Coffee Prince gets a movie version
by javabeans
O-M-G. Coffee Prince is being made into a movie!
A producer confirmed that rights have been acquired to adapt the novel into a movie (fyi, the Coffee Prince novel came first, after which the original novelist also wrote the drama). Since this will be the third version of this story to be told, the rep said that “the movie will show a different story from the drama.”
After the script is completed in May, the production will begin casting for its characters of Go Eun-chan, Choi Han-gyul, and the rest. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for Yoon Eun-hye and Gong Yoo to reprise their roles (it would be great, but I wouldn’t want to get too excited), but the producers aren’t ruling out that possibility, either. Both scenarios are possible: either the old cast will be invited to return or, barring that, they’ll cast with new actors.
This is apparently the second instance of a drama being adapted to film format, following the sageuk series Damo which was turned into the film version Duelist. (The opposite scenario is more common, where films are adapted into dramas, such as with Tazza and Gourmet.)
Part of the drama Coffee Prince‘s charm was its wonderful directing by Lee Yoon-jung, and with a different PD behind the camera, the end product may end up with a very different feel. Still, I’m excited nonetheless — I loved the drama and I thoroughly enjoyed reading the novel, and I certainly don’t need this movie to be a direct replica of the drama.
The production’s plan is to begin filming in October, and aim for a February 2010 release, with simultaneous premieres in Korea, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia.
Via DongA
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1 cosmopolite
April 30, 2009 at 11:25 PM
Is this going to be madness all over again?
(This does make me sad to think about Lee Eon's death though.. RIP)
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2 k-lover
April 30, 2009 at 11:25 PM
OMG that'll be so awesome! Can't wait for the movie and hope that the old cast will be in it!!! ^_^
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3 Lindsey
April 30, 2009 at 11:32 PM
This just made my day. I think I might have to go watch Coffee Prince again. It is one of my favorite dramas of all time. Eeeep
So happppppppy. I hope YEH and GY will play the same roles, i doubt it. But i would be amazed. Maybe they will tell the story from his point of view. -thatwouldbesoawesome-
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4 Rosy
April 30, 2009 at 11:33 PM
The production’s plan is to begin filming in October, and aim for a February 2010 release, with simultaneous premieres in Korea, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia.
Meaning Gong Yoo won't be in the film for he is only released from the duty on Dec, 8th. That's sad. Truly want to see him again
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5 Javabeans
April 30, 2009 at 11:43 PM
Bummer -- i just checked Gong Yoo's army discharge date too, but Rosy beat me too it! I think if they can't get Gong Yoo, they should just recast. Because even if they were to get Yoon Eun-hye back, it would be too weird to see her Eun-chan with a different Han-gyul. That would feel all kinds of wrong and upsetting. heh.
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6 polip
April 30, 2009 at 11:50 PM
ow waa waa
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7 Biscuit
April 30, 2009 at 11:56 PM
It'd be weird to have the same leading lady but different male lead. Besides, it won't be the same without Lee Eon.
But that aside, I stared at the screen like this O_______O And than went on uncontrolled hyper mode XD
But I've cooled down which is the reason why this post isn't filled with caps and emoticons and happy happy joy joy comments (with a bit of self-control)
But... this. will. be. best. movie. EVA.
Or so I hope >.>
Now back to studying for math midterms (I can't stay away from here >.<)
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8 bd
April 30, 2009 at 11:56 PM
It is going to be really difficult to replicate the appeal of CP the series in a 2-21/2 hour film format.
CP was great (aside from the casting) due to how the characters interacted w/ each other and how they changed over time - it's going to be real hard to replicate that, as well as all the great dialogue, in a much more condensed format.
It's probably a good thing that film adaptation takes a different story-line and while I would like to see YEH, GY and the rest of the cast reprise their roles, it's probably best if the producers get different actors (unless the film takes off where the series ended - which is highly doubtful).
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9 Liv
May 1, 2009 at 12:04 AM
I literally squealed when I read that title. I LOVE this drama. I don't think I can put into words how happy this makes me.
Hm but on second thoughts, maybe I won't watch this. I treasure the drama too much to have it ruined by a lower quality retelling - and with potentially a different cast (no My Gong Yoo (TM)....), no Lee Eon (R.I.P. ), I don't know if I won't be (irrationally?) disappointed with the movie.
[whips out CP DVDs....I know what I'm doing this weekend...]
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May 1, 2009 at 12:25 AM
no original cast... sigh.. no fun at all to watch
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11 coco
May 1, 2009 at 12:37 AM
NO! Please tell me they're joking! Am I the only one who feels this is a huge mistake?
The magic of Coffee princes comes from the cast, the script and the production. This will never be replicated. For me it was a one off .
