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Happy Friday!!!!!
More work that I can handle but that is a good thing!!!!!
Seul has become my favorite character so far of 2011, My Princess, is so far the top of the crop MP FTW!!!!
I was reading that some people thought that the "Kiss" scene at the end of chapter seven was not a "Good" one, but what I really like about that scene was that there was no "Music" to enhance the mood, and the kiss was a good one IMHO, it was done not in the spree of the moment, but Seul even when she was drunk she was still in control of the situation is not like he took advantage of the situation since she kiss him first.
But I must say that I am a bit conflicted about kiss, because some body raise the question of whether it is appropriate to kiss some one while one party is drunk and the other is not.
I guess there is a fine line between taking advantage of somebody while that person is intoxicated, but I do not think that our main lead abuse his power when he kiss the Princess, at least it did not appear that way!!!!!
i've watched the kiss scenes so many times now with and w/o music. both works for me! So enchanted w/ this couple, still can't help squeeling with glee each time i see it. hehehe
I'd have to agree. :) I also think having the scene be silent helped to keep the viewer focused on the action - reinforced by the extreme close-ups of the leads. Then when they kissed, the camera pulled away, like we were giving them privacy. I thought that was very effective in selling how hot a kiss it was, we can't even look at it too long (though not as hot as the train station one in Coffee House, imho).
That being said, I hate Hae Young this week; no, LOATHE him. Did not know I could have that level of fury at a drama lead. I was completely enraged by his actions, even if I get them, but he made her cry and got her mom to turn against her. That's not cold - that's arctic. I also wished she had clocked him but good, or even nicked him with a carving knife (I'm a bit bloodthirsty, lol). Those little poundings she gave him didn't seem to be enough for the level of harm he inflicted on her. Making me lose my only family? Yeah, even if I stole your fortune, there's no right. I wanted to deck him so bad. I know I will go back to loving him soon, but if I were there...he'd be laid out flat on the ground. Just saying.
i thought the silence worked well in that scene. also, given how badly the show has been using their scores so far (e.g. daddy-hit-by-car + light/sweet BGM=WTF ) i was glad they didn't add any music to it.
What I have been reading is people complaining how there is no emotional buildup to the kiss scene, and my face is just like, ....... REALLY?? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING???
It's been building up since episode 1. It's only appropriate that they kiss now. Because in this moment, Haeyoung, I guess takes advantage of the fact that Seol is drunk, to let go of all the walls he's built up in front of his wall, because he knows it is wrong for him to be showing her his feelings, etc. This is the one moment that Haeyoung lets down his guard and just goes with his feeling. And then you get the beginnings of angst galore, etc.
But really... NO BUILDUP??? Idk, I totally saw it coming.
what really ruined it for me (though not totally) is the lean-to-kiss multiple replay like it's some awesome action sequence. they do that when they flip cars in chases. in this case, I was one the one flippin'. :(
did not like that one, too...much better if they panned out but still up close or like a 360 degree view on the two, how do u call it? but when the camera pulled away to give a full view of the two of them on the stairs...seems like a nice touch.
much better if they panned out but still up close or like a 360 degree view on the two, how do u call it
that's called "trying to make the cameraman trip on the stairs." :) just kidding. Yeah, the 360. That would be a good treatment of the scene before the zoom out. You get a good look at the actors' emotions that way. And it is a better way of prolonging the kissing scene rather than the multi-lean-over-replay which makes you wanna scream "kiss already!" than gasping for the suspense.
haha! was thinking of the cameraman tripping in the stairs, too, hehe. difficult shot to maneuver, i guess ;-) but that would have made the scene more fluid and not as jarring as how they've done it ;-) blame the stairs, i guess ;-)
the kiss, i felt like the build had definitely been there, and in that sense it had been a long time coming (well, as long as you can feel 7 episodes in LOL)--- so i think it really would've happened drunk or not. they were both pretty much gunning for it. ......although you wouldn't have been able to tell, gven how dispassionate it came off looking in the final cut. O_O ..i was like, really? that's the result of your zekshual tenshun?!?! that's IT?!!
I think to me the "Silent" represented the "Calm Before The Storm", specially for our main lead since there was a reason why he took Seul away from the castle, but overall I really like the kiss, I think it fits whit in the chaotic story line of conflicted interest, the ones that want the Monarchy and those who don't!!!
ooh, i like the way you read that bit-- the manifestation of their conflicted interest would indeed be mirrored by a random and chaotic insertion of a kiss in the middle of all the hoopla they're currently engaged in (wow, can you tell i'm drafting my thesis. what's with the academic jargon, huh?well-- i think "hoopla" balanced it out nicely LOL)
happy friday everyone! i hope my friday can be just as happy but i've spent the whole day worrying about the egyptian people. i've gone there more than ten times since i was a kid; almost every summer since i was eight. and from everything i saw, even in my grandma's house, i never knew over 50% of the egyptians earned less than 2 USD per day. now the egyptian people are fighting for their freedom and the corrupt govt cut off most of the country's phone, mobile, & internet services to stop the spread of protest. my dad's family lives in alexandria..=,( i can't seem to bring myself to watch mp to calm my nerves. i'm so worried.=( please pray for the safety of the egyptian people!=,( tnx..
oh my god... i just read the news..I can't imagine how hard it is living without any form of communication and freedom. I hope there no more violence..
I hope your family is all well... and I pray for the Egyptian..
if any consolation, we had terrible things happened in indonesia, but sometimes the news make it much worse than it really is. hoepfully that's the case here as well. hang in there!
I feel for you... praying for the Egyptians, and for all those experiencing turmoil and protest in the Middle East. May God keep your family members safe.
Praying for you, your family and the ppl of Egypt....hang in there, brave knight....these are dark times indeed, but be strong for your family....*bear hug*
Hello everyone!
It is so nice and cozy here on the thread.
I have a K-drama clothes question.
Why why why do they go to bed fully clothed, jeweled and hair still up?
Am I supposed to believe that they have not completely ruined their $3000. suit, gouged their scalps from the hair pins, and awoke with imprints on their necks from diamond
earrings and necklaces?
Is it because we cannot even imagine them with their clothes off for one second before putting pjs on? Is it because there just isn't anywhere for them to change?
Why can't we see them walking into another room with clothes on and then a quick cut to them in PJs crawling into bed?
I started of list of drams that this happend in, but gave up, since it is in every single one...
Haha YES! Complete with helmet of plastic hair that comes on and off in one piece (this is why we can't see her getting reacy for bed, it would be scarring to see her round head with a single peg on top).
Hello all,
I've only started posting in the recaps for SG and MP recently, but as my kdrama addiction is escalating it's been great to come here and learn I'm not the only one who is afflicted : )
As for the pyjamas: I think it was only in The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry where I spotted a main character wearing PJs. Can't think of any other instances.
MNKSS. Sam Soon wears pajamas a lot. But she's, y'know, Sam Soonish. :) I can't think of a scene where Sam Shik wears pjs though. Actually let's not talk about Hyun Bin's wardrobe in that drama. I'm currently rewatching it, and as much as I love the show, OMG his outfits are so cringeworthy.
That's one thing about Kdrama: it's the male leads who are more likely to look back at themselves in five years time and think, 'was I conscious when I agreed to wear that?'
But I'm more upset with the "Strangled by the Red String" trope in most kdramas. Basically, you have two pretty people together who have NOTHING in common, except for their "love" or whatever for each other. Ok. But what do they talk about when they're not talking about their opposing parents? What?
