panicked that she’s going on blind dates. Mom starts to describe the guy, but Hye-sung cuts her off to ask, “But how’s his body?” Pffft.
She’s suddenly very keen to make a boyfriend who can defend her, which is hilariously practical and totally ridiculous at the same time. She tells Mom that her number one criterion for boyfriends now is a good body, not money.
Thinking quickly, Su-ha asks for her phone and then sets up their phones to track each other. She watches curiously and when he explains what it’s for, she lights up: “So if something happens to me, you can come find me?” She calls him “smart like CSI,” which cracks me up, and he points out that he’s not smart; she’s just behind the times.
Pretty the Paralegal plays exposition fairy to catch us up on the Twin Stabbing case. First, both twins insisted that they did the stabbing, and now (with Hye-sung and Kwan-woo representing each twin), both are saying that they didn’t stab the clerk.
Kwan-woo meets with Twin 1, the one with priors on his record and a gambling problem. He says bitterly that his younger brother is doing this to get rid of him, always having hated him for being the black sheep.
Hye-sung meets with Twin 2, the smart twin with the puppy and the academic awards. He says his hyung was always a little bit jealous of his life, and Hye-sung asks if that includes his girlfriend. He nods.
Lawyer Shin and Pretty walk back with coffee and see Kwan-woo skipping down the street to catch up to Hye-sung. He stops to freshen his breath and then jumps behind her thinking he’s being cute, but she screams and goes to town on his unmentionables with her combat umbrella, just like Su-ha taught her. HA.
She refuses to apologize, even with Pretty getting upset on Kwan-woo’s behalf that he might not be able to have children anymore. She finally barks an insincere apology and runs off to eat lunch alone.
Do-yeon sits down across the table from her in the courthouse cafeteria, and Hye-sung looks up in surprise, asking if they’re close enough to be eating together. Do-yeon gets sickeningly sweet with her, which is really suspicious.
She plays nice and even concedes that she might’ve been wrong about the twin case, and Hye-sung says she isn’t dumb—what’s she trying to do? Do-yeon asks if she doesn’t believe her, and Hye-sung points out that no one could when she’s wearing that expression on her face.
That’s Do-yeon’s point, apparently, because she says that both twins wore that insincere expression on their faces when she questioned them. Her plan is to have them both go down for murder.
Hye-sung spins in her revolving door to think it over, as usual. Su-ha texts her to ask when she’s done so he can pick her up, and then she remembers that Gum-wad could help her out with the case.
He’s texting back and forth with her in the middle of class, and jjang (er, ex-jjang) Choong-ki’s enough of an ass to rat him out to Teacher, which gets him stuck at school till late that night, and without his phone too.
Adding embarrassment to insult, the teacher accuses him of using class time on his love life, which gets the class oooohing. Sung-bin is the only one who doesn’t look too pleased.
It actually does rain that day, and Hye-sung pats herself on the back for having an umbrella. Kwan-woo runs out just behind her and catches up… but then thinks twice and stays behind her the whole way back to the office, getting soaked.
She’s surprised to see him when they arrive, and he says sheepishly that he didn’t want to scare her (and be attacked) like earlier, and this time she concedes that even though it was his fault, she’s sorta kinda sorry she hit him. Heh.
He notes that she seems a little nervous lately like she’s being chased, and she tells him it’s nothing. They go over the case together, and he asks if she’s friends with Do-yeon. She jumps to say no, calling her fingernails-on-a-chalkboard kind of hateful.
He thinks the prosecution doesn’t have anything to go on, and says in a reassuring tone that everything will be okay, and that Do-yeon is just waving the red cape at her to get a reaction.
She thinks in her head that that metaphor makes her the bull, which should make her angry… “Why am I not angry?” She wonders to herself if after her eyes went crazy her head went crazy too, and reaches out to touch his face.
She realizes what she’s doing and grabs his cheek to pinch it and thinks up a jokey jinx excuse (that she was thinking the same thing he was) to cover for her momentary slip in sanity. That he buys it is funnier than her crazy move.
She waits outside for Su-ha, but he doesn’t answer his phone, so she figures she’ll just have to go it alone. Kwan-woo runs out and decides to put away the umbrella he brought, and asks if they can’t share hers.
He offers to drop her off at home before borrowing the umbrella for himself, which she happily accepts.
Su-ha is stuck at school and every attempt to sneak out gets shut down by Teach. Sung-bin watches and decides to help, screaming that she has a sudden stomachache and needs to be taken to the nurse.
Both Choong-ki and Su-ha run to her side, but she shoves Choong-ki away to have Su-ha take her, totally enjoying the ride in his arms before he puts her down in the hallway. She even pick-pocketed his cell phone for him, and he thanks her for helping him play hooky and runs off.
He tracks her phone and sees that she’s nearly home, so he heads over to her place.
As Kwan-woo chatters on about the case, Hye-sung wonders how she’s going to say goodbye to him at her door, thinking everything seems either too friendly or too formal. She gasps when he says they should meet tomorrow before the trial to “match lips,” clearly thinking of kissing, while he’s talking about getting their stories straight. Heh.
Su-ha arrives just outside Hye-sung’s building, when Sung-bin calls to ask if his first love is that lawyer unni. “Do you… still like her?” He brushes it off like that’s ancient history, and says he’s just repaying a debt is all.
She’s relieved to hear it, and he asks if that’s why she called. Sung-bin: “No. I called to say that I like you.” He laughs and says he knows, not taking it very seriously.
She means it sincerely though, and starts to confess, but right at that moment he looks up at Hye-sung’s rooftop and sees her with Kwan-woo.
His umbrella drops to the ground with a thud and his phone just hangs at his side as he looks up at them, and it’s a great moment of realization that’s underscored by Sung-bin’s confession to him, which he doesn’t even hear:
Sung-bin: I really like you a lot. I realized it today. I know you don’t like me back. It’s okay if I just like you on my own. But… you seeing someone else, thinking about someone else, liking someone else… it’s strange… that’s not okay. Just thinking about that makes my heart lurch. It hurts, like it’s sinking. I think I might like you a lot.
As she talks about her heart, he clutches his own while looking up at Hye-sung. Augh. He pulverizes my heart, this kid.
Kwan-woo leaves skipping, and then calls Hye-sung’s mom to say that he’s going to have to turn down that blind date with her friend’s daughter that she was setting him up on. Ha, is he rejecting a blind date with Hye-sung because he’s interested in Hye-sung?
Mom sighs, and comes clean to her friend that she was trying to set him up with Hye-sung on the sly, and even shows her a fortune she had read to ensure they were a good match.
Su-ha comes home soaking wet, and just brushes past Hye-sung without a word. She gabs away through the closed door, wondering why he didn’t call and why he got rained on, and if he can come to her trial tomorrow because she’s got this really tricky case.
He just stands in the dark room trying not to go berserk, and then comes out just as she’s reaching for the salt on a shelf way above her. He reaches up to get it for her… and then puts it up one shelf higher. HAHAHA. So petty.
He fires back at her that he DID call but she’s the one who didn’t answer, and he’s busy so he can’t come tomorrow. She looks at her phone and realizes belatedly that he called her twelve times.
In the morning, our two cops go to see Min Joon-gook, and find him packing up to move. He says that he wronged Park Su-ha a long time ago, and that living nearby will only cause him more pain.
He says he’s moving far away, and even asks them to apologize to Su-ha if they ever see him again. Urg. Nice Cop wonders if they should keep investigating the cell phone incident, but Cranky Cop says nothing was taken from the house, so it’s not worth pursuing.
Of course as Hye-sung gets ready that morning, she discovers that something is missing after all: one of mom’s chicken shop posters. She doesn’t think much of it, but now we know where Joon-gook picked it up. Also, the thought of him creeping around in her room is making my flesh crawl, so thanks for that.