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12 belleza
May 1, 2009 at 12:39 AM
I really don't want this movie to happen, but I really want to watch this. Belleza confused. :(
I think Kang Hye Jung would make a great Eun Chan. For the male lead, I'd love Cha Tae Hyun. or Lee Bum Soo. But the real question . . .
Who replaces the Voice? Why, this is easy: Kim Jong Kook!! :D
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13 MEIKO**** ^-^
May 1, 2009 at 12:52 AM
Very interesting!!! I am definitely not letting my hopes up for Gong Yoo and Yoon EunHye teaming up again.... but am still superbly excited and curious how this movie will turn out! Mmmmm..... my expectations are quite HIGH (after watching CP for the nth time!!! hahaha!), so.... we will see.... ^-^
aawww..... this is making me miss Gong Yoo!!!!!! mmmwaahh!!!!
am not gonna think about the OTHER guy (JJH) right now....
Gong Yoo!!!!!
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14 boraah
May 1, 2009 at 1:14 AM
What next... a Japanese drama version??
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15 marcel
May 1, 2009 at 1:21 AM
thank you thank you thank you for the best news since this drama first aired! i'm also split on whether they might ruin the magic of coffee prince with the movie...but it's worth the risk...i'm with you belleza...we'll get through this together! :)
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16 yelda
May 1, 2009 at 1:39 AM
Go Eun Chan without YEH is nothing T_T
another drama to movie is Hwangjini isnt it?
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17 Ceres
May 1, 2009 at 2:05 AM
I miss Lee Un, since his death, humph, it's so sad and shocking, even if it was in last August... RIP
I just hope they will NOT cast Go Hye Sun for Eun Chan' s role, since she has become so (well, more) famous since Boys Before Flowers... It will be such a loss... But they said they had nobody in mind so well, we'll have to wait and see.
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18 yelda
May 1, 2009 at 2:10 AM
i read on Soompi that the director did not want the original and YEH will not be starring in the movie version.
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19 Jo
May 1, 2009 at 2:13 AM
For a movie to work I think they do need to recast, comparisons to the drama are inevitable but the movie needs to have it's own feel and not just be a montage of the drama's best bits.
My girl crush is showing but I want Kim So Eun to be the sister.
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20 Paula
May 1, 2009 at 2:51 AM
Very cool news! :)
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21 leebbeunee
May 1, 2009 at 3:00 AM
Just read this over at Cyworld, Yoon Eun Hye isn't going to take back the role.
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22 Z
May 1, 2009 at 3:20 AM
YEH Gong Yoo and my husband, The Voice really made Coffee Prince for me. And I really just loved the story so I don't know how I feel about them trying to tell a different one. No good can come of this.
But still I'm a little excited...
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23 xoxo13
May 1, 2009 at 3:23 AM
Oh hellll no?? Are you serious?? OMFG! I was just watching the drama earlier 'cause I couldn't get over!!! GOSSSHH, but It wouldn't be good if Oppa Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye are not on it....
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24 mary
May 1, 2009 at 3:38 AM
No Yoon Eun Hye and Gong Yoo then sorry I wont watch this.
But then YEH rejected it already so there's no way I'm going to watch it even if it's a different version.
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25 Yoo Jin
May 1, 2009 at 3:56 AM
So excited but i hope they don't have the same cast...because Lee Eun would be the only one missing from the original TT_TT RIP
But I'm so happy that this is being made into a movie! The drama was amazing and I still watch time to time.
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26 jdb
May 1, 2009 at 4:06 AM
I’ll definitely watch it for sure even if it’s not them…nothing beats the original I know but somehow I can’t recover from the CF fever….and also wondering when YEH will make another series I missed watching her and news here and there cant help much.
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27 haha
May 1, 2009 at 4:16 AM
I find it funny that people say they won't watch it since the main cast won't be back. Whatever happen to the days when people saw movies because the story is good, and not because certain actors/actress are playing certain characters.
Coffee Prince is a novel... FIRST. Not a tv drama. Just because the main cast from the drama is not in the movie, doesn't mean that the story or the characters are ruined.
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28 yuu
May 1, 2009 at 4:19 AM
I squealed when I saw the the drama casts were great (Lee un RIP)..& so was the director :) but I do hope new casts get to be in the movie..i want to see who can pull up eun-chan other than yoon eun-hye. it'd be weird to see a different eun-chan, but I guess a change can't be that for the voice, can it still be..him? XD heheh..
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29 Felicity
May 1, 2009 at 4:21 AM
Aw, man. I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I really, really, really loved Coffee Prince. Go Eun Chan & Choi Han Gyul FTW! :) On the other hand, I don't think the magic can be replicated with a different cast and PD. The music also played a huge role in creating that hazy, romantic, breezy aura in the drama. Will they use similar music for the movie version? That might help.