What bothers me about this is that during shipping wars, people start bringing up the whole, "they are too similar" crap like that's a bad thing. Of course, you don't want a clone but surely someone with similar interests or sensibilities or even backgrounds is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it's often the key to a successful relationship.
yeh, i was surprised how tidy Seol looked (esp her hair) after she woke up after drinking herself silly the previous night. And the headband!! she always sleeps with it on. i tried to ignore it but it's just so distracting, i keep thinking: man, isn't that uncomfortable?
Oh it's a beautiful Friday ... I have to work 16 hours, but there are worse fates than having a job that pays me to stay at home and watch my children with love....
LOL, you mean, little stalkers, right? Sadly, two trips to Wally World and Dillard's, no hot males of the Korean persuasion .... but I did see a cute Desi mix, about six, I think ...
OOOhhh!! Cute desi mix? Were any of them doctors?. . . . . . . . . . *appalled silence* *smacks self* I have been hanging out with my mom too much!! That is Exactly the followup question she asks anytime there is mention of anyone of the male persuasion. :P
lol lol .... he'll have to grow up, first, and I couldn't tell from Mom and Grandma what profession the Husband/Son was in, but he did make money judging from the quality of fabric on their clothing.
hello, ladies and (very few) gentlemen! (any gentlemen hiding out there?:P )
happy happy friday. although i'm stuck at home writing a draft of my thesis, i still sneak in a little time to indulge my (latest) falling prey to the Second Lead Syndrome (AGAIN!) !!!!!
i love you, Jungwoo!!! even with your Indiana-jones-in-the-city outfits.... all i need is your smile, and my day is totally made!!! :D :D :D
apart from you, however, i must admit, im liking the seol-HY pairing, because i think none of them think it can actually work out, and it makes them very cavalier about revealing their true feelings. like a really twisted version of doing whatever the hell you want because there will be no real-world consequences for your actions. DUN DUN DUN-- can you believe He Young actually TOLD Seol that he was one of the things she was giving up by being a princess? it's so tantamount to actually saying, "you have me. that's not the issue here. YES i like you, and you like me, I KNOW. "!!!! oh, the angst! that line kills me!
i can't wait until they figure out that it CAN happen, and THEN i'm so totally there for the ensuing passive aggressive courtship. ....well, i think that's pretty much where we are now, eh? :P
also-- my heart's kind of confused about rooting for Hyemi-Jingook or Hyemi-Samdong, but i know one thing for sure---- SUSHI AND CHIPMUNK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
i wonder how her confession will go next week?!?! can't waaaait! is it next week yet??
and REALLY REALLY OT-- but did anyone catch the latest epi of Bones??? THAT LAST LOOK OF BOOTH TO BRENNAN KILLED ME!!!!!! AAAH!!! <3 <3 <3 knew it! .....the days of B<3B are upon us!!!! :D
Too much Hannah recently.... but that last look does soothe me quite a bit.. it's like the writer make her looks so nice to make the viewer like her but it's just make it looks like to a fake personality... Argh! Why are they so afraid to make B&B a couple? So many things to write about :(
I actually like Hannah but I can't understand why Booth would date her and vice versa. There is no chemistry between them.
the Bones x Booth thing is like a catch-22 for me. I'm super frustrated that they're not together, but once they get together, there's no longer the sizzle of being-close-but-not-close-enough. There was this really popular show in the 1980s -Moonlighting- with the will-they-won't-they sexual tension and after the characters consummated their relationship, popularity declined.
Anyways, the HY and Seol pairing does remind me a bit of Booth and Bones. Both make great lovers (when we get them there), but both will also make great friends and it's that extra layer that makes me like the Seol x HY pairing (though I'm pissed at HY this week
Jung-woo makes me smile like moron and act just like Seol when she's crushing on him.
gosh! I too took a break from thesis writing to watch MP and BONES!!.. ahh.. my heart break for her in the 9th epi.. but how booth look at her at epi 10 is more heartbreaking!! gah.. i think i'm some kind of a massocist.. enjoying heartbreaks.. hahahaha
Yes! I can't take side either when it comes to HM-JG or HM-SD pairing. All signs kinda point towards HM-JG pairing, what with the childhood memories, deeper connection, and it seems that HM will fall for JG in episode 8. And usually, when the main girl falls, she falls HARD & could nvr seems to have a change of heart Buuuttt I still can't watch a heartbroken SD. Can we just clone HM to keep those two boys happy??
Hi, I'm knew to the thread, and only k-drama addict for a few months, but its really hit me hard...I've been reading the thread for awhile, though (longtime fan, first time caller-well almost)...ANYWAY, I've been having an argument w/ my housemate regarding the Booth, Brennan, Hannah relationship for awhile. I really like Hannah, and I think the story needs a slow Brennan-Booth rebuild...because of her, but also to keep the story going, since when they get together there will be no more FBI partnership and ipso facto no more show, which would be...bad. For me anyway...
As to Hye-mi: that girl is clueless. Sushi-Chipmunk fighting, though. I particularly want her to win lots, and find a spine. Same for SD and JS--but they are all in high school, so they really just need to survive w/o horrendous scars and solid friendships, that would make me so happy.
welcome welcome! i have more things to say, except i'm horibly drunk, typing this and checking dramabeans after a really crazy night. just wanted to say--- thanks for delurking!!! welcome! :D
Say what? I already got sick of the Bones/Booth will they/will they not so I stopped watching the show. But if they are FINALLY getting together, then I'm going to watch the last episode this weekend.
Me too! I got frustrated and quit at the beginning of the third season. That's one of the negatives about the long-running american tv shows, they have to keep the main couple apart until the end (usually) and they don't know when that will be, so they keep dragging it on, introducing more obstacles/rivals/issues, until finally you're wondering what on earth brought them together in the first place.
I am adoring Dream High. I am still rooting for Baek Hee as a redeemable character. And...with HyeMi...both guys seem to work well with her. It'll be interesting who they eventually pair her off with.
I am also rooting for Baek Hee to have some kind of redemption! I really don't want her to turn out to just be this villain who can't see what she's doing wrong.
I think Baek Hee will. She's already so tortured by her actions. I think there will be a moment of redemption. She's not a bad person, she's just so beaten down that she'll do anything to prove that she's up to snuff.
I think more than beaten down, she's easily influenced, escpecially when she's feeling vulnerable. She is a follower, so when she lost Hye-mi as a compass she turned to her teacher, who advised her basically that she has to become a ruthless bitch to survive. Not... the best advice to give a teenager.
I hope she grows a backbone and does something to redeem herself, even if her friendship with Hye-mi is unsalvageable.
That teacher is srsly psycho. I love Dream High to bits, but I would NOT want to attend. It's a battle zone, with murder attempts left right and centre!!
That bugged me so much as well!!! It's like all drama characters are vampires that don't need to move/breathe/be comfortable when asleep.
Is it that hard to include pyjamas in their wardrobe? If we can live through shower scenes and naked walk-ins, we can live through changes of wardrobe.
Actually, there is in My Girl, when Seo Hyun is contemplating her lost love and his new 'cousin' .... episode 4 or 5, I think, my son will know when he gets off the Wii.
awwww. Your kids are probably the most adorable things on the planet!! Please ask him whether he would consider being my little brother, the current one I have has no interest in K dramas. :(
Okay, here's my plan. Sunday afternoon I'm "free" for a few hours and I WILL figure out the digital camera and get the Taekyung hair on disc before he outgrows the phase ... wait, it's been six months or more, is he going to outgrow it???
whoa, MP8 had 6 minutes of recaps in the beginning! did the writer run out of new ideas to fill up the extra minutes? i couldn't understand HY in episode 8: "return to me"; "I will marry her"; "You're beautiful". what in heaven's name are you getting at dear HY?
i found the kiss sweet. ain't it realistic that there were no background music? looking forward to the next one : )
I think the playback was sort of filler because I heard they shot Ep 8 just this week (around Mon or Tues) and I don't think they're done filming Ep 9 hence, no preview.