She stands outside Su-ha’s room (well, the spare bedroom that’s become his room), and asks in her nicest tone if he can’t come to her trial today because she really really needs him, and because she needs to see his eyes to feel at ease.
She suddenly realizes that wording sounds weird and tries to take it all back, only to find his room empty. She’s relieved, until she heads outside and finds him waiting at the front door. She asks again and he says no, enjoying that he has something to lord over her.
The cops come by to tell them the good news that Min Joon-gook is moving far far away. Who’s ever even heard of cops this naïve? Is there no crime in your district?
Su-ha asks in a panicked voice if they got his new address, but she holds him back from starting any more trouble. They assure her that they’ll never see Joon-gook again. As they walk away, she asks him, “Can I believe those words?” Su-ha: “No.”
And then the killer goes straight to Mom’s chicken shop, and smiles at the Help Wanted sign looking for a deliveryman. Nooooooooo. He greets her under a fake name, having already called about the job opening.
Hye-sung runs to catch the elevator in the courthouse, and when she shoves her arm in first, Do-yeon jabs the button for the door to close about a thousand times. I love that they’re all equally fifteen, emotionally.
They have another elevator snark-off, and Do-yeon asks if she’s done her homework on double murder trials. Hye-sung names the case histories, and Do-yeon points out that the last one, where two suspects both served sentences for murder, was presided over by the same judge they’ll be seeing today.
Hye-sung shares her concern with Kwan-woo outside the courtroom, where they notice a group of students being given a tour of the courthouse. She turns to him: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He pinches her cheek to say jinx. Hee.
The judge tells his colleagues that they’ll just get this hearing over with, only planning to give it his cursory attention and just go with the single trial for both twins. But when he enters the courtroom, it’s filled with bright-eyed kids, and suddenly his demeanor changes and he goes into teaching mode.
It’s amusing, but only if you don’t think too hard about the fact that they needed this to feel like he’d give the defense a fair shot. Hye-sung just keeps craning her neck the whole time looking for Su-ha, and lights up when he arrives.
He scans everyone in the room, and she thought-beams him to ask if Do-yeon has any proof that the twins planned and murdered the clerk together, and he shakes his head. So Hye-sung confidently argues (as does Kwan-woo) that if each twin is insisting he isn’t guilty, then they shouldn’t be tried together for the same crime, because the prosecution has no evidence that they were acting together.
The twins are outwardly hostile to each other even during the hearing, but something about the look on Su-ha’s face makes me nervous. So does the woman sitting behind him, who must be Twin 2’s girlfriend.
The judge rules that they should be given separate trials, and Do-yeon deflates while Hye-sung and Kwan-woo share a secret high five.
Hye-sung runs up to him after the hearing to ask if they should compare notes on the evidence and strategize together, but he says that now they’re on opposite sides, so they can’t go sharing evidence and stuff.
She frowns and tosses away the rubber thimble he gave her, only to go back and pick it up with a sigh.
Do-yeon comes up to her, livid that she threw away a chance to put a killer behind bars—now they could both end up acquitted. Hye-sung notes how little Do-yeon seems to care about the fact that an innocent brother would ALSO be going to prison just to put away the guilty one, per her arrangement.
Hye-sung: “Do you know who needs to be kicked out of the courtroom? A lawyer who always loses? A judge who always rules wrongly? Or a prosecutor who always makes mistakes in her indictments? None of the above. The person who makes a mistake and knows she’s wrong, but stands by it—like you—is the biggest problem.”
She gets up in her face to tell her to prepare her apology for Mom, and thinks to herself she was awesome yet again. She runs over to Su-ha happily and offers to buy him lunch.
They walk out of the courthouse together and she’s on cloud nine about beating Do-yeon, and tells Su-ha all about the firework incident and being forced to leave school because of her.
She says she wondered sometimes why she became a lawyer, but she gloats that now she knows the answer: “When I saw Do-yeon’s face just now I knew. I became a lawyer for that moment. To see that expression on that girl’s face.”
He sighs the whole time as he listens, and as they cross the street he asks if she’s that happy, and why. “Because I’m right, and she’s wrong!” Su-ha asks carefully, “And if she’s right and you’re wrong?” Uh-oh. She stops in the middle of the street.
The twins head back on the prison bus, sitting on opposite sides of the aisle and not speaking a word to each other. But when they enter a tunnel, we see their reflections doubled up in the window, and they’re smiling. At each other. Oh crap.
Su-ha gives it to her straight: those twins planned and murdered that clerk together.
Her step falters, and he has to catch her from walking into traffic. She repeats his words as they sink in, and then she grabs him by the tie, screaming, “You’re lying, right? TELL ME YOU’RE LYING!”
Oh I look forward to Hye-sung having to eat her words. Do-yeon can be hateful, but so can Hye-sung, and what she said (about not admitting when you’re at fault) is not only true, but coming back around to bite her in the ass like an instant karmic boomerang. Now we just have to see if she’ll live by those words, even if it means swallowing her pride and admitting her mistake to the one person in the whole world she’d never want to look weak in front of. I see a glimmer of hope in Do-yeon too, so maybe she’ll end up being more complex than just a heartless girl who’s spiteful for spite’s sake. Something about their very teenage rivalry endears her to me—like the elevator button thing, which smacks of petty childish feud, not horrible irredeemable villain.
I like that the cases of the week continue to be interesting, mostly because they’re written in a clever way to showcase the character relationships and the heroine’s personal growth, but also because they’re serious enough (murder, manslaughter) to keep us on edge about the consequences. This is life and death we’re talking about, not petty misunderstandings. Between that and our killer on the loose, the stakes remain high, which anchors us in the real world despite superpowers and rom-com situations. Murder and mayhem and flirty roommate shenanigans don’t normally go together, but everything about that combo works for this show.
Yay for the love triangle kicking into gear, as unconventional as it is. But that’s also why it appeals to me. And narratively it still works the same way, in forcing feelings to the surface and making jealousy cut through the denial smokescreen. My heart already bleeds for the Noona Love That Cannot Be setup, but when he looked up at her with Kwan-woo and clutched his heart today, I just about died.
Thank goodness for hapless cops and flimsy excuses for cohabitation hijinks. I really like that their relationship takes on so many different characteristics over the course of the show, and even over the course of one episode. Sometimes he’s the protector; and sometimes she’s the noona or the mom; other times he seems like a friend or an oppa that she leans on. They each take turns fluctuating wildly between teenage tantrums and surprising moments of adult behavior, and from petty arguments to running to each other’s rescue when it really matters. Basically, they just make my day.
- I Hear Your Voice: Episode 4
- I Hear Your Voice: Episode 3
- I Hear Your Voice: Episode 2
- I Hear Your Voice: Episode 1
- Lee Jong-seok’s noona crush begins on I Hear Your Voice
- Character posters for I Hear Your Voice
- First teaser and stills for I Hear Your Voice
- I Hear Your Voice holds first script read
- Lee Jong-seok and Yoon Sang-hyun reunite in new drama
- Kim Jae-won, Lee Bo-young consider new SBS drama
Tags: featured, I Hear Your Voice, Lee Bo-young, Lee Jong-seok, Yoon Sang-hyun
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1 Ivoire
June 19, 2013 at 8:26 PM
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2 Lemon
June 19, 2013 at 8:29 PM
AH I LOVE THIS. Thank u so much!!
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3 innit
June 19, 2013 at 8:29 PM
*clap clap clap* so exited.... runs off to read.
Thank you.
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4 snow_white
June 19, 2013 at 8:32 PM
Thank you GF
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5 chandra
June 19, 2013 at 8:32 PM
Thank you! I am totally in love with this show. I try to wait until all the episodes have aired for a show before I start watching it, but alas, I lack the patience for this one.
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6 NikaNika
June 19, 2013 at 8:34 PM
OMG, this show is too good, but I get the feeling it's going to break my heart. That rain scene </3...