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30 Blizzard
May 1, 2009 at 4:31 AM
I watched Coffee Prince 3 times. I love YEH, GY and the gang. It will be better if the PD has a total different group of faces so that people will not compare with the old cast. I don't want to spoil the sweet essence of this good drama .
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31 Sere
May 1, 2009 at 4:43 AM
Ok, ok. I'll stop hyperventilanting any second now.
But why oh why can't they wait a little longer till Gong Yoo gets discharged? Seeing YEH and GY together again would be all kinds of awesome! But I agree, if they can't get GY, they should recast the whole gang.
Still, OMG!
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32 labooboo93
May 1, 2009 at 5:35 AM
I gasped like 6 times in a row and my mom thought I was hurt lol.
I think a totally new cast is the only thing that will work at this point.
I am excited though! Yay!
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33 Samsooki
May 1, 2009 at 5:54 AM
Oh that's interesting...
Perhaps a continuation movie? YEH as Go Eun Chan as manager of Coffee Princess #1, being saddled with debt and pursued by evil relentless creditors, one of whom (Yoon Kye Sang) is pursuing Go Eun Chan underhandedly and romantically, DGCH-tique-ly. Rest of main cast are Coffee Princess ladies ensemble cast, and the Voice trying to help out.
Choi Han Gyul serving in army (of screen), of no help. Hangyul's Grandma dies ala Mickey of Rocky III. Coffee princesses are talented but unruly and undisciplined, causing hijinks and uproar.
Go Eun Chan has to get herself out of this mess, save Coffee Prince, Coffee Princess, stay true to her love, and whip her princesses into shape.
Last scene, guess who walks through the door of Coffee Princess, out of the army, in full dress uniform... OH MY GAWD...cue awesome soundtrack...
Hehe. I would probably squeal at the ending, except as a Belleza padawan in the exquisite Art of being a Steve Oppa, I just have to do my Super Rookie Eric Mun fist shake in exultation.
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34 Snikki
May 1, 2009 at 6:10 AM
They certainly have some big shoes to fill. CP has one of the best ensemble cast. But if it's a different take, then I'm ok with it.
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35 cranky
May 1, 2009 at 6:14 AM
*eyes bugged at samsooki's post*
Why does this entire proposal of yours reminds me so much of a contemporary version of Cave of the Golden Rose....(is anyone old enough to remember this?)
Good try though, samsooki!
Anyway, a entirely different production cast and crew rubs me the wrong way. The appeal of CP for me was entirely from the cast and the way PD Lee directed the drama. I wonder if anyone would be able to make a CP movie entirely different from the excellent drama version.
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36 katy rose.
May 1, 2009 at 6:45 AM
that is actually some kind of amazing. i loveee coffee prince (which is so cliché because practically everyone does but still. omgggg)
ideally, it WOULD be the original cast but thats so not feasible.... ahhh still though. this is EXCITING.
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37 Samsooki
May 1, 2009 at 7:03 AM
I was just fooling, with the idea of a continuation movie (I wrote the above post on my bberry as I rode the bus to work this morning, chuckling to myself as I imagined the hilarity of the Coffee Princesses' hijinks and Go Eun Chan doing her "ohhhhhh pffffffff" face). Sigh, I don't think CP: the Movie will work. Really, I have to agree with those who would want the movie to be completely different from the drama series, although that won't save the movie from being compared, and in the end, I think this movie is kind of doomed, no matter who is in it.
It is extremely unlikely for the movie to be able to measure up to the drama series. You had more than a dozen episodes to get to know Go Eun Chan and Choi Han Gyul. Hours and hours of screen time for the ensemble cast to reveal themselves, their motivations, their own struggles and change.
How can a 100-120 minute movie, with a fairly rigid framework, replicate that?
Movies are a different breed. The story arcs are limited, and aside from relatively unique movies that might do things differently, most movies pretty much look the same if you boil it down, from a Syd Field-ish point of view:
Act I - Background and the Big Event, Obstacles, and mini-arc development.
Act II - End of mini-arc 1, the Low Point and development of Point of No Return.
Act III - Building to a Climax, end of mini-arc 2, Climax and Resolutions.
All this has to be done in less than 2 hours or so. Characters cannot help but be kind of stock except for a few main characters, but really, the only thing that is dynamic are the circumstances surrounding the Big Event to produce the Obstacles that need to be overcome by main characters by the Climax.
Given the rigidity of a movie structure, and the introduction of stock characters and limited movement, limited development, limited story lines, I can't imagine how Coffee Prince: The Movie might be favorably compared to the drama series.
And as unreasonable as it might be to compare a movie to a drama series, that's pretty much the first thing that people are going to think, as they walk out of the theatre. I think this project is setting itself up for a really difficult journey.