Looks like we're going to being seeing a lot of exhausted actors as they try to play catch-up ....
once again, I HATE this part of the Korean entertainment industry. Just a month's extra filming before air dates would give them what they need. Heck, a few weeks would be a boon, too.
Top that off with the whole fatal illness he's bound to have and he's going to break MY heart shortly. I have a feeling our writer's going to torture the poor guy :(
hello kdramaworld can i just vent my angst here , it like im living in kdrama land these days , well you know the protagonist and the bitch and the people around , i feel like seol of my princess , i like her a lot and i like the drama , but i dont want her situation , what i mean is you are surrounded by people you know or not know if they are enemies or friends but cant afford to be without there company hmmm complicated life haisttttt............
Its like you look around at all the guys around you and you think...why isnt there anyone even remotely as cute as Yoo Ah In....Its nothing short of depressing...WHY SO CUTE?
Yes, you are right about the antidote to combat the Second Lead Syndrome not going commercial. Initially, we projected enormous returns, but our finance department underestimated the fervency of the fangirls, especially those affected by the JSV or Jae Shin Virus. *carefully Does Not look at Izzie*
They absolutely refused to take their meds, and almost rioted. Who am I kidding? Forget almost, the rioted full scale. Mothers and ahjumas, halmonims and young girls took to the streets, to demonstrate. They refused to go to work or school, and there were fights over conflicting claims of "Mine."
With civilization on the brink of collapse, we regretfuly had to pull our product from the market. *sigh* And we spent so much money on R&D too. :(
Viola, I am so relieved you have come back to us after "what happend" to you and Jae Shin.
I read that you tried to tell him he could see other, um, people, and he almost completely lost it. I know you were trying not to get between him and Yong Ha, but, really, you broke his heart.
You have to stay strong for him, now. If you can only endure looking into his eyes night after night, and touching his wild mane. Just let him stay with you. Your sacrifice is for the best.
While it is may be my curse to be all things to all men, there is only One man who is all things to me. That man is Siwon. I am completely and utterly faithful to him!!
I don't know what you have heard Jomo, but I never had any dealings with Jae Shin! I don't know where all these rumors are coming from?! Philip lee, Mr Hand Towel, Jang Seok ahjussi, and now Moony? Why am I being involved with all these men?!
"You have to stay strong for him, now. If you can only endure looking into his eyes night after night, and touching his wild mane. Just let him stay with you. Your sacrifice is for the best."
Are you trying to get me killed, woman?! *looks around in fear* You know the Jae Shin virus is particularly virulent, and it turns the infected into zombies who are very possessive! They might come after me! That's not even mentioning The Young Ha! I am afraid to even contemplate what he might do to me for even being connected to his true love!
I am here to set the record straight: I have always been on the Yummy/Moony True Love Bus. I like Moony, but we are just very good friends, and he is my admired and respected sunbae. ;)
I think I heard of some girls survived about 6 days after claiming Moony. But off course she was living in Antarctica at the time! :P
No need for apologies my darling Jomo, it's a natural misunderstanding. I will say again, Jae Shin and I are just very good friends. ;)
I was always a Yummy girl myself. Ockoala came up with the name "Moony" and she helped me to come up with "Yummy" And I am glad there is no better way to track one person's comment on DB!! Considering the things I write here; kidnappings, world domination, larceny, ....:( Oh well, at least the future black mailers would have to shift through all the posts on the OT threads to find everyhting! :P
Happy Friday Beanie Family! Oh man, all I have to do is survive 6 hours of work today. *sigh* At least it's not a full day. Anyways, haven't started watching any of the 2011 dramas yet, although Dream High is definitely on my to watch list, for now the recaps will do until I'm ready to sit down and have a full on marathon. I might follow Paradise Ranch if there won't be any further recaps because I need to know about those darn kids and whatever the hell happened that caused them to split.
Anyways, I've really gotten myself into trouble with Qualifications of a Man (Q of Men?) because I got hooked and I'm trying not to watch all the episodes I can get my hands on in one go. Like any variety show, it takes getting used to. Once you do, you fall in love with the cast and their oddities. HAHAHA. Sometimes you get tired with how repetitive some episodes are because sometimes you hear the same thing (as in the Choir/Harmony and the Band mission). But in the end, you laugh, you cheer them on, and you even cry for the ups and downs, and the sad goodbyes. Hopefully, With JJ down with Runaway: Plan B, we can see more from him and hopefully he will have a chance to really develop a character for the show, especially since they are one man down (let that be a lesson kids, drugs will ruin you). I will be catching up with Strong Heart soon enough because I hear it is really good, but right now I'm way behind on 1N2D, and it's sad that that show too lost one cast and has had (or will?) have to say good bye to another one of their own. Why is it I've become more of a variety show addict than a drama addict? Because Running Man is also another one I enjoy (thank you isubs for your hard work) and I can't wait until episode 26 is subbed, when they go to manhwa land and dress up. Soooooo cute with Bo Kyung as guest.
Well, off to work. Take care dear Beanies. HWAITING jb and fri!
I've also become a kvariety junkie, Ani. Last year I only saw 5 or 6 complete k-dramas (having watched 130+ dramas in the previous 4 years). Instead, i watched all 100+ episodes of Family Outing seasons 1 and 2, plus the shows you mentioned and more.
My favorite new variety program is 100 Out of 100 aka Oh! My School.
Oh man! I loved Family Outing. I got mad when Park Yejin and Chunderella left. They were among my favorites. It just wasn't the same without them. The Parks didn't bring much to the placte after a while. *sigh* Good times. I always thought FO2 was a total fail, although Seungril (I forgot his name) and the comedian girl with the major crush on KJK and Oska were AWESOME. But good to know I'm not alone. HAHAHA. I'll definitely look into 100 out of 100. XD
Woo-hoo! TGIF! Gonna go back to my hometown tomorrow and do nothing but k-dramathoning with my bestie.
Am loving My Princess & Dream High at the moment. Slow internet connection didn't managed to stop me from staying in the loop. I offered to keep my friend company in her office while she's working overtime so that I can watch the episodes from youtube in her IPHONE -mine is blackberry & there's additional charges for streaming. Am missing the High Def file for ultimate viewing, but for now small iphone screen size would be sufficient to alleviate those withdraws...
Jeez, started on 'East of Eden' days ago. The childhood story was great, Kim Bum also was great. But, when he grew up to be SSH *sigh* everybody seems to act well accept him, lol.
I love his two brothers tho, they acted well. But the story mehhhhh, his mom screamed at her sons all the time. I couldn't connect with SSH and he even got the AWARD!
Phew! gotta rant somewhere. 56eps and I was like fast forward most of the time.
I just realize I have no love for makjang at all, they tend to make tearjerker scene with no reason. -_-!!
SSH does so much better with comedy. He should've gone down the road of comedy years ago. But instead they kept putting him in the super dramatic stuff.
And, yes, I will bring up THE. HEAD. TILT. thing that SSH does to emote, which he did all the time especially in East of Eden, anger and frustration scenes. Yeah. Hate it. Still hate it.