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7 ilikemangos
June 19, 2013 at 8:34 PM
Show seems to be rushing in the kwan-woo hye sung romance department, and it all feels a bit rushed. so im thinking the endgame will be su-ha and hye sung. What do yall think?
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June 19, 2013 at 8:44 PM
I hope so! I don't think I could take it if he didn't get the girl.. The rain scene T.T
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June 19, 2013 at 8:54 PM
It's obvious that the main leads in this series are HS and SH and that KS is just the second lead so I think it's very likely that there will be a time jump where SH graduates from high school and HS and SH will end up together :)
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June 19, 2013 at 9:16 PM
Yes jessica,i think you are right. Just like in BIG, I think there would be a time leap here too.I need HS and SH to end up together real BAD
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June 21, 2013 at 5:38 AM
oh please let it be Sooha and Hyesung, i cant imagine otherwise :'(
June 19, 2013 at 9:01 PM
During an interview, lee bo young talked about lee jong suk and said, “He’s fun. He does skinship often, and he dances and sings for me,” praising Lee Jong Suk’s attitude on set. She went on, “When Lee Jong Suk comes, I get energized even when I’m tired.”
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June 19, 2013 at 9:21 PM
I think that too :) and hopefully ~~~
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June 20, 2013 at 12:46 AM
Yup, I was worried there at first. But I'm convinced that she'll end up with Soo Ha now. That's how dramas operate.
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June 20, 2013 at 1:46 AM
Yes. Because of my love for this show, I refused to acknowledge this flaw for a good 5 seconds but yeah, the loveline thing btw Hyesung and Kwanwoo does feel a bit rushed. I mean I didn't think it was necessary to make her zone out and touch his face, there just didn't seem enough attraction yet to do that.
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June 20, 2013 at 6:16 AM
I agree. There was no spark. It was cute in a funny way, but I really feel that it was put in just to give SH a reason to be jealous.
The writers have spent far too much time developing the relationship between HS and SH that they can't back track suddenly unless it's meant to be a tragic ending.
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June 20, 2013 at 9:15 AM
It's funny...but for me, what I want is for both of them to stay as "family" for the rest of their lives. Which means more in terms of noona-dongsaeng relationship. Lovers come and go. But bros and sis stay for life.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:29 AM
ilikemangos, Totally Agree!
I will break my heart so much if Su Ha and hye Sung don´t stay together as couple.
btw, that thought came to me also (about kwan-woo hye sung romance... since it is a bit rushed, it may be bc that it is not the OTP)
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8 JLee
June 19, 2013 at 8:34 PM
Ahhh, thank you so much! LOVE THIS DRAMA. <3
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9 Sue
June 19, 2013 at 8:42 PM
When Sung Bing called Su Ha to confess my heart broke for both of them. That was a great scene. The way it was set up was perfect for both characters.
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June 19, 2013 at 9:26 PM
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10 Dongsaeng killer
June 19, 2013 at 8:43 PM
Sooha ya! Come to this noona!!!!! :D
Thanks for the recap GF
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June 19, 2013 at 9:13 PM
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June 20, 2013 at 10:33 AM
second that! ROFL
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June 21, 2013 at 11:53 AM
I like your name.
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11 chanda
June 19, 2013 at 8:44 PM
Ahh that scene in the rain. It made my heart hurt. So many of the feelings!!! STAHP
Please let SooHa get the girl
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12 PollyRose
June 19, 2013 at 8:46 PM
Girl Friday I'm telling you now that this is the show that Lee Jong Seok gets the girl. Mostly cause I need to hear it too! Please show, please!
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13 Melissa
June 19, 2013 at 8:51 PM
No, not more heartbroken Jongsuk! My heart can't take it ;n;
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14 Katie
June 19, 2013 at 8:55 PM
Thank you for the recaps! I'm so intrigued by this drama (and I usually hate noona-esque dramas!) but I can't get over the creepy factor...I will probably watch this once it's completely aired so I can FF through the sketchy parts. I love the pace of this show currently and I hope they don't jump shark haha.
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June 19, 2013 at 9:55 PM
Hi Katie, there's nothing creepy at all with younger men liking older women. It's more common than you think. I have gone out with younger men before and my take is it's a lot easier for younger men to accept older women than the other way around.
Most times I find them naïve and possessive and that's probably because it's their first love, it can be suffocating. Other times, they are absolutely fun, refreshing with the way they do things and unconventional and many other plus factors. I didn't meet a mature one like Suha, otherwise I could have married a younger man. Btw, Suha at 19 is already a man-boy. Kissing your first noona love at 19 is already a big deal, so don't over-think the creepy stuff.
And it's not that I intentionally look out for younger boys/men but the fact that I look much younger than my age sort of lands me in those situations. Imagine going for job interviews at 24 and they said you look 16(!), very frustrating indeed, but that's a different story.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:13 PM
Haha, yeah, that happened to me too.
Also, I agree. I know several happy couples where the guy is younger, 22/29 when one couple meet, and 20/27 when the other couple met...and married that same year. So....don't get the freak outs. I certainly don't fund my brothers marriage "creepy" ... and ironically, NO BODY thinks that a 28 year old guy and 18 year old girl in a drama is creepy...that's happened a lot!
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June 20, 2013 at 4:35 AM
I think a 28 year old guy and a 18 year old girl in a drama is just as creepy. Any high-schooler with an adult is gonna creep me out. If it's set two years later and the characters are 20/30 and the younger one is mature enough to handle it, then that's cool with me.
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June 20, 2013 at 3:55 AM
I thought she was referring to the creeper-stalker Min Jong-gook parts with the 'creepy factor'. I mean, there's nothing creepy about Soo-ha liking Hye-sung, it's just cute. Stalkerguy stealing posters out of her bedroom and leaving cellphones behind, now THAT is creepy.
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June 20, 2013 at 6:15 AM
Yeah, I'm talking about the creepy killer/stalker not the noona romance.
I mean I'm not a big fan of noona dramas either because there has been an OVERKILL lately...really can't they find any same-age actors in Korea? There are SO many good actors!!
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June 20, 2013 at 7:31 PM
Yeah, creepy stalker is doing a good job. So far the Michael Jackson song is the worst, but number two is when he smiled while getting beat up by Soo-ha. Sadly, I'm desensitized to violence and I've seen bad guys getting beat up and smiling with blood on their teeth plenty of times on tv, so it didn't pack as much punch as the cell phone.
Does anyone actually like the actor who plays creepy stalker? I tried to like him as the eldest brother in Ojakgyo Brothers, but wound up fast-forwarding all his scenes...
15 ilikemangos
June 19, 2013 at 8:56 PM
I also thought the director did a good job with Sung-Bin's confession to su-ha that mirrored su-ha's own feelings when he saw kwan-woo and hye sung together on the balcony.
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16 Mj
June 19, 2013 at 8:57 PM
This is the second ljs character I'm madly madly in love with and I am really really hoping they have su ha get the girl even though I know it's not going to happen but please writers can't you just make all us fangirls happy
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June 19, 2013 at 9:10 PM
Why don't you think SH will get the girl in the drama?
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June 20, 2013 at 9:13 AM
yea, why? although, i want my heart to be broken by myself before they go ahead and rip it into pieces, like mine was watching this episode :( looking at his puppy dog face hungering for love and his eyes turning red instead of his sunny smile wrings my heart :( oh show you're evil..
LJS, i think you're gonna be an awesome actor in the making..can totally picture you as the hot badass sexy badguy too, the moment they stop typecasting you as a kiddo.
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17 noernov
June 19, 2013 at 8:58 PM
Thank u...i love it sooo much ;)
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18 chickawowow
June 19, 2013 at 8:59 PM
Don't worry GF, even if he doesn't get the girl in this one he still got Heungsoo in School 2013 ;)
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June 19, 2013 at 11:24 PM
LOLOL That's right! Jongseok doesn't have to end up with the HS in this drama, but he still has the HS in School 2013! >.< Best bromance EVARRRRRRR.