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38 Sere
May 1, 2009 at 7:29 AM
Your proposal made me grin! I'd totally squeal myself if Han Kyul comes back from the military on screen. *G*
"How can a 100-120 minute movie, with a fairly rigid framework, replicate that?"
Yes, the drama was awesome and it will be hard for the movie to soar because obviously the tv-adptation of the novel was very popular and we, fans, *loved* it. We grew to love the characters as portrayed by YEH and GY & co, but I wouldn't say the movie is doomed from the start. If the script is good, it might work, no matter who's gonna play Eun Chan and Han Kyul. It might even score with all the people who have yet to watch the drama...and I'm pretty sure this is the target the new PD is going to capture and touch.
Anyway, there are plenty of movies based off a novel that were great hits (and I'm not talking about Korean stuff only) so I don't see why such a movie could tank (the story *is* good and touching, the characters layered and intriguing). As a long-term fan of CP, which is still my fave drama evah, I'll watch the movie for sure and...frankly, I don't know how I'll react to the cast, but that's because *I* got used to YEH & GY and even when I read the novel, I pictured them as YEH and GY, but that's *my* problem.
Of course people are going to compare the drama and the movie, but I suppose the PD knows that already: it'd be foolish to start a project like this without knowing that. Long story short, what I wanted to say is that there're plently of movies based off novels that are good (and this is coming from someone who usually HAS problems with these kinds of movies. I tend to read the novel first and watch the movie later and..well, it is usually hard when what you see onscreen is SO different from your imagination. But that's another problem entirely).
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39 Aye
May 1, 2009 at 8:12 AM
It sounds good! Coffee Prince is one of my favorite dramas. I'd love to see what they'd do to it as a movie.
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40 CyNurse
May 1, 2009 at 8:19 AM
I hope GY and YEH will be the lead stars..wait, when will GY be out from the army?
Ahhh, I so miss Coffee Prince. I guess I'll have to watch the drama again.
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41 pewqtry
May 1, 2009 at 8:21 AM
an Eunchan without YEH?
i cannot imagine.
Coffee Prince without YEH is like coffee without the coffee +.+
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42 Angela
May 1, 2009 at 8:44 AM
And I had no idea Duelist was adapted from Damo. I loved both, but never made such a connection, despite the main actress. Interesting.
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43 Aliii
May 1, 2009 at 9:14 AM
Loved this cast - they HAVE to get them all back together.. well, it would be nice anyway. But Lee Eon not being there will be really sad T.T RIP
Still, Yoon Eun Hye & Gong Yoo have such good chemistry that they just have to do this again. So many good memories with Coffee Prince - ahhh, might go crazy if they do make a movie with everyone again!
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44 Sofia
May 1, 2009 at 9:14 AM
Coffee Prince, for me, is the best drama in the whole world.....any attempt to reproduce it (in this case, a movie) will most likely fall short. Coffee Prince is made up of the actors (GY, YEH & co), the PD, the script, the take one and it won't be the same Coffee Prince....
But still, I'd buy anything Coffee Prince I'd still look forward to this movie...
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45 wonnie
May 1, 2009 at 9:38 AM
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG sorry i couldnt help but to spaz!!! ahhhh!!! i wish it was with the same PD and cast it would be sooooooooo great!!
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46 KOK
May 1, 2009 at 9:38 AM
Bad idea honestly, the whole build up of the drama was what made it fantastic, the development of the relationship between Eun Chan and hankyul, I doubt they can fit it in a 2 hour movie and retain the same quality. Oh and CP had one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a Korean show (tho thats prob because I love acoustic folk music) so Tearliner should be brought back aswell, I hope its good but I can't see anyone pulling off Eun Chan as well as YEH. But I'll be glad if im proved wrong. And I bet you right now that Han Yo Joo and Choi Han Sung will hardly be in it.
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47 christine
May 1, 2009 at 9:46 AM
i have to agree about what most of you said, for me CP's magic came from the perfect cast, very good director and perfect ost. so i think making a movie with a different cast, pd is like ruining a perfectly laid bed.
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48 clauds
May 1, 2009 at 10:17 AM
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49 le
May 1, 2009 at 10:21 AM
the drama's cast joining the movie sounds unlikely, especially since Gong Yoo is in the army & YEH is getting ready for a new drama, i'm sure she wants to move past Go Eun Chan, if only this came right after the drama aired. also it wouldn't be the same without Lee Eon.
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50 Daisy
May 1, 2009 at 10:53 AM
If they won't be using the original cast, why bother with the movie? Why fix it, if it ain't broken?
That's like if Japan made the Hana Yori Dango movies without the same actors as the drama. No, no, no!
Without them (especially YEH & GY), it just won't be Coffee Prince to me anymore. I'll just rewatch the drama.
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