Also, since you reminded me of East of Eden yet again, I am STILL flaming PISSED how they threw away Lee Dahae, this PERFECT PLOT PIECE AND CHARACTER to give way to the STUPID love story between SSH and Lee Yeonhee that I thought was childish bla bla bla I HATED IT.
I challenge you to go 2 theads without mentioning the head tilt.
Oh! And you can't thesaurusize yourself out of this.
Slope, slant,angle,gradient,incline,tip,lean,pitch
or any other allusions to tilting.
Other examples of taboos:
"Is the room crooked, or is it SSH's head?"
"Someone fix that hat on SSH; its evenness doesn't match his head."
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1 izzie
January 28, 2011 at 6:54 AM
sleeeeepy Friday...
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January 28, 2011 at 8:21 AM
Yawn Yawn Yawn !!!!! ;-)
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January 28, 2011 at 8:23 AM
*peels face off computer screen*
hey there Moony Loony sistah! been a long time! howdy? :D
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January 28, 2011 at 8:41 AM
i am lost in the loony world ..dried out eyes no nutrition been provided !
u temme ? ;-)
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January 28, 2011 at 8:55 AM
tired from work. unwinding. now a 'bot. :P
missed y'all moony looney sisters! :)
January 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..izzie-bot ..ship change ?? I am counting one less..! still sailing long & strong .. Sumee-Ah in !
January 29, 2011 at 6:41 AM
no ship change. :P
- yoo izzie ;)
January 30, 2011 at 11:13 AM
sumeeeeee......izzieeeeee :-) sistahs of brightness!
January 31, 2011 at 9:37 AM
When will we have a proper reunion? I wonder. :) ever seen kdl and pastmidnite lately?
January 31, 2011 at 4:45 PM
kdl and pastmidnite are missing in action :-)
2 amg01
January 28, 2011 at 6:54 AM
Happy Friday!!!!!
More work that I can handle but that is a good thing!!!!!
Seul has become my favorite character so far of 2011, My Princess, is so far the top of the crop MP FTW!!!!
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January 28, 2011 at 7:06 AM
I was reading that some people thought that the "Kiss" scene at the end of chapter seven was not a "Good" one, but what I really like about that scene was that there was no "Music" to enhance the mood, and the kiss was a good one IMHO, it was done not in the spree of the moment, but Seul even when she was drunk she was still in control of the situation is not like he took advantage of the situation since she kiss him first.
But I must say that I am a bit conflicted about kiss, because some body raise the question of whether it is appropriate to kiss some one while one party is drunk and the other is not.
I guess there is a fine line between taking advantage of somebody while that person is intoxicated, but I do not think that our main lead abuse his power when he kiss the Princess, at least it did not appear that way!!!!!
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January 28, 2011 at 7:08 AM
If they didn't like it silent in 7, it had music at start of 8.
Did anyone comment on their preference?
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January 28, 2011 at 7:29 AM
the silence made way for the "eeek!", the "wheee!" and the "aargh!" in the viewers' heads.
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January 28, 2011 at 7:33 AM
hahha this made me lol so hard--- SO TRUE. guilty on the "wheee" count. :P
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January 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM
i've watched the kiss scenes so many times now with and w/o music. both works for me! So enchanted w/ this couple, still can't help squeeling with glee each time i see it. hehehe
January 28, 2011 at 11:55 AM
I'd have to agree. :) I also think having the scene be silent helped to keep the viewer focused on the action - reinforced by the extreme close-ups of the leads. Then when they kissed, the camera pulled away, like we were giving them privacy. I thought that was very effective in selling how hot a kiss it was, we can't even look at it too long (though not as hot as the train station one in Coffee House, imho).
That being said, I hate Hae Young this week; no, LOATHE him. Did not know I could have that level of fury at a drama lead. I was completely enraged by his actions, even if I get them, but he made her cry and got her mom to turn against her. That's not cold - that's arctic. I also wished she had clocked him but good, or even nicked him with a carving knife (I'm a bit bloodthirsty, lol). Those little poundings she gave him didn't seem to be enough for the level of harm he inflicted on her. Making me lose my only family? Yeah, even if I stole your fortune, there's no right. I wanted to deck him so bad. I know I will go back to loving him soon, but if I were there...he'd be laid out flat on the ground. Just saying.
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January 28, 2011 at 5:01 PM
and the strings of "OMG!"s...
i thought the silence worked well in that scene. also, given how badly the show has been using their scores so far (e.g. daddy-hit-by-car + light/sweet BGM=WTF ) i was glad they didn't add any music to it.
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January 30, 2011 at 11:05 AM
nodding to this! ;-)
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January 28, 2011 at 10:38 AM
What I have been reading is people complaining how there is no emotional buildup to the kiss scene, and my face is just like, ....... REALLY?? WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING???
It's been building up since episode 1. It's only appropriate that they kiss now. Because in this moment, Haeyoung, I guess takes advantage of the fact that Seol is drunk, to let go of all the walls he's built up in front of his wall, because he knows it is wrong for him to be showing her his feelings, etc. This is the one moment that Haeyoung lets down his guard and just goes with his feeling. And then you get the beginnings of angst galore, etc.
But really... NO BUILDUP??? Idk, I totally saw it coming.
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January 29, 2011 at 6:39 AM
what really ruined it for me (though not totally) is the lean-to-kiss multiple replay like it's some awesome action sequence. they do that when they flip cars in chases. in this case, I was one the one flippin'. :(
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January 30, 2011 at 11:11 AM
did not like that one, too...much better if they panned out but still up close or like a 360 degree view on the two, how do u call it? but when the camera pulled away to give a full view of the two of them on the stairs...seems like a nice touch.
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January 31, 2011 at 9:35 AM
much better if they panned out but still up close or like a 360 degree view on the two, how do u call it
that's called "trying to make the cameraman trip on the stairs." :) just kidding. Yeah, the 360. That would be a good treatment of the scene before the zoom out. You get a good look at the actors' emotions that way. And it is a better way of prolonging the kissing scene rather than the multi-lean-over-replay which makes you wanna scream "kiss already!" than gasping for the suspense.
January 31, 2011 at 4:48 PM
haha! was thinking of the cameraman tripping in the stairs, too, hehe. difficult shot to maneuver, i guess ;-) but that would have made the scene more fluid and not as jarring as how they've done it ;-) blame the stairs, i guess ;-)
January 28, 2011 at 7:13 AM
the kiss, i felt like the build had definitely been there, and in that sense it had been a long time coming (well, as long as you can feel 7 episodes in LOL)--- so i think it really would've happened drunk or not. they were both pretty much gunning for it. ......although you wouldn't have been able to tell, gven how dispassionate it came off looking in the final cut. O_O ..i was like, really? that's the result of your zekshual tenshun?!?! that's IT?!!
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January 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM
I think to me the "Silent" represented the "Calm Before The Storm", specially for our main lead since there was a reason why he took Seul away from the castle, but overall I really like the kiss, I think it fits whit in the chaotic story line of conflicted interest, the ones that want the Monarchy and those who don't!!!
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January 28, 2011 at 7:28 AM
ooh, i like the way you read that bit-- the manifestation of their conflicted interest would indeed be mirrored by a random and chaotic insertion of a kiss in the middle of all the hoopla they're currently engaged in (wow, can you tell i'm drafting my thesis. what's with the academic jargon, huh?well-- i think "hoopla" balanced it out nicely LOL)
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January 29, 2011 at 4:01 PM
"Seul has become my favorite character so far of 2011, My Princess, is so far the top of the crop MP FTW!!!!"
Agreed. Not since Jang Nara have seen an actress give us a "Bright Girl" so full-bodied.