I wasn't expecting both the twins to be evil, but it's a good plot twist.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:33 PM
Yeah, I was expecting that our main girl got the evil twin. The fact that both of them are evil makes the "why" more interesting. I mean, what motive did they have to kill that guy? Guess the girlfriend is going to play a bigger role than I thought.... is she in on it? I thought it was strange that neither of the evil twins noticed her in the courtroom. And none of our lawyers appeared to recognize her either - come on, a baseball cap inside should call MORE attention to her, and it wasn't much of a disguise.
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19 Elle
June 19, 2013 at 8:59 PM
I wonder would it be that bad to hope for su-ha and hye sung to end up together.
Is this show destined for su ha to be heartbroken?
Is it unacceptable for them to get together, even if the viewers eventually root for them anyway?
I think Hye Sung is now being led to develop feelings for kwan woo so I should starts squashing my seeds of hope for a su ha - hye sung, even though at the start the age gap horrified me but as episodes go by they're making us like the couple more and more! Too cute!
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20 dramafan100
June 19, 2013 at 9:03 PM
Recently discovered this site and now I have to come here every day just to read your recaps. They are really great! Loved this show from episode 1 and after watching them on Viki, I come here to read your recaps. I love my Wed and Thu nights!
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21 hawoojinruinedme
June 19, 2013 at 9:07 PM
Thanks gf!
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22 Vix
June 19, 2013 at 9:12 PM
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease let Suha and Hye-Seong be together
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June 20, 2013 at 6:21 AM
Agreed! I'm in love with this pairing. I can't stand KW and HS together romantically at all. They're fine as friends/teammates but nothing more.
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23 anna
June 19, 2013 at 9:13 PM
HS and KW are adorable together though.
I actually like Do-yeon now after what she said in the end about upholding justice and putting the murderer behind bars. I like their childish rivalry as well. I'm hoping these two will be able to mend their differences and be friends who bicker instead of rivals. Only after Do-yeon apologizes for the framing HS and own up to her shitty behavior. I'm good with her.
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June 19, 2013 at 10:53 PM
KW is adorable period. I enjoy the adorkableness of his character and light up when he is on screen. I enjoy his scenes and interactions with HS and unlike the majority, hope he gets the girl in the end.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:00 AM
I'm on the Kwan-soo boat as well. He's just TOO adorable for words. I'd actually prefer it if he ended up with Hye-sung. They have a pretty adorable dynamic.
But I don't have anything against Soo-ha either. It's just that it feels like he fell in love with an ideal image he had of her after she saved him, instead of the real person. But of course I'm sure the show will set that right after the initial so-she-isn't-a-goddess shock.
So far it feels like Kwan-woo is going to be the second lead though, so idk. I'm getting prosecutor princess vibes.
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June 20, 2013 at 6:31 AM
I have no clue why but for some reason I can't stand KW as a character. Maybe I've become too jaded to like his optimism/idealism/naivety. Which is strange because I don't mind Min Young in DAC, but then again her idealism is about romance not people. I don't mind him as teammates/friends with HS, but I dislike them as a romantic pair. I think the problem for me might be that it seems really rushed so I can't believe it.
Agree with the comment on Do-yeon though. She's not a typical evil villain. She has her flaws but so does Hye-sung. She can redeem herself believably (from her lie 10 years ago) and end up as a good character.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:08 AM
I think the idealism is what makes it perfect. When we fall in love we often do fall in love with an idealized person. No one is as perfect as we imagine them to be when we first fall for them. We generally find out they are a lot more selfish, screwed up, petty, ugly, than we assumed. The only difference here is that Su-ha has been stuck in idealization mode for soooooo long. But he is mature enough to want to change that. So for him love is a learning experience and learning to accept the beloved as she is.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:08 AM
My problem with Soo-ha is that he didn't even know Hye-sung all that well before deciding he was in love with her, as an /eight year old boy/. It took him one moment to get an idealistic image of her. He didn't even get to 'fall' in love, he just suddenly was. It's a cute crush he has been nurturing for ten years, but it doesn't feel 'real'. Because they haven't even been talking to eachother for ten years.
I buy that she's a very important person to him, but I just can't buy the romantic attraction. Not yet. But like I said, I think the plan is for the show to fix that and make him fall in love with her all over again, the way she is now. But I can't start rooting for them until that happens, so I'm enjoying the moments with Kwan-woo for now, since they're both literally /discovering/ eachother's charms. Which is always cute to see.
June 20, 2013 at 11:15 AM
Saturtledaisy -
You pretty much summed how I feel about this pairing for now. I'm really enjoying Show so far but not in love with it YET, and honestly I'm not as invested to the noona love story as it is now because of the scenario that you presented below.
I'm enjoying the banter between HS and SH, and I think throwing KW in the mix does make things a lot more complicated but adds more layer to the noona romance storyline and does she choose SH or mr. Earnest Oska. I can't see HS and SH as together for now, but if they do, I hope that the setup leading us there would be EPIC.
June 20, 2013 at 9:28 AM
I'm with you, though I realize I'm in the minority. Yes, he can be naive, but I find that people like that actually make this world a bit more bearable. I love Su Ha, but like I said in previous comment...more than anything what I wish for him is to have someone he can call "family". Having a noona isn't really a loss in my book.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:11 AM
There actually are people who are like him. It's not like he's stupid, he's just got too much good faith in the world. I have a couple of friends like that, and being with them usually just lifts my mood and makes the world seem like a happier place. Well, unless I'm worrying that they'll get themselves into trouble.
But maybe I'm just too young and too optimistic. But isn't college the right time for that~?
June 20, 2013 at 7:41 PM
Kwan-soo doesn't get enough screen time for me to be on his boat. I like his character, I like the actor (I first saw Yoon Sang-hyun in "Take Care of the Young Lady" which I watched for Yoon Eun-hye, but stayed watching because I was convinced he's the Korean version of Kimura Takuya. Don't tell me they don't look alike!), but I just need some kind of hook...
On the other hand, Lee Jong-seok is ridiculously good at emoting. Can he just keep having reasons to do that?
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June 22, 2013 at 8:32 PM
" I was convinced he’s the Korean version of Kimura Takuya"
Haha!! that was absolutely my first reaction too! :D Except I think YSH's the better singer (Kimu Taku's a great cook, though)
And love the way he's always referred to as "Oska" on this thread! He'll always be Oska to me too :)
24 Mystisith
June 19, 2013 at 9:18 PM
Want to see a banshee in close up, dear writer? Have Hye Sung and Soo Ha NOT ending up together. I love Kwan Woo too but the chemistry/compatibility is not as strong...
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June 19, 2013 at 9:44 PM
The writer needs to flesh out more of our dorky lawyer before hye sung really falls for him. They don't have chemistry right off the bat but all that can change when the writer develops their relationship and gives them MORE bantering/bickering and heart-to-hearts otherwise it seems inorganic to me the way they're going about their romance. It's cute and all, but lacks that emotional connect where the viewers can root and feel for them.
It's almost obvious that the true OTP will end up being su-ha and hye sung, since they're occupying most of the screen time. Of course, that is just the typical k-drama formula. The man who gets to spend the most time of our heroine should end up being the hero, no?
There will be alot of gnashing of teeth once this show ends if the writer decides to deviate from that formula... And instead sets up kwan-woo and hye sung, which of course i'm not against. I just hope if that's the writer's intentions that she gives us more kwan-woo please.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:14 AM
^agreed. I think Kwan-soo needs to be fleshed out much more~ He just feels like an (adorable) side character for now. Sadly.
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June 19, 2013 at 10:04 PM
The writer will have to outdo her/himself for me to feel the connection between Kwan Woo and Hye Sung remotely as much as I do Hye Sung and Su Ha. It's not even the romance aspect of the connection - it's just that there is such a strong positive bond between them I can't make room for another.
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June 20, 2013 at 3:19 AM
I agree with "it’s just that there is such a strong positive bond between them I can’t make room for another."
For goodness sakes, she says she needs him!
She needs to look in his eyes to feel good.
Gah! That is a connection she can't even lie about.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:45 PM
I know - she's going to have to get over that. It's fine to rely on him in court for now, but if she needs him to do her job, then how will she be able to function when he really can't come to the courtroom?
I've always wondered how defense lawyers and prosecutors do it. Morally, I mean. They must wrestle with their conscience when they know for a fact that their client is guilty or innocent and they have to argue for the opposite. I look forward to the next episode when our main girl has to defend her twin, knowing he planned the whole thing with his brother.
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June 20, 2013 at 8:50 AM
You said it. "Strong positive bond."
She saved his life and he's living to save hers. You can't get between that.
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25 LebG
June 19, 2013 at 9:25 PM
As much as I I love this drama I can't stand and watch her fall for the dorky lawyer ! Omg the look on su has face says it all ! I can't watch that I'll be so sad !
She likes the lawyer already ! They shouldn't do that to us. !
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June 19, 2013 at 9:27 PM
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27 Mollee
June 19, 2013 at 9:27 PM
I'm lovin' this drama. Too cute.
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28 Z
June 19, 2013 at 9:28 PM
1) I didn't feel that bad for Suha during the rain scene but my heart broke so bad for Sung Bin. She had the guts to confess to a guy who she knew didn't her back and he didn't even bother to listen to it! Ouch. Hopefully, she didn't realize that he didn't hear it but it's so sad for her.
2) I can overlook the unrealistic lawering and judging and policing... but you expect me to buy that the BEST MOM EVER didn't recognize the face of the man who tried to kill her only daughter? Even if she wasn't in the court house that day, according to Episode 1, that case was big news all over the 'hood. How is a fake name gonna fool her? Sloppy writing.
3) I hope Pretty the Paralegal doesn't ever try to be a leading man and goes on to make a fortune playing Beautiful Expository Assistants. Because that's what the world really needs more of.
4) Yay for cohabitation hijinks! I forgive the cops their incompetence just this once.
5)Oska is adorable. I would totally pick him over the kid.
6) By the way, it was not long ago that I was 27-28 and there is not 18/19 ever who could have tempted me, much less one that was still in high school. And I wasn't a model of emotional maturity at that time. It's got nothing to do with the actual age difference either (my husband is 14 years older than me), it's the life gap. She's a full grown professional woman and he's in high school. It's icky. If they were 21 and 30 and he was out of school, I probably wouldn't say anything about it but the way it's set up, it's just weird. You may say she's immature and he's mature for his age but a)he's not 10 years mature for his age and b) she is mature enough to make it through university and professional school and get a good job on her own so I'd say she's still light years ahead of him.
I remember when I was about 27, I met this really handsome, awesome 20 year old guy (from England! with a proper British accent and everything) at a Conference. He was great and he seemed to be interested in me but I couldn't get over him being so very young. But the year after than, I went back hoping to see him because 21 wasn't that bad even though I was a year older, too. Unfortunately, he did not attend that year and I never saw him again... one of the many who got away... sigh...
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June 19, 2013 at 9:50 PM
Agreed, it seems unbelievable that mome would not recognize him. at least moms should have that third eye, second sight, whatever, that something is off. dont they always have gut feelings about people around their family?
if they hurt that mom, imma castrate them.
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June 19, 2013 at 9:53 PM
I actually love sung-bin, and my heart broke more for her than su-ha at that moment because it really was a genuine confession that she bravely mustered up..all to have it be dismissed, and i'm sure she would have been even more heartbroken having thought he hung up on her. Which he probably did(probably not consciously) after witnessing what he did on the balcony. I still love su-ha though, but there better be a follow up for that.
I agree that what squicks people out so much is not so much the age gap but the fact that he's a highschooler and she's a public defender.
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June 19, 2013 at 10:51 PM
I'm with you. I felt so bad for SB during that phone confession. I really like her and it was just so sad that he didn't even listen. :(
I also really loved KW dancing down the stairs humming Singin' in the Rain. That just cracked me up. :)
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June 19, 2013 at 11:01 PM
i agree so much about #5. For me, I enjoy the chemistry and where they are taking it (right now she is falling for him, her total opposite and someone she would never fall for). i can't wait for more cute interactions that allows for more getting to know and feelings develop on his part.
I also feel that HS views SH as a younger brother. Someone she wants to look out for because of their shared loss (no fathers) and life altering past.
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in times...
June 19, 2013 at 11:42 PM
Did the mom even know about the murder case? Did I miss something during the drama in which she told the mom that she's a witness and went to the trial where the murderer threatened her life? Please kindly tell me in which episode.
And why does the murderer get out of jail so quickly? I mean, that guy murder a father and was about to kill the son. Shouldn't he get life in prison?
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June 19, 2013 at 11:58 PM
It seems like in this show mom never knew about the murder case even though in actuality she should have known since her daughter was a minor that went in as a witness. She should have been alerted by authorities, but of course that is not the case with k-drama which seems to lack logic.
And why hye sung (surprisingly) never even told her about it beats me.
Life in prison here in the U.S, not so much in south korea. Perhaps they are more lenient? The u.s. has a rep of being more strict in their criminal justice system compared to other countries.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:15 AM
I'm not taking the way the 'law' works here in this show all that seriously. I mean, have you SEEN that judge? I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. I think the 'idea' behind it is more important than how realistic it all is... At least, it is if I want to enjoy the show (which I really do!)
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June 20, 2013 at 7:50 PM
The judge is hilarious. He's bringing back memories of when he played Ramses in Scent of a Woman, lol.
June 20, 2013 at 1:12 AM
It wasn't ever explicitly stated but for an underaged child to make a testimony like that + for further investigations, the guardian would surely need to be present/aware lol I was thinking that it's why he chose a fake name instead
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June 20, 2013 at 2:00 AM
That's what I've been wondering since episode 1. Hyesung was a minor so how could Mom not be involved back then. How come Hyesung never told mom about it? Up until this episode I was going with the guess that Mom does know everything but just doesn't talk about it because it's been 10 years. And that maybe she didn't recognize MJG because she only heard of his name and never actually saw him in person. But now I feel like if mom did know, then the writers would have made her mention it in some way earlier in the drama. Sigh, nothing is perfect. I still love you show.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:41 AM
I just assumed that the mom knew about the murder case because... well why wouldn't she? Hye Sung was a minor when it occurred; the case was big news round town (remember, it was on the front page of the newspapers and the ladies were gossiping about it during the first episode) so I would think Mom would hear about it even if no one told her; and Hye Sung and her mom are close so it makes sense that she would tell her.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:12 AM
I agree with everything you said! Especially the Seong-bin part. My heart just broke more for her than it did for him, since she was the one giving the heartfelt confession that was somehow just dismissed.
Though I'm not too icked out about SH and SH, I think it's because he doesn't /act/ like a high schooler. What annoys me more is that he seems to be in love with the idea of her rather than the real person.
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June 20, 2013 at 8:30 AM
Probably not the best idea to give a heartfelt confession by phone, or in any way in which you can see his/her eyes.
SB's confession wasn't dismissed; just that something urgent came up n distracted him. He saw KW on HS's balcony and dropped the phone before she got to the real confession.
"What annoys me more is that he seems to be in love w the idea of her rather than the real person."
Well, he is in the last year of high school. How much would an 18 year old know abt the difference between the two? He hasn't seen her in 10 years. All he has had was the memory of her. He is just coming face to face with the person. It's been a whole week? Give him time to get to know her as a person, and to get to know his own feelings.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:24 AM
I think she needed that phonecall because she was too embarassed to say something like that to his face. And I still don't see why he had to drop the phone like that.