My Princess is the show Secret Garden could have been, if the latter wasn't so satisfied with its own star power.
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January 28, 2011 at 6:56 AM
Happy Friday thanks for recap Javabean
have a nice weekend.
My princess ep 9 and ep 10 i am
looking forward........
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4 Lacey
January 28, 2011 at 7:04 AM
i wanna watch the next episode dream high badlyyy..... XD
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January 28, 2011 at 8:25 AM
Me too :(
I can't wait to see Pilsuk all pretty & confessing to Jason, so excited even though i have a feeling he'll reject her ;(
And i also hope Eunjung will become a bit better by each episode, i don't want her to end up all alone ;(
As for Samdong I don't want him to become deaf, noooooo Cheolteru andweeeeee
Anyway, Dream High & My Princess are making the beginning of 2011 better for me =)
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January 28, 2011 at 8:58 AM
Me too, me too! Pil-sook and Jason are my fave couple.
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January 28, 2011 at 4:10 PM
same here! I think they're my fave couple out of the whole drama. They'd be such a cute married coupel, i think. haha!
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5 x0mi07
January 28, 2011 at 7:06 AM
happy friday everyone! i hope my friday can be just as happy but i've spent the whole day worrying about the egyptian people. i've gone there more than ten times since i was a kid; almost every summer since i was eight. and from everything i saw, even in my grandma's house, i never knew over 50% of the egyptians earned less than 2 USD per day. now the egyptian people are fighting for their freedom and the corrupt govt cut off most of the country's phone, mobile, & internet services to stop the spread of protest. my dad's family lives in alexandria..=,( i can't seem to bring myself to watch mp to calm my nerves. i'm so worried.=( please pray for the safety of the egyptian people!=,( tnx..
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January 28, 2011 at 7:50 AM
oh my god... i just read the news..I can't imagine how hard it is living without any form of communication and freedom. I hope there no more violence..
I hope your family is all well... and I pray for the Egyptian..
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January 28, 2011 at 9:17 AM
My prayers are with the Egyptian people and your family. And the Yemenis and Algerian people.
Ever since the Tunisians ousted their president, this collective wave of protest and discontent has continued throughout the Middle East.
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January 28, 2011 at 10:54 AM
My prayers are with your family and with all the people of Egypt.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:03 AM
right there with you!
if any consolation, we had terrible things happened in indonesia, but sometimes the news make it much worse than it really is. hoepfully that's the case here as well. hang in there!
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January 28, 2011 at 11:07 AM
I feel for you... praying for the Egyptians, and for all those experiencing turmoil and protest in the Middle East. May God keep your family members safe.
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January 28, 2011 at 2:33 PM
thanks everyone for your prayers! =,) *group hug* <3 <3 <3
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January 28, 2011 at 9:51 PM
Praying for you, your family and the ppl of Egypt....hang in there, brave knight....these are dark times indeed, but be strong for your family....*bear hug*
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January 30, 2011 at 6:14 PM
thanks so much yy!^^ *hugs tight* <3 <3 <3
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January 29, 2011 at 2:30 AM
Hope your family is okay and that you can contact them soon.
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January 30, 2011 at 6:15 PM
thank you as well.=,)
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6 jomo143
January 28, 2011 at 7:07 AM
Hello everyone!
It is so nice and cozy here on the thread.
I have a K-drama clothes question.
Why why why do they go to bed fully clothed, jeweled and hair still up?
Am I supposed to believe that they have not completely ruined their $3000. suit, gouged their scalps from the hair pins, and awoke with imprints on their necks from diamond
earrings and necklaces?
Is it because we cannot even imagine them with their clothes off for one second before putting pjs on? Is it because there just isn't anywhere for them to change?
Why can't we see them walking into another room with clothes on and then a quick cut to them in PJs crawling into bed?
I started of list of drams that this happend in, but gave up, since it is in every single one...
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January 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM
must be very busy people. no time to change into pj's, and need to get up dressed in the morning and hit the ground running.
which reminds me of Yoon-Ju getting on and off bed with no single strand of her helmet hair out of place.
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January 28, 2011 at 9:57 AM
That's because she's an angry Lego.
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January 28, 2011 at 10:41 AM
OK. That is funny!
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January 28, 2011 at 10:52 AM
LOL i like your term! "angry Lego" hehe
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January 28, 2011 at 11:09 AM
Haha YES! Complete with helmet of plastic hair that comes on and off in one piece (this is why we can't see her getting reacy for bed, it would be scarring to see her round head with a single peg on top).
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January 28, 2011 at 11:14 AM
It would be rather rewarding!
I would like to see Seul pull that cap off that single peg head, then step on it.
January 28, 2011 at 2:34 PM
Heh. That WOULD be satisfying.
January 28, 2011 at 9:57 PM
Her hair looks a lot like the German helmets in WWII
January 29, 2011 at 6:29 AM
*scared. looks at lego.*
Lego: Hi! I'm your friend!
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January 28, 2011 at 8:21 AM
Hello all,
I've only started posting in the recaps for SG and MP recently, but as my kdrama addiction is escalating it's been great to come here and learn I'm not the only one who is afflicted : )
As for the pyjamas: I think it was only in The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry where I spotted a main character wearing PJs. Can't think of any other instances.
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January 28, 2011 at 8:34 AM
KHJ never changed out of his checked pajamas for all of the PK special episodes.Yes?
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January 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM
In a lot of the daily dramas, I see the newlywed couples wear pajamas. And I think they did in Playful Kiss.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:15 AM
I get it now, PJ's = sexyfuntimes.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:11 AM
MNKSS. Sam Soon wears pajamas a lot. But she's, y'know, Sam Soonish. :) I can't think of a scene where Sam Shik wears pjs though. Actually let's not talk about Hyun Bin's wardrobe in that drama. I'm currently rewatching it, and as much as I love the show, OMG his outfits are so cringeworthy.
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January 28, 2011 at 12:42 PM
That's one thing about Kdrama: it's the male leads who are more likely to look back at themselves in five years time and think, 'was I conscious when I agreed to wear that?'
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January 28, 2011 at 2:16 PM
So true. Although I was pretty close to poking my eyes out at some of Mae Ri's outfits in MSOAN.
January 28, 2011 at 1:15 PM
Didn't the contemporary audience LOVE his style?
Although, with all that flourescent stuff, we did see a hint of things to come for Joo Won.
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January 28, 2011 at 2:11 PM
Probably, but that's kind of my point: the clothes all seem achingly contemporary and will date quickly.
Then again, I am more bothered by the hundreds of innocent rodents they had to butcher to dress the cast of SG.
January 28, 2011 at 9:05 AM
But I'm more upset with the "Strangled by the Red String" trope in most kdramas. Basically, you have two pretty people together who have NOTHING in common, except for their "love" or whatever for each other. Ok. But what do they talk about when they're not talking about their opposing parents? What?
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January 28, 2011 at 9:32 AM
How pretty they are, of course. I'm starting to learn this from MP.
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January 28, 2011 at 1:10 PM
What bothers me about this is that during shipping wars, people start bringing up the whole, "they are too similar" crap like that's a bad thing. Of course, you don't want a clone but surely someone with similar interests or sensibilities or even backgrounds is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it's often the key to a successful relationship.
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January 28, 2011 at 2:18 PM
Being similar is good for a relationship in real life, for sure, but it sure makes for a boring drama. ;)
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January 28, 2011 at 5:26 PM
yeh, i was surprised how tidy Seol looked (esp her hair) after she woke up after drinking herself silly the previous night. And the headband!! she always sleeps with it on. i tried to ignore it but it's just so distracting, i keep thinking: man, isn't that uncomfortable?
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January 29, 2011 at 1:45 AM
It was the same with Jung-In in Mary Stayed Out All Night. He always slept in his suit - that must be SO uncomfortable!!
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7 leonardswench
January 28, 2011 at 7:08 AM
Oh it's a beautiful Friday ... I have to work 16 hours, but there are worse fates than having a job that pays me to stay at home and watch my children with love....
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January 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM
You have a blessed life with the coolest kids in the world!
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January 28, 2011 at 10:29 AM
LOL, you mean, little stalkers, right? Sadly, two trips to Wally World and Dillard's, no hot males of the Korean persuasion .... but I did see a cute Desi mix, about six, I think ...
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January 28, 2011 at 10:58 AM
OOOhhh!! Cute desi mix? Were any of them doctors?. . . . . . . . . . *appalled silence* *smacks self* I have been hanging out with my mom too much!! That is Exactly the followup question she asks anytime there is mention of anyone of the male persuasion. :P
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January 28, 2011 at 11:22 AM
lol lol .... he'll have to grow up, first, and I couldn't tell from Mom and Grandma what profession the Husband/Son was in, but he did make money judging from the quality of fabric on their clothing.
January 28, 2011 at 12:43 PM
LOL Viola!!! A conditioned response!!! :P
January 28, 2011 at 10:59 AM
LOL! I just love your little stalkers :D Desi? Not bad at all!!!
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8 maria
January 28, 2011 at 7:10 AM
hello, ladies and (very few) gentlemen! (any gentlemen hiding out there?:P )
happy happy friday. although i'm stuck at home writing a draft of my thesis, i still sneak in a little time to indulge my (latest) falling prey to the Second Lead Syndrome (AGAIN!) !!!!!
i love you, Jungwoo!!! even with your Indiana-jones-in-the-city outfits.... all i need is your smile, and my day is totally made!!! :D :D :D
apart from you, however, i must admit, im liking the seol-HY pairing, because i think none of them think it can actually work out, and it makes them very cavalier about revealing their true feelings. like a really twisted version of doing whatever the hell you want because there will be no real-world consequences for your actions. DUN DUN DUN-- can you believe He Young actually TOLD Seol that he was one of the things she was giving up by being a princess? it's so tantamount to actually saying, "you have me. that's not the issue here. YES i like you, and you like me, I KNOW. "!!!! oh, the angst! that line kills me!
i can't wait until they figure out that it CAN happen, and THEN i'm so totally there for the ensuing passive aggressive courtship. ....well, i think that's pretty much where we are now, eh? :P
also-- my heart's kind of confused about rooting for Hyemi-Jingook or Hyemi-Samdong, but i know one thing for sure---- SUSHI AND CHIPMUNK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
i wonder how her confession will go next week?!?! can't waaaait! is it next week yet??
and REALLY REALLY OT-- but did anyone catch the latest epi of Bones??? THAT LAST LOOK OF BOOTH TO BRENNAN KILLED ME!!!!!! AAAH!!! <3 <3 <3 knew it! .....the days of B<3B are upon us!!!! :D
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January 28, 2011 at 7:14 AM
I KNOW. i love BONES tooooo!!! Booth and Bones are very fun to watch <3 im just so sad that Hannah came in the scene :( anyway love BONES :)
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January 28, 2011 at 2:25 PM
I love Bones too :(
Too much Hannah recently.... but that last look does soothe me quite a bit.. it's like the writer make her looks so nice to make the viewer like her but it's just make it looks like to a fake personality... Argh! Why are they so afraid to make B&B a couple? So many things to write about :(
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January 28, 2011 at 5:05 PM
I actually like Hannah but I can't understand why Booth would date her and vice versa. There is no chemistry between them.
the Bones x Booth thing is like a catch-22 for me. I'm super frustrated that they're not together, but once they get together, there's no longer the sizzle of being-close-but-not-close-enough. There was this really popular show in the 1980s -Moonlighting- with the will-they-won't-they sexual tension and after the characters consummated their relationship, popularity declined.
Anyways, the HY and Seol pairing does remind me a bit of Booth and Bones. Both make great lovers (when we get them there), but both will also make great friends and it's that extra layer that makes me like the Seol x HY pairing (though I'm pissed at HY this week
Jung-woo makes me smile like moron and act just like Seol when she's crushing on him.
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January 28, 2011 at 7:35 AM
gosh! I too took a break from thesis writing to watch MP and BONES!!.. ahh.. my heart break for her in the 9th epi.. but how booth look at her at epi 10 is more heartbreaking!! gah.. i think i'm some kind of a massocist.. enjoying heartbreaks.. hahahaha
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January 28, 2011 at 7:57 AM
Yes! I can't take side either when it comes to HM-JG or HM-SD pairing. All signs kinda point towards HM-JG pairing, what with the childhood memories, deeper connection, and it seems that HM will fall for JG in episode 8. And usually, when the main girl falls, she falls HARD & could nvr seems to have a change of heart Buuuttt I still can't watch a heartbroken SD. Can we just clone HM to keep those two boys happy??
Oh, and yeasss to CHIPMUNK & PHIL SOOK!! =D
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January 28, 2011 at 10:32 AM
Hi, I'm knew to the thread, and only k-drama addict for a few months, but its really hit me hard...I've been reading the thread for awhile, though (longtime fan, first time caller-well almost)...ANYWAY, I've been having an argument w/ my housemate regarding the Booth, Brennan, Hannah relationship for awhile. I really like Hannah, and I think the story needs a slow Brennan-Booth rebuild...because of her, but also to keep the story going, since when they get together there will be no more FBI partnership and ipso facto no more show, which would be...bad. For me anyway...
As to Hye-mi: that girl is clueless. Sushi-Chipmunk fighting, though. I particularly want her to win lots, and find a spine. Same for SD and JS--but they are all in high school, so they really just need to survive w/o horrendous scars and solid friendships, that would make me so happy.
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January 28, 2011 at 1:56 PM
welcome welcome! i have more things to say, except i'm horibly drunk, typing this and checking dramabeans after a really crazy night. just wanted to say--- thanks for delurking!!! welcome! :D
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January 28, 2011 at 1:15 PM
Say what? I already got sick of the Bones/Booth will they/will they not so I stopped watching the show. But if they are FINALLY getting together, then I'm going to watch the last episode this weekend.
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January 28, 2011 at 2:21 PM
Me too! I got frustrated and quit at the beginning of the third season. That's one of the negatives about the long-running american tv shows, they have to keep the main couple apart until the end (usually) and they don't know when that will be, so they keep dragging it on, introducing more obstacles/rivals/issues, until finally you're wondering what on earth brought them together in the first place.
That's one of the reasons I prefer kdramas :)
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9 GuitarHero
January 28, 2011 at 7:10 AM
Hi everyone!
its a cooold friday evening.
Im enjoying My Princess alot and looking forward to episode 9 and 10!
My Princess FTW!:D
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10 john
January 28, 2011 at 7:11 AM
I am adoring Dream High. I am still rooting for Baek Hee as a redeemable character. And...with HyeMi...both guys seem to work well with her. It'll be interesting who they eventually pair her off with.
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January 28, 2011 at 8:23 AM
I am also rooting for Baek Hee to have some kind of redemption! I really don't want her to turn out to just be this villain who can't see what she's doing wrong.