And I don't say he has to know the difference - he's probably realizing it just now - but I'm just saying why I can't root for him yet. Like you said, it's only been one week. I'll root for the two of them when he falls in love with the real person, not the memory.
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June 20, 2013 at 12:26 PM
“What annoys me more is that he seems to be in love w the idea of her rather than the real person.”
I think he fell out of love with her when he saw how messy and jaded she was and fell back in love with her when she lived up to his idea of her.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:55 PM
I agree. I love watching him go in and out of his idealism. It's never subtle - always jarring. I do agree that he loves her like I used to love Brian from the Backstreet Boys. Devotion without knowing the real person. If I'd ever gotten to meet Brian, I'd probably react the same way as Su-ha (and if I hadn't been 12).
June 20, 2013 at 7:15 AM
Totally agree that
A) Big Bad would assume that Mom didn't know him.
B) Mom wouldn't recognize Big Bad at her door.
How long does Big Bad think he can work there without heroine finding out? I hope this doesn't lead to all kinds of flaky "convenient" plotting and near-misses. I HATE when writers do that kind of stuff.
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29 kdramafan
June 19, 2013 at 9:30 PM
Oooh! Sounds like a great episode. Thanks GF!
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30 Perrie
June 19, 2013 at 9:32 PM
This is a rare case where the main character and the second lead are kinda switched. It's like we're watching a romance from the point of view of the guy that usually doesn't get the girl, which is pretty cool....
I'm still on team Oska/ Kwan Woo though even though i agree it seems rushed.
I don't understand how people can ship Soo Ha and Hye Sung. Yes, they're freaking cute together, I admit it whole heartedly, but it doesn't work for me.
I can never get into teacher student romances like that.
This episode felt a bit dull to me, but I still enjoyed it!
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June 19, 2013 at 9:37 PM
I'm also disappointed that she's not a capable lawyer without him. She needs to use her own skills and not him. It's unfair to her clients and to him
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June 19, 2013 at 9:58 PM
Haha, i too was questioning her lawyer abilities.
Seems like she's starting to rely too much on su-ha, and that's not good. I mean yeah, the kids helpful and his skill is definitely being put to good use, but you can't have him sit in on every one of your cases all the time. It's not realistic.
It's definitely nice to have him around all the time because their relationship is just too cute for words, but hye-sung needs to prove to us that she can do without him. And that she has actual talent at being a lawyer because so far we've only seen her succeed because of luck, or because of su-ha.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:10 PM
yes i need her to show her skills in the court room without SH's help and allow us audience members to see that she is just as capable without him as she is with him.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:18 AM
I don't know, I think the teamwork bit with Kwan-woo worked out pretty well. Without Soo-ha. All he did was reassure her that the prosecutor didn't have any more evidence, but even without him they would have done well. But it's true that it would be nice to see her being a lawyer without any help at all.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:45 AM
I think it's more a case of confidence than not being a capable lawyer. Remember, she never actually tried to do her job well before now. Once she feels confident that she's on the right track, her actual lawyering skills are pretty good. You notice, she relied less on Suha in the twins case than in Sung-bin's case. I think (at least I hope) the writers will show her developing her own "eye" for her clients and needing him less and less in this capacity.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:28 AM
It's funny. I'm not really disappointed. We're supposed to be questioning her legal skills, I think. Often we are given characters who are supposed to be super-skilled. Fact is: we're told from the beginning. She is NOT a good lawyer. Part of the plot is that she will have to grow. But as it is, her being a crappy lawyer is a given. So, why should we be disappointed since she is all we have.
When we meet her, she doesn't want to be a lawyer to help anyone. She wants a job. She doesn't care about her clients. She wants to clean up her legal inbox. She doesn't even want to win cases until she meets her old enemy. She doesn't seem to study law cases or care for teamwork unless it serves her immediate purpose. She is pretty slovenly-- mentally.
The day will come when she will love the law and love her team and love her clients. Ain't gonna happen for a while, though.
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June 19, 2013 at 10:30 PM
I agree, while they are very cute together, I don't want them to be a couple though i feel like that's gonna happen. I just don't see them as one.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:05 PM
yes while they are cute together. they are cute in the way of the little brother who falls for his older sisters friend who doesn't see him in that way (i hope this makes sense). they are cute in a close sibling/friends kinda way.
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June 20, 2013 at 8:00 PM
You mean like in What's Up Fox? But that totally worked out! lol, I know what you mean though
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June 20, 2013 at 7:22 AM
But they aren't teacher-student. IF it was a case where she taught him in school, I'd be wary but this isn't about a teacher taking advantage.
What I like about the noona-doengsang k-dramas is that I feel the writers are aiming to do a flaky kind of cultural good. In Korean society, there is generally NO SUCH thing as friendship between folks of different disparate ages. It's very rare, it seems, even for people of the same sex. Non-Koreans don't realize that.
So while there are a lot of dramas with this kind of relationship, even so when the writers do stories like this, they are very aware that they are saying something that goes against the culture...and in their way they are (possibly) trying to open the eyes of their viewers. So to me, it's a kind of attempt at cultural-change. I could be wrong but I like the way they knock down little cultural stones....one drama at a time.
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June 20, 2013 at 1:29 PM
most my friends are not my age. there are 78 year olds, 56 year old 38 ear olds, very few my age ( just dont click with my greedy, fat, narcissistic, hedonistic generation); and there are 24-25 year olds a lot, and some 17 year olds (they never admit being friends with ANYBODY though). people have to be flexible, whoever you talk to, you need to become them
but I live in Estonia not Korea.
what you say surprises me. I thought different generations had a very close relationship in Korea.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:58 PM
About Su-ha and Hye-sung - I think I'd have problems shipping them if Lee Jong-seok was actually 18, but he's 23 so I just chant his real age in my head, lol.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:59 PM
Lol! I do that too! and personally I don't think he looks 18, he looks like a guy in his twenties so I can buy the romance between him and Hye-Sung more.
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31 Fyri
June 19, 2013 at 9:33 PM
Sooooo goooood.
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32 Yawar abbas
June 19, 2013 at 9:40 PM
*clap clap clap* so exited…. runs off to read.
Thank you.
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33 margopdx
June 19, 2013 at 9:41 PM
I really feel like Su Ha will get the girl in the end. There seems to be a cardinal rule in dramas that if the female character is interested in a male character within the first few episodes, that character will be replaced by the romantic rival by the last few episodes. The love interest always wavers towards the wrong person at first, and then swings back to get with the right person in the end.
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June 19, 2013 at 9:59 PM
Typical k-drama formula and that is why i believe hyesung and su-ha to be the true OTP.
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June 20, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Good argument for team SH! I'm hoping the writers are following this cardinal rule of kdramas.
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34 crazedlu
June 19, 2013 at 9:45 PM
Liking this show so much. Hyesung and Suha are really cute together, but it comes off as a total noona-dongseng relationship to me. I like how they're both helping each other out.
Gotta say, I'm pretty nervous about Killer Joongook (best not hurt mom!!!!), but I'm strapped in for the ride.
And... I'm reeeally curious about those twins.
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June 20, 2013 at 7:36 AM
Me too. This drama seems to have a true dark side, in that when evil is present it really is present. I find myself feeling more affronted at human slickness and evil when I watch this drama. More so than when I watch other k-dramas.
The evil in the beginning when Big Bad showed how far from the moral compass he was when he decided to kill Su-ha's dad. The evil in the twins as well. To plan such a murder and to plan how to get away from it. I wonder how weird the twins' girlfriend will be and what she may do if boyfriend-twin gets punished. And of course the evil in Prosecutor. And even Orange Girl's evil bullying of "Double Lid" and "Double Lid's" own response.
It's a world where there are good people and there are shades of evil...and it's a very believable world. I really like what these writers are doing.