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Okie Dokie
January 28, 2011 at 9:37 AM
I think Baek Hee will. She's already so tortured by her actions. I think there will be a moment of redemption. She's not a bad person, she's just so beaten down that she'll do anything to prove that she's up to snuff.
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January 28, 2011 at 2:23 PM
I think more than beaten down, she's easily influenced, escpecially when she's feeling vulnerable. She is a follower, so when she lost Hye-mi as a compass she turned to her teacher, who advised her basically that she has to become a ruthless bitch to survive. Not... the best advice to give a teenager.
I hope she grows a backbone and does something to redeem herself, even if her friendship with Hye-mi is unsalvageable.
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January 29, 2011 at 1:51 AM
That teacher is srsly psycho. I love Dream High to bits, but I would NOT want to attend. It's a battle zone, with murder attempts left right and centre!!
11 Kera
January 28, 2011 at 7:15 AM
That bugged me so much as well!!! It's like all drama characters are vampires that don't need to move/breathe/be comfortable when asleep.
Is it that hard to include pyjamas in their wardrobe? If we can live through shower scenes and naked walk-ins, we can live through changes of wardrobe.
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January 28, 2011 at 7:17 AM
Eh, my bad. That was a reply to Jomo.
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January 28, 2011 at 8:06 AM
Excatly on the shower scenes! It's not like we haven't seen them naked.
Although except for fully clothed ones, there are never female shower scenes. Bath scenes, yes, but no showers.
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January 28, 2011 at 10:33 AM
Actually, there is in My Girl, when Seo Hyun is contemplating her lost love and his new 'cousin' .... episode 4 or 5, I think, my son will know when he gets off the Wii.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:06 AM
awwww. Your kids are probably the most adorable things on the planet!! Please ask him whether he would consider being my little brother, the current one I have has no interest in K dramas. :(
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January 28, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Okay, here's my plan. Sunday afternoon I'm "free" for a few hours and I WILL figure out the digital camera and get the Taekyung hair on disc before he outgrows the phase ... wait, it's been six months or more, is he going to outgrow it???
January 28, 2011 at 11:02 AM
In MP, I know I saw Seoul in a nightgown. A lacy pretty one too. I also remember seeing her in shorts/robe combo :)
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January 30, 2011 at 6:42 PM
loved that lacy nightgown to bits...where can i get one like that? ;-) can it make me jump and hop and skip all over the bedroom just like her?
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12 grasya
January 28, 2011 at 7:23 AM
whoa, MP8 had 6 minutes of recaps in the beginning! did the writer run out of new ideas to fill up the extra minutes? i couldn't understand HY in episode 8: "return to me"; "I will marry her"; "You're beautiful". what in heaven's name are you getting at dear HY?
i found the kiss sweet. ain't it realistic that there were no background music? looking forward to the next one : )
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January 28, 2011 at 8:09 AM
I think the playback was sort of filler because I heard they shot Ep 8 just this week (around Mon or Tues) and I don't think they're done filming Ep 9 hence, no preview.
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January 28, 2011 at 10:35 AM
Looks like we're going to being seeing a lot of exhausted actors as they try to play catch-up ....
once again, I HATE this part of the Korean entertainment industry. Just a month's extra filming before air dates would give them what they need. Heck, a few weeks would be a boon, too.
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13 :D
January 28, 2011 at 7:27 AM
Can't wait till Monday for my weekly dose of my new drug Dream High!
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January 28, 2011 at 7:28 AM
I really hope that Hye-mi doesn't break Sam Dong's heart like the previews indicate...
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January 29, 2011 at 1:55 AM
Top that off with the whole fatal illness he's bound to have and he's going to break MY heart shortly. I have a feeling our writer's going to torture the poor guy :(
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14 rose
January 28, 2011 at 7:29 AM
hello kdramaworld can i just vent my angst here , it like im living in kdrama land these days , well you know the protagonist and the bitch and the people around , i feel like seol of my princess , i like her a lot and i like the drama , but i dont want her situation , what i mean is you are surrounded by people you know or not know if they are enemies or friends but cant afford to be without there company hmmm complicated life haisttttt............
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15 maria
January 28, 2011 at 7:31 AM
calling miss Viola, Izzie, Jomo--- wait i can't even remember anymore--- who do i ask for pills to keep my Second Lead Syndrome under control?? :D
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January 28, 2011 at 7:35 AM
that would be Viola. and if I remember it right, the SLS meds are administered via IV.
I only have Joo-Won sanity pills. which reminds me that I'm running out of stock again. can't share. sorry.
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January 28, 2011 at 8:05 AM
OMO, i've totally run out! --- been using extra doses to stave off my growing confusion with sam dong. dang nabbit! IV?? MUST GET SLS IV!!!!
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January 28, 2011 at 8:19 AM
why do you want to treat it? *spoken like a true Jaeshin virus carrier*
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January 28, 2011 at 7:42 AM
I don't think you can mention the words
"Second Lead Syndrome under control"
and Viola in the same paragraph.
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January 28, 2011 at 7:47 AM
lol. those meds didn't go commercial, I think. cuz no one wanted to take it at the time that it was launched.
I didn't. Besides, I got a week's worth of glaring from Yoo Ah In when I considered taking it. can't recover from the Jaeshin virus.
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January 28, 2011 at 7:52 AM
I just read an old post about "uljjangs" and Yoo Ah In was mentioned in 2007!!!
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Neimat Ilyas
January 28, 2011 at 8:26 AM
Omo...same here~!!!!!
Its like you look around at all the guys around you and you think...why isnt there anyone even remotely as cute as Yoo Ah In....Its nothing short of depressing...WHY SO CUTE?
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January 28, 2011 at 8:50 AM
Yes, you are right about the antidote to combat the Second Lead Syndrome not going commercial. Initially, we projected enormous returns, but our finance department underestimated the fervency of the fangirls, especially those affected by the JSV or Jae Shin Virus. *carefully Does Not look at Izzie*
They absolutely refused to take their meds, and almost rioted. Who am I kidding? Forget almost, the rioted full scale. Mothers and ahjumas, halmonims and young girls took to the streets, to demonstrate. They refused to go to work or school, and there were fights over conflicting claims of "Mine."
With civilization on the brink of collapse, we regretfuly had to pull our product from the market. *sigh* And we spent so much money on R&D too. :(
@ I Am Not Jomo, Really
What are you implying?! :P
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January 28, 2011 at 9:02 AM
"carefully Does Not look at Izzie"
it's okay, I'm not having an episode right now. :)
January 28, 2011 at 12:41 PM
So, your dried frog pills are working? :P
January 29, 2011 at 4:29 AM
nope. JooWon sanity pills. ;) *chewing*
January 28, 2011 at 7:49 AM
rant on
Why do I feel sometimes like I have no control over anything in my life including my POSTING NAME!
/rant off
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January 28, 2011 at 8:42 AM
never happens to me.
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January 28, 2011 at 8:05 AM
LOL, i'd forgotten about that little caveat. oxymoron! :D hahaha! i wonder where Viola is??
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January 28, 2011 at 8:36 AM
Awww you guys missed me! That is so super sweet! :) *hugs*
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January 28, 2011 at 8:38 AM
What are you implying Not Really Jomo?!! Lovely handle by the way. :P
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January 28, 2011 at 9:27 AM
Viola, I am so relieved you have come back to us after "what happend" to you and Jae Shin.
I read that you tried to tell him he could see other, um, people, and he almost completely lost it. I know you were trying not to get between him and Yong Ha, but, really, you broke his heart.
You have to stay strong for him, now. If you can only endure looking into his eyes night after night, and touching his wild mane. Just let him stay with you. Your sacrifice is for the best.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:24 AM
While it is may be my curse to be all things to all men, there is only One man who is all things to me. That man is Siwon. I am completely and utterly faithful to him!!
I don't know what you have heard Jomo, but I never had any dealings with Jae Shin! I don't know where all these rumors are coming from?! Philip lee, Mr Hand Towel, Jang Seok ahjussi, and now Moony? Why am I being involved with all these men?!
"You have to stay strong for him, now. If you can only endure looking into his eyes night after night, and touching his wild mane. Just let him stay with you. Your sacrifice is for the best."
Are you trying to get me killed, woman?! *looks around in fear* You know the Jae Shin virus is particularly virulent, and it turns the infected into zombies who are very possessive! They might come after me! That's not even mentioning The Young Ha! I am afraid to even contemplate what he might do to me for even being connected to his true love!
I am here to set the record straight: I have always been on the Yummy/Moony True Love Bus. I like Moony, but we are just very good friends, and he is my admired and respected sunbae. ;)
January 28, 2011 at 11:37 AM
OMO OMO slapping chest in best oma's-having-a-heart-episode fashion. Viola, did you just say that??
Too bad there's not a better way to track the posts of one person on DB ....
January 28, 2011 at 11:43 AM
I type corrected, then, and apologize profusely.
I admire your faithfulness, too.
Who has tried to claim Mooney and survived?
January 28, 2011 at 12:31 PM
I think I heard of some girls survived about 6 days after claiming Moony. But off course she was living in Antarctica at the time! :P
No need for apologies my darling Jomo, it's a natural misunderstanding. I will say again, Jae Shin and I are just very good friends. ;)
I was always a Yummy girl myself. Ockoala came up with the name "Moony" and she helped me to come up with "Yummy" And I am glad there is no better way to track one person's comment on DB!! Considering the things I write here; kidnappings, world domination, larceny, ....:( Oh well, at least the future black mailers would have to shift through all the posts on the OT threads to find everyhting! :P
16 Ani
January 28, 2011 at 7:34 AM
Happy Friday Beanie Family! Oh man, all I have to do is survive 6 hours of work today. *sigh* At least it's not a full day. Anyways, haven't started watching any of the 2011 dramas yet, although Dream High is definitely on my to watch list, for now the recaps will do until I'm ready to sit down and have a full on marathon. I might follow Paradise Ranch if there won't be any further recaps because I need to know about those darn kids and whatever the hell happened that caused them to split.
Anyways, I've really gotten myself into trouble with Qualifications of a Man (Q of Men?) because I got hooked and I'm trying not to watch all the episodes I can get my hands on in one go. Like any variety show, it takes getting used to. Once you do, you fall in love with the cast and their oddities. HAHAHA. Sometimes you get tired with how repetitive some episodes are because sometimes you hear the same thing (as in the Choir/Harmony and the Band mission). But in the end, you laugh, you cheer them on, and you even cry for the ups and downs, and the sad goodbyes. Hopefully, With JJ down with Runaway: Plan B, we can see more from him and hopefully he will have a chance to really develop a character for the show, especially since they are one man down (let that be a lesson kids, drugs will ruin you). I will be catching up with Strong Heart soon enough because I hear it is really good, but right now I'm way behind on 1N2D, and it's sad that that show too lost one cast and has had (or will?) have to say good bye to another one of their own. Why is it I've become more of a variety show addict than a drama addict? Because Running Man is also another one I enjoy (thank you isubs for your hard work) and I can't wait until episode 26 is subbed, when they go to manhwa land and dress up. Soooooo cute with Bo Kyung as guest.
Well, off to work. Take care dear Beanies. HWAITING jb and fri!
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January 28, 2011 at 11:18 AM
I've also become a kvariety junkie, Ani. Last year I only saw 5 or 6 complete k-dramas (having watched 130+ dramas in the previous 4 years). Instead, i watched all 100+ episodes of Family Outing seasons 1 and 2, plus the shows you mentioned and more.
My favorite new variety program is 100 Out of 100 aka Oh! My School.
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January 28, 2011 at 4:29 PM
Oh man! I loved Family Outing. I got mad when Park Yejin and Chunderella left. They were among my favorites. It just wasn't the same without them. The Parks didn't bring much to the placte after a while. *sigh* Good times. I always thought FO2 was a total fail, although Seungril (I forgot his name) and the comedian girl with the major crush on KJK and Oska were AWESOME. But good to know I'm not alone. HAHAHA. I'll definitely look into 100 out of 100. XD
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17 Mayounaise
January 28, 2011 at 7:40 AM
Woo-hoo! TGIF! Gonna go back to my hometown tomorrow and do nothing but k-dramathoning with my bestie.
Am loving My Princess & Dream High at the moment. Slow internet connection didn't managed to stop me from staying in the loop. I offered to keep my friend company in her office while she's working overtime so that I can watch the episodes from youtube in her IPHONE -mine is blackberry & there's additional charges for streaming. Am missing the High Def file for ultimate viewing, but for now small iphone screen size would be sufficient to alleviate those withdraws...
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18 Dara
January 28, 2011 at 7:40 AM
Jeez, started on 'East of Eden' days ago. The childhood story was great, Kim Bum also was great. But, when he grew up to be SSH *sigh* everybody seems to act well accept him, lol.
I love his two brothers tho, they acted well. But the story mehhhhh, his mom screamed at her sons all the time. I couldn't connect with SSH and he even got the AWARD!
Phew! gotta rant somewhere. 56eps and I was like fast forward most of the time.
I just realize I have no love for makjang at all, they tend to make tearjerker scene with no reason. -_-!!
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January 28, 2011 at 10:49 AM
If you're watching My Princess...
SSH does so much better with comedy. He should've gone down the road of comedy years ago. But instead they kept putting him in the super dramatic stuff.
And, yes, I will bring up THE. HEAD. TILT. thing that SSH does to emote, which he did all the time especially in East of Eden, anger and frustration scenes. Yeah. Hate it. Still hate it.
Also, since you reminded me of East of Eden yet again, I am STILL flaming PISSED how they threw away Lee Dahae, this PERFECT PLOT PIECE AND CHARACTER to give way to the STUPID love story between SSH and Lee Yeonhee that I thought was childish bla bla bla I HATED IT.
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January 28, 2011 at 11:02 AM
I challenge you to go 2 theads without mentioning the head tilt.
Oh! And you can't thesaurusize yourself out of this.
Slope, slant,angle,gradient,incline,tip,lean,pitch
or any other allusions to tilting.
Other examples of taboos:
"Is the room crooked, or is it SSH's head?"
"Someone fix that hat on SSH; its evenness doesn't match his head."
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January 28, 2011 at 12:05 PM
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January 28, 2011 at 12:09 PM
also TABOO!
January 28, 2011 at 12:34 PM
January 28, 2011 at 12:58 PM
Doesn't that mean short?
Are you calling him short head?
Which rhymes with Shortbread?
Cause I could do something with that...
January 28, 2011 at 2:21 PM
You know, I hit the 'Reply' button and thought the same. I guess it should be perpendicularly-challenged. For more synonyms, just Google 'Pisa' :)
Pisa Head? Hmmm. I hope punning is more your forte... (sorry clichique, you're on your own)
January 28, 2011 at 12:15 PM
Damnit, this is going to be tough.
BUT I will try. Challenge accepted.
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January 28, 2011 at 1:17 PM
I am watching you...
January 29, 2011 at 6:53 AM
almost... sideways?
stiff neck sufferer?