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35 redfox
June 19, 2013 at 9:46 PM
this guy has the sort of face where he can just stand in the rain, not "act" at all and be convincible in such emotional moments.
the cops are not believable at all though! I feel like the system of justice here is being presented like ...like they could just as well dress them up in sageuk clothes.
and what cop in his sane mind would actually try to hit a minor? c´mon. that doesn´ t happen, right?
really gives a bad impression about Korea
I am totally not shipping Kwan Woo. they do have chemistry yes but...but there is such a deep connection between Hye Sung and So Ha.
Kwan Woo looks like Clark Kent though. wouldn´t it be awesome if he had a double identity like be a secret investigator in disguise? ....that´s not possible, is it.
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June 19, 2013 at 9:55 PM
I totally went to the Clark Kent connection too. I can't get the hang of hipster specs, I really can't. I see 'person who wishes to disguise face (superhero/dork/low self esteem combined with poor access to optometrists?)'. I don't think is what the fashion industry was going for.
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June 20, 2013 at 8:45 AM
"The cops are not believable at all....."
I've no idea what to make of K drama cops n the K justice system anymore.
I just watched Gift of Cell #7, and it scares me silly.
In the movie, they charge a mentally-disabled guy for rape and murder on circumstantial evidence, write out his confession, coerce him into signing, convict n sentence him to death, reject the appeal brought forth by the prison warden and his inmate pals, and then summarily put him to death!
After this movie, all KD cops become plausible for me.
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June 20, 2013 at 11:47 AM
Omg, I can't help but be brought out of the drama by all the bad police work and the justice system. Did they have to be so lazy about it that they did absolutely no research whatsoever? Ugh.
I know. Not the reason we watch Kdramas, but still....
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June 20, 2013 at 12:04 PM
that is just crazy
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36 Mar
June 19, 2013 at 9:52 PM
I am one of those people that likes the small moments, even throw away moments. The best part of this episode for me was when the police drop off HS and SH at her apartment, and Soo Ha has to say 'noona' again, not because of the word that sets some peoples boat a rocking, but because of Soo-ha's expression, and the twist of his lips as he forces it out.
I also like the orange headed girl confessing her feelings and being totally ignored by Soo-ha as he experiences the same feelings for HS. I do not however think that HS is totally oblivious to Soo-ha (has an attraction to him), I just think she doesn't take it seriously because of his age, which is normal.
I did not like that HS was actually asking her mother about the physicality of a blind date in order to get a buff boyfriend as a body guard. She's smart enough to be concerned about walking down dark alleys, so she has common sense, but to look to a man to protect her when she has never had a dependable male in her life, never been one to count on a man? Would that really be in character for a woman like Hye-sung? I know she is afraid and this is causing her to reach out to both Soo-ha and the dork lawyer. It also seems she has no friends to count on. I see her vulnerability and understand it, and to have that fleeting moment of a thought, but I don't think that was cool that she actually would pursue the thought.
I still do not feel the dork lawyer role. The role is totally expendable. And I am sorry, but I do not see any chemistry with Lee Bo-young and Yoon-Sang-hyun.
However, there is a ton of chemistry between Lee Bo-young and Lee Jong-suk.
I might be confused but it appears to me Lee Jong-suk is the lead male character in this drama, so why would he not 'get the girl?' I mean seriously, this is a korean drama, time jump, hello.
And why is there a dog in the office?
This drama also makes me want to eat fried chicken. ARGH!
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June 19, 2013 at 10:12 PM
There's a murderer on the loose that is after her, so i get where hye sung's coming from when she asks her mother for a man with a strong build. I actually laughed at that and didn't take it too seriously. It's true though -- that sometimes a man in your life can make you feel alot more safer. Something about a woman living by herself sounds alot more prone to being a victim of some sort of assault. I don't want to make it seem like women can't live without men and that men are stronger.. Just that sometimes, these are factors that murderers, robbers, etc factor in before they commit a crime.
There's also a dog in the office because one of the brothers(the one with brains, awards, and a gf) from hye sung's case asked her to take care of him while he was away from home.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:19 PM
I see Hye Sung’s remark, to her mother about ‘a man with a body‘, as a frivolous one in the context of her situation, just like her earlier response about wanting to be married to the law when she was basking in the glory of her legal performance. Another words, she was just being humorous to her mother.
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June 20, 2013 at 12:50 AM
The irony is that the mother is unaware of Hye Sung's plight.
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June 20, 2013 at 4:51 AM
I think HS asking her mom to set h er up with a buff guy is totally in character. Remember at first, she was only going to work until she found a rich man to marry. Then, when she won her first case, she said she wanted to be "married to the Law" but then she realized it was not her skill but Suha's that won her the case and she started considering the blind date again. even now, with her growing crush on Oska, she told her mom "maybe I'll just meet a man through my work."
Also, I wouldn't assume the she has never had a father figure. From the way she and her mom talk about her dad, she seems to have known him and been impacted by him, even if he died when she was young.
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37 saranga
June 19, 2013 at 9:58 PM
awww i loved this episode. loving this show.
i'm super confused about the twins' case. they are play-acting, apparently, pretending to be on bad terms with one another while it appears that they planned everything together. what is their motive for doing so? what was the point of robbing and killing the clerk? did they intend to get caught at all? how do they expect to get out of this? at least one of them is responsible for the killing. i rewinded several times but can't seem to put these pieces together. is there something i'm missing, or am i supposed to be confused?
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June 20, 2013 at 1:01 AM
I think the gf will be the key. I don't have it figured it out yet but I can't wait for it to be revealed. This show does a really good job of hooking you in anticipation.
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in times...
June 20, 2013 at 1:46 AM
I, too, have the same gut feeling regarding the gf. She was shown in a close up shot and from there, I knew she was also involved in this twin case mess. So in short, the twin plan the whole thing so they won't get charged for murdering as it's unfair to charge both when only one is the killer while the other isn't. It's unfair to charge both because an innocent will also suffer the consequence as the killer. They might have a chance to walk freely. I'm interested in how they will get caught and their story unwind. Can't wait for the next episode. :D
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June 20, 2013 at 8:11 PM
Do you think the dog has anything to do with the case?
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June 20, 2013 at 4:58 AM
I think they planned the robbery and murder and planned their courtroom strategy. The idea is that because there is no way to prove which one actually did the killing their is not enough evidence to convict either of them with certainty (kind of like the "reasonable doubt" clause in the American Justice system) so they would have to let them both go. That's why Doyoen is so upset, because she knows there is a good chance that they'll have to let them both go and and at least one, if not two, murderers will go free.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:06 AM
yes but why they robbed and killed at all in the first place is what was puzzling me... why they would even plan their courtroom strategy, meaning they knew there was a good chance they'd get caught.
but i think we are supposed to be puzzled about this at this stage. i just wasn't sure if i hadn't watched something carefully enough, and was missing something other people might know :)
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June 20, 2013 at 2:50 PM
I think the robbery was just a ruse to cover up the fact that it wasn't just a robbery gone wrong but a strategic murderer. They probably had some kind of personal vendetta against the guy to want him dead. And its a much better (and more devious) plan to knowingly get caught then to try to hide your crime and THEN get busted. It's all quite brilliantly evil actually. They would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling mind reading kid!
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June 20, 2013 at 8:13 PM
I love your Scooby Doo reference :-)
June 20, 2013 at 11:05 PM
AH scooby doo reference! There was a Backstreet Boys reference somewhere on here there while I was reading through commets. Seriously, I love you guys xD
38 zsa
June 19, 2013 at 10:02 PM
Lee Jong Suk!!!!! Awwwwwww
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June 19, 2013 at 10:34 PM
I second that......
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39 nabi2810
June 19, 2013 at 10:18 PM
I'm actually all prepared for Su-ha and Hye-sung not ending up together. They are adorable just being noona-dongsaeng to me. During the raining scene, I felt sorry for Seong-bin more than Su-ha. I mean, isn't it too early for the puppy love to get all dramatic? But I'm not buying the budding romance with Kwan-woo, either. Somehow it feels rather abrupt and unconvincing.
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June 19, 2013 at 10:30 PM
yeah, perhaps they go for the "family lost-family found" scenario. you know, like being abandoned and being "found" again.
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40 Lorac
June 19, 2013 at 10:31 PM
I'm in with the lie...This will be the one that he gets the girl...lol...Is there anyway to contact the writer 'coz seriously, I'm willing to stalk the writer if need be, just let Su Ha be with Hye Sung...
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41 Bro
June 19, 2013 at 10:33 PM
I'm glad Hye-sung was wrong and will have to eat her words. She was getting way too big headed haha. But honestly, I wouldn't mind if Su-ha ended up with his classmate. I swear if girl confessed like that to me, cupid's arrow would shoot through my heart. That was a cute confession.
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42 Daine
June 19, 2013 at 10:37 PM
I am SO in love with this show. I watched it raw, which I never do..except when I'm obsessed with a show, which I am definitely am. For me, it's HS/SH all the way, going down with this ship 100%. Their emotional connection and chemistry is just beyond words.
I think the fact that HS is getting interested in KW now definitely indicates that SH is end-game. This is the same writer from Dream High and already I see a lot of similarities(flawed female lead, dark scenarios, equally likable male leads in a compelling love triangle, male lead with an exceptional ability, etc) so I think it will resolve the same way with the lovelorn, quietly stoic, protector-guy getting the girl after she has a romance with the other one. At least, I pray I'm right or else my heart will break!
This case is interesting because it's exploring a fundamental aspect of being a defense attorney: You have to defend your client whether you think they are guilty or not. Unfortunately for HS, she actually knows for sure whether or not her clients are guilty so it presents an interesting moral dilemma. As well as the question of whether she can totally trust SH which I think this episode emphasized well at the end.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:32 PM
Agree on you about her being a defense attorney and having to defend your client no matter if they're innocent or guilty. That's why it's better for them not to know if they're defending an innocent or guilty man. Also, i couldn't help but notice in the previews that she might end up teaming up with do yeon to serve justice and make sure they both get charged for their misdeeds.
That's rather unrealistic in real life so i wonder how the writer is going to go about it.
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June 20, 2013 at 5:01 AM
Defending a client who you know is guilty doesn't mean getting them off. It could just be getting them a lighter sentence (like Oska did with his deaf ajumma, or like Hye-sung tried to do with Sungbin before she decided to believe her). I think most real life lawyers won't let you confess to them if you're planning to plead not guilty because of that very same moral dilemma.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:37 AM
I think as a lawyer you need to know as many facts of the case as you can, so nothing can take you by surprise. This includes confessions. Like with the deaf ajumma, the fact that she did it doesn't take away the reason WHY she did it, and that could definitely help a LOT when it comes to getting a lighter sentence.
The whole point of a defense attorney (in theory) is to hear /the defendant's/ side of the story, and to get a sentence befitting of his crime.
So as a defense attorney there's no WAY you'll only be defending /innocent/ people, so there's no way you can always pleade 'not guilty'. But that doesn't mean it's not morally right to defend them. Not all criminals are 'pure evil'. Like there's a difference between killing a guy because you want their money and killing a guy because they abused your girlfriend. (not saying that's where they're going with this story - but the girlfriend seems to be the key here) It's both 'wrong', it's both 'murder', but that doesn't mean they'd deserve the same sentence.
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June 20, 2013 at 10:10 AM
ohhh the person who wrote dream high wrote this?!! i loved that show to pieces. there too, the anchor of the show was arguably kim soo-hyun, and here it's lee jong-seok. although, lee bo-young is doing pretty darn well too, holding up her end. this is the best i've liked her in anything she's ever done.
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43 CrazyKaleidoscopic
June 19, 2013 at 10:50 PM
I REALLY don't understand why everyone thinks that Suha won't get Hyeseung.
1) She started liking Kwanwoo first which means they will NOT end up together in the end (this is k-drama people. Helloooo). And she does have budding feelings for Suha. It's just she hasn't realised it (as it always happens)
2) Everyone seems to forget Doyeon will get one of the two too. Seeing her personality, she will get Kwanwoo definitely cause she needs someone who will blindly love her what with her parents being the way they are (& Kwanwoo doesn't just love, he worships). She needs someone who is just too nice, who will accept her no matter how she is & that is Kwanwoo again. Now as for Hyeseung, she needs someone who will bring her down from her high chair & also protect her. That people is Suha. See unlike Doyeon, Hyeseung's moral compass isn't awry. It's just that she is detests that part of her cause of what happened 10 years ago. Suha is the one who brings it out of her. Kwanwoo won't do that. He just, again, worships her. Which is bad for a girl like Hyeseung.
3) WHY is everyone freaking out about the age difference? Suha is 19 already!! Which means 10 yrs ago he was 9 & Hyesueng was I am guessing around 15. Which means they have around 6 years of age difference. That is not much at all! Jesus! What century is this! That much is very normal! Everyone is behaving as if the difference is 20! And wow, so it's ok for the girl to be younger in a relationship but not for the guy? Seriously, people? Really? Besides Suha is way more mature. He is even more mature than Hyeseung I might add.
& this is what kdramas are all about. They put contrasting characters together. Hyeseung is older & hence should be mature. But she is childish. Suha is younger & hence should be childish but he is the mature one. Suha is the rock that Hyeseung needs & can depend on.
& stop over-reacting over the age difference please =.= FYI in Flower Boy Ramyun Shop too the younger guy got the girl.
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June 19, 2013 at 11:02 PM
Totally agree with you...and I love dramas where the second leads get matched up, like protect the boss. Add long as those second leads are likable, like in ptb. I'd love to see that happen here :-)
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June 19, 2013 at 11:35 PM
Funny how you brought up PTB since ji sung, who played the hero, is the real life partner of our heroine, who lee bo young plays, for 6(!) years now and they still haven't gotten married yet.
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June 20, 2013 at 5:02 AM
I knew Ji Sung was in a long term relationship but I didn't know it was her. Adorable!
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June 20, 2013 at 11:11 PM
Oh my gosh really? I did not know that! I loved him in PTB. And that's saying something because I'm a Jaejoong fan lol but I walked away from that drama with another male celeb crush on my list xD
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June 19, 2013 at 11:15 PM
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June 20, 2013 at 12:41 AM
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June 20, 2013 at 5:16 AM
I really really hope Su Ha and Hye Sueng get together, and I think that might be possible.
During the rain scene I was reaaaaaaally really upset because I was feeling like Su Ha and Hye Sueng might not get together. But I thought about it and seriously, the Hye Sueng and Cha Lawyer relationship seems to have progressed too quickly for a k-drama. I think every single drama I've watched always had the heroine falling for the second lead first and then realizing that she loves the hero. As for the age difference, I have nothing against it. I believe that if you really like someone, their age doesn't matter. Especially if it's only around seven years. There have been a lot of noona romances in dramas, so I don't think dramas really discriminate very much about age.
I really really think Su Ha and Hye Sueng will be awesome together. <3 PLEASE, drama, don't torture us with this! Tell us, already!
I'm really impressed about this, though. I've never read a book or watched a drama in which who the main character is going to end up with is so vague. They're making this very skillfully. But it's still such torture! -.- D:
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June 20, 2013 at 8:21 PM
I like when they make it vague. Having watched a lot (a lot) of K-dramas, I usually don't bother to invest my time in the second lead b/c I know it'll never happen. Here, I think Su-ha will get the girl, but I'm not 100% positive, and I don't want to be actually.
The male lead is also vague in Last Cinderella, Jdorama that's on right now. Even more so actually.